Showing posts with label networking champs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label networking champs. Show all posts

Monday, October 24, 2011

Welcome Back Wincer, You’re a Married Man.

October 25, 2011

Welcome Back Wincer, you’re a married man.

Yea life is getting better for you as your career has been; now you have the most important ingredient in your life for success. The woman you love made a commitment to will make you jubilant and fruitful. Your life has more meaning than it did a few weeks ago; you have found your partner for life.

We have worked hard on many projects all for the better, as we have in the past, always looking for the right formula for success. The formula is the ability never to be satisfied with what you have, always something we can improve, implement or revise, so we all can benefit. Has been the “APSense Formula” regardless how good we look and operate we just have not arrived at our desired level of “Marketing.”

We talked about some new changes coming to “APSense”.  They will be presented shortly to all the members and new members to benefit. The “APSense Rewards” the revision that is being considerate will be tested and fully approved by the APSense Team Marketing Department, IP department, and all members who have contributed to these upcoming implementations. The team has come up with some ingenious idea’s that l endorse, wholeheartedly supports them, why l see the total benefit, we will all enjoy.

I honestly believe you will also see the benefits from the new revisions and it provides us to become more “Professional Marketers” here, along with all the other sites you currently work with. The key is you will have some of the most creative “Marketing Tools” to share, promote and most of all make you a “Leader in YOUR Field”.  It's not a pipe dream; it will require work on your part also.

Let’s review our current “Rankings with Alexa”, review our stats, keywords, traffic audience, and performance tables will provide you with a very educated outline of our future.  I will leave you with this and Wincer will take over from here.

Wincer Song Founder of APSense
Social Medial Sit

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Friday, October 14, 2011

How Alexa Ratings Benefit Your Home Business

October 14, 2011

There are a lot of great tools for the home business owner, such as social media, marketing, Google Webmasters, Wonder Wheel, Analytics, and so many more. But the tool that I want to talk about today is Alexa and the benefits of having a high Alexa rating. Some of those benefits include bringing traffic to your site, bringing you targeted leads, gaining instant credibility and offering you even more earning opportunities.

Alexa Helps Your Credibility

Your Alexa rating shows that you are working every day at your business. It indicates that you don’t treat your business as a hobby; you treat it as your own business with the professionalism that it deserves. How it does this is because, even without your Alexa rating or even Google rating, you are driving traffic to your site just by adding new information consistently. If you are offering respected information that is of value to others they are staying on your site to read it and to look for more details. Alexa sees that and uses it to rate your site. It can tell if you have a poorly kept site that offers little to now value. SO the higher your Alexa rates in respect to your keywords, the better and more valuable Alexa sees your site. Knowing that, it is clear to see why a higher rating in Alexa automatically gives you instant credibility.

Alexa Helps Your Site’s Traffic

A higher Alexa rating helps bring in more traffic to your site because it shows to others that:

1. You are consistently adding new information.

2. You are offering valuable content that people tend actually to stay on your page and read.

3. You value the time that you put into your site.

There are some other reasons that Alexa can bring you more traffic, but these three are the key ones.

By the way, if you are not doing the three things, consistently adding new information, offering valuable content, or value the time that you put into your site, it will show in your ratings.

Alexa Helps You Get Targeted Leads

Chances are if you get a lead from your site, that person already knows quite a bit about your business style, your credibility and already has a sense of trust towards you. They also are already interesting in working with you because they feel that you have the qualities of a leader that they are looking for.

You really can’t get more laser-targeted than that! How your Alexa rating helps you get these leads or prospects is simply by getting that extra flow of traffic to your site of people who, before even visiting your page, have value to offer to them.

Alexa Helps bring you More Earning Opportunities

There are going to be a lot of people looking for your site because of your high rating on Alexa, but it is not only going to be prospects or people interested in your business. Other individuals who use Alexa for their activities are marketers looking for good websites to place their advertisements on. There is a good chance that you will have offers from people or companies, with a product or service that relates to your business, asking you to allow them to pay you to place an advertisement on your site. It also opens the door to other opportunities such as joint ventures.

No matter what your home business or even your product is having striving to achieve a higher rating on Alexa could mean a world of difference to your company. It really can be an excellent source to focus on to help you build your business consistently and successfully.

