Showing posts with label blogger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogger. Show all posts

Friday, February 3, 2012

Great Expectations are Expected With These Scores

February 3, 2012

Great Expectations

It's a story l came across and decided to share with you all who read it l thought it was rather funny and had something to offer us here at Apsense, but only you can be the judge. I hope you enjoy it, and it made you smile all that matters.

On the first day of school, a teacher was glancing over the roll when she noticed a number after each student name, such as 154, 136 or 142.

"Wow! Look at these IQ's," she said to herself. "What a super class." The teacher promptly determined to work harder with this class than with any other she ever had.

Throughout the year, she came up with innovative lessons that she thought would challenge the students because she didn't want them to get bored with work that was too easy.

Her plan worked! The class outperformed all the other classes that she taught in the usual way.

Then, during the last quarter of the year, she discovered what those numbers after the students name were: their locker numbers.

The lesson here is very simple if you have the attitude from the start you can pretty much accomplish anything you want to settle so never your goals or desire little if you think who you are you will become who you think you are it's all in your mindset. It all started because she thought that they were top achievers, and she didn't want to disappoint them, and she believed and convinced herself that she had to apply extra effort. It is all how you see yourself will determine what you can accomplish in life so never settle for anything less than you deserve.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Monday, January 30, 2012

Jss Trippler and the Ramifications

January 30, 2012

I'm not going to make too many friends with this article though I been thinking about the ramifications of Jss trippler. And then it hit me.

If Jss tripled your investment, then that means somebody in your downline had to pay for that. Maybe you are an excellent marketer, and you are doing quite well with the program. In a triple up the system, there will always be 2/3rd of people who will not make any real money with Trippler. So how does it make you feel knowing that the majority of your downline will not make much money and maybe even lose some money?

It may be legitimate and legal, and you are doing well with Jss Trippler! Who am I to tell you what to market on the internet? I'm not the FDC! I'm just an honest God fearing man with a conscious that wonders about how my actions affect the world.

I don't have everything I want though I have a big vision. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. You know these are tough times for many people! Last night I was walking downtown Miami near the metro rail! I saw the homeless population that has almost tripled in the past couple years.

One man who stuck out from the rest. I felt like I had to talk to him. Turns out this homeless man is smart and he was reading a bunch of books. This guy was one of the casualties of the collapsed housing market. I gave him something for breakfast and come to find out he was a vet. I told myself when I am ready I will come back and help these people rise out of poverty for those that are willing to work for it.

I think the best programs are ones that people can offer real services or products in exchange for a fair amount. Ultimately the best businesses are ones where you work as a team, and everyone is helping each other to succeed. Knowing that if I help you grow I will grow as well.

If I sold something to somebody, I want to be able to talk to them six months from now, and they tell me thanks for helping them. Guess what I made a customer for life if I can accomplish this goal.

If you are doing well with JSS right now I believe you can do well with many different things! Don't put all your eggs in one basket even if you're getting golden eggs right now! Those Golden eggs might be rotten later.

If your Not doing good with Jss be careful not to sell yourself short. There are lots of great opportunities out there! Just step out of the box and think Big. You can find your unique niche. If you can do business on helping other people prosper then, you will grow beyond your wildest dreams.

The new domain I been building this week
It is not for everyone though I am a strong advocate for the environment
So this works for me perfectly Please have a look

This article was written by Ken Miami Water, via APSense Social Media Business Site.

After reading this article l decided to share with my loyal followers of my blog, l feel it is important to share this type of information with all who have and are thinking about joining Jss Trippler Thanks, Joseph Botelho.

JOIN US NOW if you enjoy Marketing, and it's Benefits
All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Food For Thought, If You Think You Can You Will Succeed

January 17, 2012

If you think of yourself as being fat, you will be fat. If you think of yourself as being friendless and of no use to anyone, you can also fulfill those prophecies. The point is that negative imagines are self-destructive and self-fulfilling.

There is no reason for anyone to have a poor self-image on a long term basis, in spite of any excuse that might be offered. The excuse that l heard the most often is that people have been told from early childhood by their parents that they should not strive for individual levels, as they cannot expect ever to be that competent or capable.

