Showing posts with label creative thinking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creative thinking. Show all posts

Friday, February 10, 2012

"How to Control Your Negative Emotions Earn Respect"

February 10, 2012

Have not written an article here at APSense for awhile, been busy here watching all our new members making a real effort on learning what APSense has to offer. Understanding this concept will enhance your overall performance here or at any other "Social Business Media site."

We all know and understand that negative emotions will prevent you from communicating at a level that is positive. We all should have learned from teenagers caught up in the throes of puberty, rather shocking and scary at times but very real. They become heartbroken; they stop thinking and withholding their thoughts from you. There is a difference here; the teenager has what they call a hormone imbalance to blame. We as the adult have one thing to think about, what is our excuse?

We as adults have no excuses at all; we are all capable of success it is there for all of us to seek it and have that burning desire to understanding the "ART" of controlling your negative emotions. The keys phrases to fully understanding this concept is know the following areas where we all can control. Learning not to be afraid is a vital step, learn to take risks in whatever you do, experiment it like a scientist until it works.

Now we as humans have one very server problem will all naturally have negative emotions that can control our abilities to think clearly. Hate to say this but l also have them, you can learn how to identify these negative emotions, control them and thoroughly revise them into positive opportunities, as try each and every day. It is just another obstacle in your daily routine, so turn it into a positive situation.

We all need to understand this very vital step, once we have mastered this concept, it will enable us, to become leaders, not followers. Why would follow, when you can lead!! APSense is a very creative marketing "Social Business Media Site," we provide all the resources, tools for your marketing success. When you generate positive energy into your success, how can you fail.....learning this formula that is true; a winner.

Will provide you with the energy, that you will need to be a leader with online marketing, this is hard work, why most fail at it. They take it too lightly, and never learn how the features work, so how can you benefit from it. Positive energy, good work ethics, setting time to focus on your goals will provide you with positive results and overall success.

APSense will have an entirely different look, l know one thing, we took a long time to make finally it happen for one simple reason we have the reason for making revisions. We just do not do them. When we do it, all members benefit if they learn how the system will help their efforts.

My final point to all who reads this; is do you have the right stuff, l think we all have that ability, only one small but a enormous problem. How many does it, understand it and realize the full potential of why we did it? Yes tough question, but the only person that can answer this, would be "YOU".

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Thursday, February 9, 2012

How to effectively Use Personalized Postcards

February 10, 2012

A very powerful tool, in your business marketing approach of maintaining customers for life. One of the most difficult tasks to handle, why because it takes great discipline here to accomplish this next step. The reason l say it's hard, is because you have just left to go on vacation with your family, wife, girlfriend or whoever you left with. Not imperative who you're with, What is important is the steps you will need to make this vacation into a real working vacation.

It doesn't matter what type of business you're involved with. What is important is the ability to build client loyalty is no easy feat. You need to be able to romance your customer for as long as he or she is your client. A very complicated and long process before she or he buys from you, it may take up to five years or more, depending on what you're selling. We all know about sending out little "reminder" postcard to remind the client that it is time to do business with you again. Nothing new about this process, would you not agree. Those techniques will stimulate some interest and perhaps turn into new found business.

Now let's take the topic of Personalized Postcards to the next level. When you leave for a vacation, in additional to all of your luggage bring your list of clients with you and a big stack of postcards. Well, you're on the plane ride to your vacation destination, instead of catching some sleep or reading a magazine. Start addressing your letters to your clients and write a brief personal message on the back of each postcard.

The Postcard may say something as simple as.

Hi Mr. Client,

I was here sunbathing on the beach in Cuba and l was just thinking about you. When l get back, I'll have a present for you.


Your name

You can fill each and every postcard the same simple way, the moment you land all you need to do is buy local stamps and send the postcards off and enjoy the rest of your holiday.