Are you ready to play to win and join the ranks of the 3% having real network marketing success? Learn more about our opportunity and how to start working with us.

Like this post? Please do me a quick favor and share with others and comment below.

If I can help you to market online in any way, just let me know!

To Your Massive Success,

Article was written by Mick Hastings

Home Business Professional

Nutritional Specialist

Licensed Christian Counselor
All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Saturday, October 8, 2011

If it's Not a Money Making site, "NO" One reads it, Why?

October 8, 2011

If it's Not a Money Making site, "NO" One reads it, Why?

Been doing some research tonight on what sites get the most attention on the "Social Media Sites"!! I am not at all surprised by what l discovered at all, totally expected it and knew it for a long time. Most members, are to focus on clicking the sites that will actually lead them to the never, never land.

So if l promote useless links from let's say "Click Bank" they have made millions of dollars not knocking them at all, just how many other members are promoting that same product; the same way as all the other affiliated members are doing it. So let's be honest here when you decided to promote that product, your mind said wow, l am going to become rich with this. Forgetting one thing, if you find it, how many others are using it before you find it.

So the point here is if you are up against all the other affiliated members, what competitive edge are you using to make your link different and optimized differently with creative meta tags, keywords and keyword phrases. What makes you stand out. With all due respect, anyone can copy and paste and then click the hit button and send it to cyberspace. But did you get any confirmation in your "INBOX" saying Congratulation you have made a "sale"?

If you do not, believe me, go to your email account and see if you have any....I hope you do, really l do. Not that easy at all, when you have so many people pitching the same items you are. Everything you found on the internet, someone has beaten you to it. How do l know this been doing this since l learned CoBAL, RPG, DOS yes showing my age.

When you fully understand and learn how the search engines crawl your site and perhaps index your site and how it is being ranked by "Alexa's Ranking" then you have a competitive edge. Investing in your abilities, will provide you with an accurate 'ROI" return on your investment.

The internet is the fastest way to make real money and the most frustrating place when your not making money. You say how come l am not getting clicks, how come no one likes my articles, what did l do wrong. Yes, l could go on...but why right you all know the point and the,'WHY FACTOR"....

How to additional back links to your site everyday....So what are you waiting for? Join SocialMonkee now while it's still free!
Join SocialMonkee Now For Free!!

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

RevPages Have Many Abilities for Successful Promoting

June 29, 2011

When l created my first RevPages it was for one simple reason, see what it was all about and how useful it could benefit us all. I took my time reviewed all the features, learned them all, then decided to create a page we can study and learn from it. The point l am trying to make here is not to look at the product, but review the quality I laid out.

If you ask yourself what do I promote and what do I enjoy, then it will become natural, to produce what I did, passion, honesty and most of all just be yourself. The key here is to have everything work and lead all your readers to where you want to go like l do with all my links that clickable, point vital clickable.

Then what l did with that RevPages was added to all my other blogs, websites, and Twitter for fun see how it all played out. The results were good, but l was looking for was feedback on the page, not the Dodge Truck. Not many members got it. Instead, some decide to leave URL, others left comments towards the truck, others just dumb miss spelled words.

The key here is back links when you use it correctly with the RevPage, what l did with mine was provide you ideas on what you can create, stop looking at the truck play with the information, the links, etc., etc. get good at it then rewards come to you.

So go back have a look and learn from what you have at your finger tips, use it to it's fullest power, make it work and spread it.

The difference between dumb spamming and creative marketing.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Monday, June 27, 2011

APSense Administration Team Announcement

June 27, 2011
As I’m sure, you all noticed the changes with the upgrade. As APSense grows into a more professional site, other changes are also being made including putting in place an official APSense Administration/Support team. There will be Admins, Moderators, and Advisers. Please check the APSense Wiki to find out what each does.


You can find a List of Moderators on the Wiki. Moderators are in charge of different add-ons and Niche Communities. You can find out who is responsible for each area on the Wiki.


You can find the Adviser responsibilities in the Wiki also. We will be building a team of Advisers to help members. As counselors are added to the team, you will be able to find their information also.