It starts at an early age in life, a foundation that can have an ever lasting effect on a child and the sad part is we didn't even know that we had something to do with how that child turns out to be. We are all so busy in life that we need to focus and make time to teach our children positive ways and show them encouragement and let them know that you take an interest in all that they do. Whether it's a test result, a picture they just painted or whatever it might be, show real affection to them, and you will see a big difference in your child.

So the next time you see you child sitting all by him or herself, and you walk up to them and ask what the matter is, and they say nothing. Well, we all have heard that statement, you need to stop all your are doing and found the root of why he or she is feeling that way. In most case it only takes a few minutes of your precious time, but it will be the best few minutes that you invested all day.


"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, either way, your right,"
Henry Ford

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Almost Five Years Have Passed by Here at APSense for Me!

January 8, 2012,

What I mean by that is I been here since September 15, 2007, learned a lot from all our members who originality had a concept and that was to write quality content, why l joined. Just loved the APSense Concept, you wrote an excellent article, you got replies, comments that were at times bigger than the actual article. Wow, I was impressed and hooked!

Why I joined and watched APSense grow, to what it is today, for all the information with credibility just check APSense Ranking according to Alexa’s Rankings. Once you are there, review what Alexa’s says, review trends, what works, back links to APSense, all the information that you need to take you to the top. APSense philosophy has been this since day one.

Got to meet Wincer Song a long time ago, glad I did, and he put up with me, yea he did. I think I may have driven him crazy at times, but he was like me; never satisfied, regardless, deep inside we know why we did it, new concepts and abilities is what APSense has taught me the last five years. Just like going to school!! Glad I only skipped a few classes if I did not say that, then this would not be real.

APSense has a lot to offer all our members at whatever level you decide to use the features at your comfort zone, but you will understand one thing it has a way of getting results. Results are vital for me I need to look at stats, what l like, numbers do not lie, if you know how to read them. Alexa’s is the leader in this industry if you’re not using their services you’re missing out.

The whole reason for me writing this article is to allow all our new members and current members what we have come our way, why l been here as an active participant we are always founding ways to improve our social media business site. Learning how to use APSense effectively will definitively provide you with a solid foundation for 2012, Marketing is where it all starts with.

You will do well, l have and so have many other loyal members, that been here as long or longer then l have all for the same reason. We found success here at APSense, why it works one member at a time.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

How to Create an Effective Targeted Niche Market!

December 21, 2011

How to Create an Effective Targeted Niche Market!

I have been sharing a lot of information lately on this topic, for the simple reason, it will obtain your immediate results with your marketing skills.  The who focused so far has been to being very selective with a profitable product for a very particular market?  To get to this location, you will need to be creative and be able to revise what you have done until it gets you the best results.

The most important factor you need to do is be very selective, creative and research your keywords and key phrase used to gain the most targeted audience you are targeting to sell your product to.

How do we do this? We need to understand how important keywords and key phrase play in getting noticed in cyberspace. I am going to provide you with a tool you more or less already know about.  When this tool is used effectively, it will give you increased odds of you founding your buyers.

You will need to mess around with this tool and get to know all of its outstanding features for it be able to actually displaying your talents worldwide, any location, market, age group, you get the picture.  That is good if you do, this takes effort and time to be able to get this type of attention. Learn this tool inside out, all l can share with you is the most important data you will review, learning how to read all the graphics for all levels of information that you will have to found your market on the internet.

This tool has helped me create the market l have been talking and writing about, sell health ability to allow us to earn an above average income, entirely based on our marketing skills and how we find the buyers.  They want all of us to become successful; do not take my word on all of this.  Just review this company here,

l think you may be overly impressed as l was, and the main reason l joined this company.


All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Another 50 Proverbs to live by

November 30,
51. Anything worth taking seriously is worth making fun of.

52. Anything you lose automatically doubles in value.
53. Are you wearing lipstick? Well, mind if I taste it?
54. Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
55. As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in public schools.
56. The assumption is the mother of all screw-ups.
57. Atheists can do whatever the hell they want.
58. Attitude determines your altitude.
59. Bad command or file name. Bad, bad command! Sit! Stay! Staaaay…
60. Bad spellers of the world untie!
61. Bald guys never have a bad hair day.
62. Batteries not included.
63. Be good – and if you can’t be good, be careful.
64. Be good; if you can’t be good, have fun.
65. Be naughty – save Santa the trip.