What's the present? The present is something simple, an inexpensive little gift that you will have to buy for all of your clients you sent a postcard to. When you give your client the gift, it will strengthen your relationship with one another, and also provide you a reason to drop by and see if they want to do some business. Its pretty slick and it works.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Friday, February 3, 2012

Great Expectations are Expected With These Scores

February 3, 2012

Great Expectations

It's a story l came across and decided to share with you all who read it l thought it was rather funny and had something to offer us here at Apsense, but only you can be the judge. I hope you enjoy it, and it made you smile all that matters.

On the first day of school, a teacher was glancing over the roll when she noticed a number after each student name, such as 154, 136 or 142.

"Wow! Look at these IQ's," she said to herself. "What a super class." The teacher promptly determined to work harder with this class than with any other she ever had.

Throughout the year, she came up with innovative lessons that she thought would challenge the students because she didn't want them to get bored with work that was too easy.

Her plan worked! The class outperformed all the other classes that she taught in the usual way.

Then, during the last quarter of the year, she discovered what those numbers after the students name were: their locker numbers.

The lesson here is very simple if you have the attitude from the start you can pretty much accomplish anything you want to settle so never your goals or desire little if you think who you are you will become who you think you are it's all in your mindset. It all started because she thought that they were top achievers, and she didn't want to disappoint them, and she believed and convinced herself that she had to apply extra effort. It is all how you see yourself will determine what you can accomplish in life so never settle for anything less than you deserve.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Monday, April 25, 2011

Do you believe lazy marketers can be educated

April 25, 2011

Very well written article by one of the senior writers at APSense, take the time to review and leave a comment for feedback on this article written by Philippe Moisan

First, let me define what I mean by a lazy marketer. It's a person who will in do one or many of the following things:

1. Send a link to you in a PM right after accepting your contact request
2. Send a contact request to you, and then send a link in a PM right after you received
3. Post a link as a comment in your article
4. Post 2-word comments like "great info", "good article", "nice site"
5. Copy and paste parts of the content of your article as a comment
6. Puts truckloads of links in profile, no personal info at all
7. "I will add bio later."
8. Writes very short articles
9. Puts only a banner as the article content
10. Copies an article from another source and doesn't reveal he/she is not the original author
11. Repeats in the "write review" section of a RevPage what was written in the "About" section
12. Joins "add a comment" campaigns writing the same comment in every campaign, what I call a pass-through comment
13. Writes a testimonial to a member but doesn't mention anything specific about the member, or worse, advertises something
14. Jumps from one program to another instead of working the programs he/she is part of
15. Puts a link into the status
16. Creates a group but doesn't post subjects
17. Will put only minimal info in his/her APSense Business Center ( ABC )

I'm sure I could find other things to add to the list. I expect people were reading the article will make suggestions. They are welcome to do so. I will top your comments.

Now, some people believe that marketers that practice these ways of "building" a business can't or won't change.

I believe otherwise. Of course, I don't expect to be able to make every lazy marketer change habits. But if I'm successful at educating just a few, well, to me, it's worth the effort.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I see less lazy marketing at APSense nowadays. I'm not saying there is none at all. But it mostly comes from new members who:

* Think they can get away with it
* Are not well informed as to the proper ways of doing business
* Are in a hurry to have other members join their programs

Do you take the time to say politely to someone sending you a link in a PM that you don't accept unsolicited links? I've done that many times. I've rarely been blocked afterwords. Those that are upset, I guess it would have been a waste of time to try to build a relationship with that person in the first place.

Are you afraid to use the "report abuse" link? Don't be. Nothing bad will happen to you. Back in the last months of 2010, not only did I use the link repeatedly, but Dawie and I used to go spam hunting. We found some wicked fun in doing so. Any member who had abused an article soon became known as a nonserious marketer.

When I see a link to the status, I click the "Add comment" in the News Feed and suggest to the member that it might be better to post something else to get better attention from important members.