A new addition to the team is admins. Admins will work directly with Wincer and will have admin powers for the site to remove spam and abuse, and scammer profiles. Please check the Wiki to see what the Admin responsibilities s are. It is the function of the Admins to keep APSense clean and to run smoothly to free Wincer’s time to work on updates and improvements to the site.

Admins will also verify and delete abusive spam posts. Posts will only be removed if the post falls into the accepted categories listed in the radio buttons.

The official APSense admins are:

Bill Brown( Bjantiques)-Bill
has been a member of the APSense team since the beginning and has invested many hours in helping APSense members.

Cheryl Baumgartner (pplcheryl63)-Cheryl has been a member since 2007 and has been a member of the APSense team since the launch of APSense 2.0

Paula Van Dun-Paula
has been a member since 2010 and has shown herself to be proactive in assisting members since she joined.

If you have questions about the upgrade, please contact one of the Admins. Once we get advisers in place, you will be able to communicate with them also. The goal is to build APSense into a professional, trustworthy network and that effort is being rewarded in our lower Alexa rankings.

Official Site Announcements

It is important as we move forward after the upgrade that members, know where to find official site information. Any member may post articles, but these are not in any way official or endorsed by Wincer.

The only official site announcements come from the site admins. Also authorized to make official statements are Joseph Botelho and, of course, Wincer Song as the owner.

Written By Cheryl Baumgartner

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Build 25 Unique Backlinks to Your Pages Every Single Day, FREE!

June 25, 2011

Building backlinks to your pages is an essential part of SEO (short for Search Engine Optimization) for two reasons. The first reason is that it helps your pages get indexed faster, which is imperative because you want the search engines to find them as soon as possible and crawl them regularly. The second reason is that it helps your pages get higher search engine rankings for the keywords of your choice. The more backlinks you have, the better. Period.

However, building backlinks can be a time-consuming, annoying process. You can outsource the process to an agency and pay a lot of money. Or you can do it yourself with SocialMonkee! SocialMonkee is an instant backlink builder allowing you to build 25 unique backlinks, every day, FREE! All links are on unique C-Class IP addresses and domains. Imagine being able to create 25 unique backlinks every day, with the click of a button, FREE! Well, you can stop imagining.

So, 25 unique, backlinks every day. That's a total of 175 backlinks every week, 750 every month. If you upgrade, you will be able to build 100 unique backlinks, three times a day! That's a total of 2,100 backlinks every week, 9,000 every month! The good news is you can get a Premium Account, FREE! All you need to do is to refer 12 members, and your account will automatically be upgraded. If you're not really into referral marketing, you may upgrade right now for a low one-time fee.

Submitting a page to SocialMonkee via the members area takes under two minutes, but there's an even faster way! They created a Firefox plugin that allows you to submit your page to up to 100 sites in just a few clicks, using nothing else than Firefox! If you have a Premium Account, you will also get access to link reports and RSS feeds, which are great to keep track of your backlinks and get them indexed fast. Submitting your RSS feeds to RSS submitters is the first step in link building.

So what are you waiting for? Join SocialMonkee now while it's still free!

Join SocialMonkee Now For Free!!

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Reviewing and Understand who and what you want in life.

June 18, 2011

Reviewing and having a look at yourself, no one knows you better than you. I like what Cheryl wrote it made a lot of good sense we all need to see what direction we are going and making the changes to improve us overall standards of living.

Knowing our weakness is so important, and then we can carry out the correct adjustments so we can stay on track of our dreams, goals and have this ability will help us reach our destination. No need for big changes just minor tune ups here and there reminding us of what we already knew most of the time.

So next time things are not going your way take your time and find your weakness, or what is holding you back and then you will know what the answer is to correct your problem. It's all about making your attitude stronger as you drive to become the best you can be in life.

Take a sheet of paper out, turn it sideways, so the long side is the top of the page. Belief or not, relax your brain. Now in the middle of this sheet of paper, write you are main why in life.

Now start writing additional information that is related to your why in life, mess around, have fun with your obstacles that are holding you back. You will be pleasantly surprised on how easy it is to improve and eliminated them obstacles that are holding you back in life.