NOTE: - Read the rest here the Primus report
If you like my writing I post daily to my blog
All links to follow me on other networks are there as well,
Also complimentary copies of most of the books I write.
And links to Proven Paying Programs, Tools and Advertising sources

This article was written by Udo Hoffmann, who has been a member at "APSense" longer than I have for a few months. His is a brilliant writer who gets his points across, l feel all who review his additional 50 proverbs to live will benefit from Proverbs…hope this article provides you with the wisdom you were looking for.

Written by,

Udo Hoffmann…

My sell health promotions that work and have free trial periods read more if you have an interest!

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Just another article all it is, nothing much

November 23, 2011

Just another article all it is, nothing much!!

What is “APSense” what will it do for you are some of the questions you have to understand, and honestly ask yourself? We are looking for leaders who have creative minds and understand the simple concept “Team Work” as in working as a team. Let’s be honest every “Social Media Business Site” promise features that no other site has! How many features can you produce that is different?

It's not a competitive edge is it, “NO” not at all. What is a competitive advantage is how you “Rank” this is an essential element in cyberspace, you get noticed. Not really a bad thing is it? APSense has this ability to piggyback your articles, marketing skills and making sure you also can be ranked highly if you follow our steps. The cost, knew you're were going to ask that! The cost is your dedication to APSense and making it your site that gets you your desired results. If this appeals to your marketing concept, then we are on the same page.

The reason l titled this article, Just another article all it is, nothing much!! I knew many would never understand the opportunity they have here at “APSense” the bang you get for your efforts and investment, if you decide to take advantage of some of the very smart marketing ways of getting you noticed in front of your niche market, is vital. We have that ability; if you provide the right keywords, key phrases when you submit your articles, ads and all you do here at "APSense. We have designed branding tags that are generic to your market.

If we all had a mutual goal in mind, to understanding that success is not a given unless you win the “Lottery” we know the real meaning that it takes effort, dedication and direction that is obtainable within our abilities. We can only do what we understand and have the potential to create it, and then promote it in a “Professional Manner." The key to taking control of our financial rewards marketing on the internet.

The secret is in the mirror, why do l say this, my dad told me this once. You want to see the problem, go to the bathroom, but l don’t need to go l said. He looked at me and told me you're missing my point; you will see the problem in the mirror. Yep, he was right; it was me and my outlook on life and attitude. Never forgot that day, learned a lot from him.

Learn what we have here and the rest is to person you will see each and every day you see that person in the mirror. Then one day you will see wow, this article helped me see the light. Then you are on your way to success and what it is success means to you. Only you know why you’re doing it. All the matters

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Friday, November 4, 2011

Well November is here and October is done!

November 4, 2011
A new month and new goals for all of us to achieve, we all have ambition and determination to achieve our financial goals in life. I have read many books, but one always stands out for me, written by Napoleon Hill, in his book “Think and Grow Rich” he speaks about the mastermind plan. The mastermind plan is about duplication and getting results done. Having a group of minds developing and sharing concepts, ideas and making them all grow without boundaries.

Without boundaries,
what key phrases to have! The opportunity to achieve what the minds have created and the ability to take action on your new found opportunities. We all have this ability, but to accurately, efficiently and have the determination to achieve your dreams is a step most of us never achieve. Why is that? We all get distracted by our mind, thoughts, personal surroundings, obstacles in your life has an effect on this creative thinking.

Working as a team, creates a very positive atmosphere, motivating one another to achieve the goals that were written to be performed and reap the rewards of success. The internet has become so competitive with so many unrealistically affiliated programs that promise you success without any work involved. No recruiting, no sponsoring, no need to get your family involved, etc., etc. We all have read countless, splash pages, landing pages that lead you to that promised land of milk and honey.

So what is my point for taking the time and writing this article if it has no direction, solution or meaningful information that will enhance your abilities and talents. The point is “Marketing is an Art,” how you rank, promote, showcase your first impression is the most important step you can achieve. Why l created the “APSense Blog TO support WRITERS WITH TALENT,” who share information that would help us all achieve success by helping one another out.

Everyday l read article after article, view sites, blogs, forums and most are just after one thing them self’s why many do not stick to the dream that was written. When you have support from a team of winners, you will always be reminded of how to get where you are going if you get off track. I will promote, your articles as l have always in the past, APSense is now Ranking 3,400, let’s get under 3,000 before Christmas. How do we do this, understanding how rankings are determined by the World Wild Web?