Don't put truckloads of links in your profile. I believe most members will just pass by, cause they'll see you as someone who is int interested in building relationships. Realize we are all marketers at APSense. There are tens of thousands of us, with more than 150 new members every day.

The ABC is an awesome resource for someone not having his/her website. Learn to use it. Look at what other members have done, be inspired by their efforts.

Please don't use testimonials as a spam tool. It can be so much valuable. You'll see, after some time, when many people get to know and appreciate you, you'll get testimonials, and you'll understand the value.

Writing 2-word comments is useless. Please, just top the article. Seeing a ton of "good article" in comments is not something a serious marketer looks forward to. We want to know something about you, or if you share additional information, people will look forward to your articles.

Writing very short articles doesn't look very professional. There are exceptions, like when we just put an Easter Bunny, that's enjoyable. :)

Written By

Philippe Moisan

Building an online business is not a hobby. It's something that can have significant ramifications in your life if you treat it as such. In the long run, that's what you will see.

In conclusion, yes, I do believe lazy marketers can be educated.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Friday, April 22, 2011

Why is a Testimonial important, at APSense or is It?

April 22, 2010

I been here at APSense for a long time, have to watch much come and go, it happens part of the process. Iit's like the song "Still Have Not Found What I am Looking For" but every so often you do encounter a member who has talent, desire and most of all the ability to just do it.

I being am honest l was very impress with her on her first day, l did guide her in the correct direction and what she asked at the tim. Wow she had it all figured out how can you not be impressed by someone who just listened to you... If you take some time and review this member, her name is Belinha Fernandes. I decided to write her a testimonial, on her first day, never did that before to anyone here just fact.

When she read that testimony, she was having an off day, and when she read it, it inspired her to get herself motivated and work at what she loves doing. Positive feedback is something you have to earn, with respect and most of the lead like a leader.

When you take the time to appreciate what we all have here, we understand the ability to share and make each us as successful as we possibly can. You can not buy a testimonial here if you; do it has "NO VALUE".

So when you looking other members profiles scrawl down and review and read the section of Testimonials, see how many they have what it say's you know the good ones from the bad ones but each one had a meaning.

I am also going to post this to the APSene Blog, providing Belindha Fernandes a larger audience of networkers who understanding Marketing at this level.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Sunday, April 17, 2011

From Setbacks to Getting Back Your Life!

April 16, 2011

From Setbacks to Getting Back Your Life!

There is never a better time in your life to set a new standard of goals when you have had; a real bad setback in your life. This is when it will count the most, you need new directions for you to reach out and get your life back. It happened to me back in 2004, l took a very large hit, but l listen to my dad who told the answer was in the mirror. God bless him, he was so correct, my attitude was not functional for what l just went through.

The hardest thing for any of us to admit is that we failed. and it was not my fault and make up the obstacles that will hold you back from obtaining the success; and your life back. You need to find and develop a new positive attitude for you to reach your new spiritual and financial goals.

The question here is how do "YOU" perform this transition? What l have heard and still hear is many of us have a hard time accepting setbacks in life. The key factors you need to fully grasp and understand is you need to let go of things that have happened to you and please forget about putting a whole new set of objectives in front of ourselves.

The main reasons are that our self-esteem has been shattered and have very little desire or motivation that it will take you to accomplish these new goals and find the success we all dream about. Just remember these words on this topic.

Show me a person male or female who's never made a mistake, and l will tell you one thing they have never done a thing in their life's this is a fact.

A mistake in life is part of reminding us that we are only humans and should encourage us to step out on a limb, and try something different.

Apply this newly founded attitude as an opportunity to sharpen your knife, and become more creative in your life!!

When you watch this man overcoming the most tragical consequence that one had to deal with as a child, then as an adult you will understand and found the courage to fight back and get your life to where it use to be.

Are you this person
All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Welcome To One Gram at a Time

Thank you for taking the time to understanding the "One Gram at a Time Page," it has other meanings, other then the...

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