Creating Backlinks, leaving comments on blogs, following other blogs, understanding how the “Bounce Ratio” works within the spiders that crawl your site and provide you with a score. The bounce ratio, good and original content is an important bloodline in your success for page ranking, SERPs, and indexing your articles. I would like to post at least four articles a day on the APSense Blog from different members. Items that our readers, followers will benefit from reading and sharing our knowledge so we all can benefit from our efforts.

Thank you for taking the time in reading this article, if you got this far! Now all you need to do is applying what you learned and found useful from this article. Do your homework, not a get rich piece, just one that will make you a lot of money when you follow these steps.

But l have written many articles on this subject, review what l have writing on this topic, check the groups l created and you will understand one thing. I did it because if you become successful, then l got my prize l helped you become successful.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Saturday, October 15, 2011

How Important are Keywords to Your Site!!

October 15, 2011

How Important are Keywords to Your Site!!

In the beginning "Key Words" where the most important factor on how your website got ranked, among the search engines. The better the keywords you used, the higher the score you got for your sites rankings. However, they’re just one of dozens elements that are taken into consideration.

So what are keywords, what role do they play, on our site, blog or articles we submitted to search engines. Keywords are the words the users types in the search boxes when they are looking for a product, advice or anything that they may be looking for. Simply put, keywords are the words that are used to catalog, index and find your website.

So when you're writing an article on your blog, or website, think about who you want to target, who your audience is going to be, what your niche market is. Keeping them important factors in mind, you will select specific words that will be searchable; within your audience. It's an important step, let's face it; you want readers who have an interest in your article, or whatever it is that you are marketing.

Spend some time, and do some research on your competition, and see how their sites rank, and why it ranks higher than yours. What words have they used, that allow search engines to find their place? Understanding your competition is vital to your success, after all, you're competing with them. Why waste your talents, and never have any unique visitors, visiting your site for lack of preparation.

Here is an important element to always remember, when writing your script, make sure you're using the keywords you will use to become searchable in cyberspace. Becomes a good habit if you always remember to use your keywords in your article, you will get noticed and clicked on.

There are two different types of keywords, branding keywords, and generic keywords. If you're not using the branding keywords, you will surely miss out. These are words that are your business name, description of what your company is all about and, of course, the product or topic your marketing.

Generic keywords are words; that are not branded with your business name, for an example if your website is you would use terms such as knives, fishing rods, guns, lures, tackle boxes, accessories, sleeping bags you get the picture.

These are necessary steps for you to get noticed and clicked on the web if no one chooses words that are relevant to your site then you're missing the boat and wasting your time and talents with your original articles.

I hope we all benefit from the information I have shared I will talk more about the elements that will have a real effect on how your site gets ranked and clicked on.

Here is a simple tool you can use to help you with the selection the words you should use on your website, blog or an article you write.

Google Keyword Suggestion

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Saturday, October 8, 2011

If it's Not a Money Making site, "NO" One reads it, Why?

October 8, 2011

If it's Not a Money Making site, "NO" One reads it, Why?

Been doing some research tonight on what sites get the most attention on the "Social Media Sites"!! I am not at all surprised by what l discovered at all, totally expected it and knew it for a long time. Most members, are to focus on clicking the sites that will actually lead them to the never, never land.

So if l promote useless links from let's say "Click Bank" they have made millions of dollars not knocking them at all, just how many other members are promoting that same product; the same way as all the other affiliated members are doing it. So let's be honest here when you decided to promote that product, your mind said wow, l am going to become rich with this. Forgetting one thing, if you find it, how many others are using it before you find it.

So the point here is if you are up against all the other affiliated members, what competitive edge are you using to make your link different and optimized differently with creative meta tags, keywords and keyword phrases. What makes you stand out. With all due respect, anyone can copy and paste and then click the hit button and send it to cyberspace. But did you get any confirmation in your "INBOX" saying Congratulation you have made a "sale"?

If you do not, believe me, go to your email account and see if you have any....I hope you do, really l do. Not that easy at all, when you have so many people pitching the same items you are. Everything you found on the internet, someone has beaten you to it. How do l know this been doing this since l learned CoBAL, RPG, DOS yes showing my age.

When you fully understand and learn how the search engines crawl your site and perhaps index your site and how it is being ranked by "Alexa's Ranking" then you have a competitive edge. Investing in your abilities, will provide you with an accurate 'ROI" return on your investment.

The internet is the fastest way to make real money and the most frustrating place when your not making money. You say how come l am not getting clicks, how come no one likes my articles, what did l do wrong. Yes, l could go on...but why right you all know the point and the,'WHY FACTOR"....

How to additional back links to your site everyday....So what are you waiting for? Join SocialMonkee now while it's still free!
Join SocialMonkee Now For Free!!

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Mastermind Behind an Empire, Steve Jobs

October 6, 2011

With the sudden loss of the greatest brains in the world of technology and the mastermind behind the success of "Apple Computers". Built an empire from his parents garage, borrowed the "Apple Label" from the Beatles' record label, in exchange he would not market music on the internet.

Create the first personal computer Apple II, added color to his products, free marketing genies when it came to promoting Apple Computers. He developed Pixar, creator of "Toy Story" and sold it to Walt Disney when he was fired by his company Apple Computers.

He focus and ability to understand what his audience wanted and desire, he would develop the products that sold them self to the public. Iphones, Ipads just to name a couple of them, his vision was extraordinary to see the product even before it was developed.  Creates an entire market that he had all of his own, and took months, years for his competition to catch up even understand what he was doing.

He lost his life to cancer at the age of 56; the world will actually miss Steve Jobs Vision and creative abilities. I will leave you with his favorite quote that he would say each and every day.

"Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me … Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful that's what is important to me."

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

How do you define the word "LUCK"

October 6, 2011

This word is a word that is overused in many fields of life, we have all used it in one way or another. We all wish we had a little more luck in our daily lives. Some of the terms how this word is used.

He has so much luck in life.

Only if l had some luck l too could be like him.

Why can't l have in luck in my life?

We could go on and on and never really understand what it means or how it is defined. Luck to me is defined this way, and l will explain why.





Good Luck to all who read this and you apply the above to make yourself luckier in life; only you are in control of your life.


So when you bring this all own together and apply the meaning of each letter you get the correct definition of the word "LUCK".

So when you use the labor involved and obtain the correct knowledge; then you will see your LUCK increase all of a sudden. There is no such thing as luck you can control and create your luck at work, in business by having the correct knowledge to obtain the success that you deserve....................Except if your buying lottery tickets, then it's a whole new word to me also.............If someone founds the definition of that sort of LUCK, please share it with all of us.

I hope you can all apply a little luck to your day and your life just remember the definition of luck and use it to your advantage, and your luck will change cause you're in control of it.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Food For Thought, If you think you can.

October 4, 2011

If you think of yourself as being fat, you will be fat. If you think of yourself as being friendless and of no use to anyone, you can also fulfill those prophecies. The point is that negative imagines are self-destructive and self-fulfilling.

There is no reason for anyone to have a poor self-image on a long term basis, in spite of any excuse that might be offered. The excuse that l heard the most often is that people have been told from early childhood by their parents that they should not strive for individual levels, as they cannot expect ever to be that competent or capable.

It starts at an early age in life, a foundation that can have an everlasting effect on a child and the sad part is we didn't even know that we had something to do with how that child turns out to be. We are all so busy in life that we need to focus and make time to teach our children positive ways and show them encouragement and let them know that you take an interest in all that they do. Whether it's a test result, a picture they just painted or whatever it might be, show real affection to them, and you will see a big difference in your child.

So the next time you see you child sitting all by him or herself, and you walk up to them and ask what the matter is, and they say nothing. Well, we all have heard that statement, you need to stop all your are doing and found the root of why he or she is feeling that way. In most case it only takes a few minutes of your valuable time, but it will be the best few minutes that you invested all day.


"Whether you think you can or you can't, you're probably right," Henry Ford

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Monday, June 27, 2011

APSense Administration Team Announcement

June 27, 2011
As I’m sure, you all noticed the changes with the upgrade. As APSense grows into a more professional site, other changes are also being made including putting in place an official APSense Administration/Support team. There will be Admins, Moderators, and Advisers. Please check the APSense Wiki to find out what each does.


You can find a List of Moderators on the Wiki. Moderators are in charge of different add-ons and Niche Communities. You can find out who is responsible for each area on the Wiki.


You can find the Adviser responsibilities in the Wiki also. We will be building a team of Advisers to help members. As counselors are added to the team, you will be able to find their information also.


A new addition to the team is admins. Admins will work directly with Wincer and will have admin powers for the site to remove spam and abuse, and scammer profiles. Please check the Wiki to see what the Admin responsibilities s are. It is the function of the Admins to keep APSense clean and to run smoothly to free Wincer’s time to work on updates and improvements to the site.

Admins will also verify and delete abusive spam posts. Posts will only be removed if the post falls into the accepted categories listed in the radio buttons.

The official APSense admins are:

Bill Brown( Bjantiques)-Bill
has been a member of the APSense team since the beginning and has invested many hours in helping APSense members.

Cheryl Baumgartner (pplcheryl63)-Cheryl has been a member since 2007 and has been a member of the APSense team since the launch of APSense 2.0

Paula Van Dun-Paula
has been a member since 2010 and has shown herself to be proactive in assisting members since she joined.

If you have questions about the upgrade, please contact one of the Admins. Once we get advisers in place, you will be able to communicate with them also. The goal is to build APSense into a professional, trustworthy network and that effort is being rewarded in our lower Alexa rankings.

Official Site Announcements

It is important as we move forward after the upgrade that members, know where to find official site information. Any member may post articles, but these are not in any way official or endorsed by Wincer.

The only official site announcements come from the site admins. Also authorized to make official statements are Joseph Botelho and, of course, Wincer Song as the owner.

Written By Cheryl Baumgartner

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Sunday, June 19, 2011

A New Look For APSense is around the corner

June 19, 2011
Wincer and "The APSense Team" have been working behind the scene on improvements, which will allow us to have more flexibility and additional exposure for all the members to improve their marketing skills.

I had a glimpse of what it will look like a few weeks ago and today seen the almost finished product. Wincer is and has always had one goal in mind, to be one of the most successful "Business Social Media Sites". His determination is absolutely nothing like I have seen, he puts his money in his talents and provides above average results.

We as members of APSense have a lot to look forward to in the upcoming weeks several improvements his team has made will change the look of APSense and its reputation on the web.

Why would he do this, when APSense is already a winner among all social media sites, he just likes to keep it attractive to all of our members. APSense is his life, his dream and most of all you will not found a more hands-on owner then Wincer Song.

More Updates are coming Your Way shortly.

When you also belong to this site and combined
the power of viral marketing you are on your way!!
All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Friday, May 13, 2011

Getting Started with Video Marketing

May 13, 2011

Video Marketing is increasing at a very high rate. Just in May of 2010 Youtube exceeds over 2 billion viewers a day. Even though it is a new social media platform, it can still be used to market yourself, and it's FREE.

Okay, not 100% free because you still have to buy the equipment to make the video based on the type of video you are going to make. If it is just an introduction video with you talking, then you'll need a video camera or webcam. I would go with a webcam because they're cheaper but the quality is not all that great. If you're going to show others how to do something like and instructional video, then you don't need a video camera or a webcam. Online Instructional videos can be done using free desktop recording software like CamStudio. Camstudio is an excellent way to get started if you don't have a video camera of the webcam.

Once you have the tools to make your video, then start recording. When you're done, use Windows Movie Maker to do your editing. Windows Movie Maker is a free software that comes with most Windows computers now. It is an excellent way to add some animated effects to the video to be more attractive.

The next thing to do is upload the video to Youtube this is where you will add some annotation to the tape so the information will stay in front of your viewers. I have added an example of mine at CHECK THIS OUT

If you are marketing Click-bank ad, you can add an annotation to your video directing your viewers to check out a site, product or service. This type of marketing is not spamming and is easy to do, plus if you're showing a video, you don't have to feel like you're spamming people. What I also do is offer other video makers to add the annotation to their videos and provide a percentage of the sale. I have been very successful with this.

Don't feel like you need to go out and get yourself an expensive video camera just to start creating the video. There are other ways to get started that are less costly and will save you time and money.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Monday, April 25, 2011

Do you believe lazy marketers can be educated

April 25, 2011

Very well written article by one of the senior writers at APSense, take the time to review and leave a comment for feedback on this article written by Philippe Moisan

First, let me define what I mean by a lazy marketer. It's a person who will in do one or many of the following things:

1. Send a link to you in a PM right after accepting your contact request
2. Send a contact request to you, and then send a link in a PM right after you received
3. Post a link as a comment in your article
4. Post 2-word comments like "great info", "good article", "nice site"
5. Copy and paste parts of the content of your article as a comment
6. Puts truckloads of links in profile, no personal info at all
7. "I will add bio later."
8. Writes very short articles
9. Puts only a banner as the article content
10. Copies an article from another source and doesn't reveal he/she is not the original author
11. Repeats in the "write review" section of a RevPage what was written in the "About" section
12. Joins "add a comment" campaigns writing the same comment in every campaign, what I call a pass-through comment
13. Writes a testimonial to a member but doesn't mention anything specific about the member, or worse, advertises something
14. Jumps from one program to another instead of working the programs he/she is part of
15. Puts a link into the status
16. Creates a group but doesn't post subjects
17. Will put only minimal info in his/her APSense Business Center ( ABC )

I'm sure I could find other things to add to the list. I expect people were reading the article will make suggestions. They are welcome to do so. I will top your comments.

Now, some people believe that marketers that practice these ways of "building" a business can't or won't change.

I believe otherwise. Of course, I don't expect to be able to make every lazy marketer change habits. But if I'm successful at educating just a few, well, to me, it's worth the effort.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I see less lazy marketing at APSense nowadays. I'm not saying there is none at all. But it mostly comes from new members who:

* Think they can get away with it
* Are not well informed as to the proper ways of doing business
* Are in a hurry to have other members join their programs

Do you take the time to say politely to someone sending you a link in a PM that you don't accept unsolicited links? I've done that many times. I've rarely been blocked afterwords. Those that are upset, I guess it would have been a waste of time to try to build a relationship with that person in the first place.

Are you afraid to use the "report abuse" link? Don't be. Nothing bad will happen to you. Back in the last months of 2010, not only did I use the link repeatedly, but Dawie and I used to go spam hunting. We found some wicked fun in doing so. Any member who had abused an article soon became known as a nonserious marketer.

When I see a link to the status, I click the "Add comment" in the News Feed and suggest to the member that it might be better to post something else to get better attention from important members.

Don't put truckloads of links in your profile. I believe most members will just pass by, cause they'll see you as someone who is int interested in building relationships. Realize we are all marketers at APSense. There are tens of thousands of us, with more than 150 new members every day.

The ABC is an awesome resource for someone not having his/her website. Learn to use it. Look at what other members have done, be inspired by their efforts.

Please don't use testimonials as a spam tool. It can be so much valuable. You'll see, after some time, when many people get to know and appreciate you, you'll get testimonials, and you'll understand the value.

Writing 2-word comments is useless. Please, just top the article. Seeing a ton of "good article" in comments is not something a serious marketer looks forward to. We want to know something about you, or if you share additional information, people will look forward to your articles.

Writing very short articles doesn't look very professional. There are exceptions, like when we just put an Easter Bunny, that's enjoyable. :)

Written By

Philippe Moisan

Building an online business is not a hobby. It's something that can have significant ramifications in your life if you treat it as such. In the long run, that's what you will see.

In conclusion, yes, I do believe lazy marketers can be educated.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Network Champs, Let's Get started

April 20, 2011

Network Champs was developed by Lonnie Niver, Gilberto Cintron and myself (Joseph F. Botelho) today as part of "Building an Empire" that will provide us the ability to grow as a "Team" on Facebook with endless backlinks.

Network Champs, has only one concept in mind, and that is to make you as successful as you are willing to be. This program will only work if we all understand how Network Champs works, very simple. The concept we have developed is all about duplicating each others efforts, the more we get involved, the more powerful this system becomes. You will become part of this Team, see there is no one in the word Team; you will have the support leadership and step by step proven formula for success.

It's hard work, commitment, not a get rich scheme just a useful vehicle for getting us to understanding what Living The Dream is all about. Gilberto and Lonnie, l trust their abilities 100 percent, when we decided to do this, we had a reason and a solid game plan. As we grow and spread the knowledge of this groups concept, you will understand one thing!

"You Will Be Glad to be Part of this Group."

More information to enhance our direction coming your way. We will keep you informed and provide our group with instructions for all of us to become the best we all can be.


All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Saturday, March 26, 2011

To All Members, of this ever growing group!!

March 26, 2011

To All Members, of this ever growing group!!

Been awhile since l have written anything here or anywhere else, just needed some time to me, but really proud of how this group is understanding the true meaning of actually helping one another become the best they can be.

Read all the new articles posted within our group l actually modified all of them just cause it is the way we get attention by helping one another is what we do as a team. I have been away but now l am back so let's take it to the next level.. We do have the ability, but do we have the desire to be able to make it the reality.

I will keep this very short, "YEP" hard for me to do this...big time... l know "ME"..."Re-Read", what l have written, Review what l did.... Or l could make it easy.. Provide you the links.........

ONE EXAMPLE THE PASTER'S DEN You will enjoy this article, what l enjoy doing featuring ...well-written articles of new members at APSense by David Turnipseed

Yes l revised it,"BUT", l did it for a reason...........we improved iT and got MORE hits, attention and most of all got "READ"....what l do......YOU are need more information then follow me and what l do....yea have an idea of how marketing works also..just A CONCEPT...CALLED VIRAL....

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Expert of the Year-Wincer Song

December 11, 2010

Expert of the Year-Wincer Song

When I first conceived the idea of having an Expert of the Week for the Business Roundtable group, it was because I was running into several APSense members that were knowledgeable and most of all helpful. These were people who went out of their way to help other members and I wanted them to get the recognition that they deserved. So I created that "honor" to see that they did get that recognition

When I decided to bring it back last month I reevaluated the criteria. I wanted to make sure that those chosen were the elite quality members of the site. I evaluate candidates in several areas and I have high standards. I want to know that they are serious. Complete profiles including a photo are a must. They must be active on the site making quality contributions, and they must be generous individuals giving back to this community.

However as 2010 draws to a close, I"m switching things up a bit. I"m announcing an Expert of the year and that person will be the featured member of this group for the rest of the year. This person has worked tirelessly this past year on making APSense better, improving it for all of us.

That Expert is APSense co-founder and programmer, Wincer Song. Wincer has worked hard this past year for the benefit of APSense. Belief me, I know how hard he has been working. We all do. Just look at all the new tools and add-on's he has given us over this past year.

He is very hands-on with the site; reading and topping member blogs, running campaigns to promote members content and getting the members involved through various campaigns to create promotional materials for the site. He is always looking for ways to make the site better for all of us.

I also know Wincer as a person. He's a very approachable guy with a sense of humor. He makes himself available to the members. He is not the typical unknown behind the scenes guy writing code that no one knows or sees. He is "one of us" not a faceless unknown. I have been on APSense a long time and Wincer has always made it a point to be involved with the members.

I can't think of a better way to close out the year than to thank Wincer for all his hard work by naming him the Expert of the Year. Some members even added a few words:

(Note member comments have been edited for space)

Philippe Moisan
- Anyone who starts talking to Wincer discovers he's truly a unique individual. He's a genius, of that, there is no doubt, everyone can see it, with all the changes at APSense, it happens so fast.

Paula van Dun Wincer is one of the most driven and hard working persons I know and very inventive in making APSense the best it can be. What I like most about Wincer is that he is so friendly and approachable.

Dawie Bezuidenhout
- The 'Perfect Entrepreneur', this is a term that not many people would ever achieve. Wincer Song is 'The Perfect Entrepreneur', this description fits him like a glove, and he displays to us daily, through his hard work, determination and his quest to create the best business network on the internet, that he is a leader in his field.

Joseph F. BotelhoI has also been a member since the early days of APSense, have watched Wincer lead APSense to where it is today. One of the best Business Social Sites you as a member can ever work with. Wincer has never settled for second, his vision, dream of where and what APSense will become in the future is a vision he has had since day one.

Once again to our Leader Founder of APSense Congratulation from all of us here at APSense. You are the Expert of The Year without a doubt from anyone...

Written By
Cheryl Baumgartner
a dear friend of Mine!
All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Welcome To One Gram at a Time

Thank you for taking the time to understanding the "One Gram at a Time Page," it has other meanings, other then the...

Posted by One Gram at a Time on Thursday, February 4, 2016

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