What you're doing is providing your abilities an opportunity to understand how to overcome and move forward from your emotions. Your mind needs to be focused, and this is the only way you can direct it to the right and positive direction of self-improvement.

If you need a little motivation to get this program off the ground, l would like to invite you to the most important 15 or so minutes you will spend on educating who you are.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Friday, June 17, 2011

When you Hate Things, Transform them Into Goals

June 17, 2011

If we all go back into our childhood, we will recall and only pursued things we enjoyed and loved. How could you stop playing your favorite game as a child only cause you sat on the bench and you hate that feeling? The important thing here is you never forgot what it felt like when you cheered on your teammates and loved the celebration when the game came to an end. You would always come back the follow day and practiced hard to get your opportunity to shine.

We all got older, perhaps wiser; we decided to avoid all the confrontation regarding all the things we hated and started avoiding them instead of meeting them head on. We started to thinking entirely differently here, instead of getting excited about next's weeks game, we only thought about how we had failed at the previous match.

We just forgot of how much we loved the game we all played as kids, only concentrated on our defeats instead of thinking of the fences or whatever sport you enjoyed as a child. The mind has that ability to make or break your progress, we all forget we have this ability to revise it before it becomes the success of our choice.

If you have this type of thinking, who is at fault here, who do you blame, how do you correct it? It's a fact that happened to me, and l will share it with all who reads this article. When l down fault back on 2004, my dad told me one thing that l never forgot, and very glad l listened to him. He said to me you want to see the real problem! I looked at him and said yes l would appreciate that information, will then go to the bathroom and look in the mirror you will see the problem.

Take your time and re-read this again, you will understand life is all about how we program our attitudes. When we program it we then have the ability to do whatever it is we programmed our minds to achieve. It's only an article, l feel if you apply this to your life, you will understand the real meaning of benefiting from your hate obstacles in life.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Why Back Links Work

June 15, 2011

We all know what a back link is, so why do we not use this feature that will enhance your (SERP) not sure why we would not take advantage of this powerful tool. The reason we do not; ls because we have actually to do work to make use of this feature.

How many back links does APSense have at the current moment? If you have a hard time telling me how many we have, then you have no idea how to use the tools we have here at APSense. Understanding this feature will provide your site, with a better Ranking among Search Engines.

Knowing and wanting to learn how to apply additional marketing skills to your already knowledgeable asset, is how you become good at what we promote. Success within your abilities, we provide, up to you to take the time, learn, master and used our features to provide you with more (SERP's).

If you have a desire to start, l will provide you how to do it. We do this every time you think about you will perhaps create a backlink back to your blog, site.

I created this blog for all of the members to use as a landing page.....but few use it, most like and have no idea why l did it...but some do, this l here we go..

The whole concept here is to create additional back links
BACK to YOU and "YOUR SITES" and "HOME PAGES." You do have what it takes!

Review and Learn How the game is played!!


So now all you have to do is consider this blog, and when you see an article you like to post a comment, follow the blog and l will do the same. I got over 525 backlinks on this blog l need more, how many do you have use the tools to finding that out.


All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What if you did this each day what would happen

June 7, 2011
I been promoting blogs from "APSense Members" some understand what l am doing. That is not a bad thing at all, we both win, yes l have my reasons for doing this. I enjoy "Results" l hope you also do.  It's a simple concept l am going to share with all who have a desire to be good at this.

If we all do this, we will all benefit from this simple process. We all have the same goal in mind here, never forget this. We all have a desire for more hits, traffic, comments, backlinks to our sites. But are we getting them results, some are; most are "NOT". Why for the simple reason, it takes effort and working effectively in obtaining positive results.

Most of you follow the APSense Blog, l promote members articles on this blog that gets good circulation on the web. What if l was to provide you a way of getting additional ex-poser back to your site for "FREE", would l have your attention. "GOOD"

Steps For This To be Effective for YOU

-Use the Share Button. at the bottom of the article.
-Share this article to who you belong too.
-Add a comment.
-By adding a comment that is positive and related to the article, your getting free ex-poser
-Now you are creating a Viral Marketing Campaign
-In return, you get the same from all our Members

The Most Important Step

It's going to increase your traffic by taking full advantage of this process. A simple concept that Lonnie and I have created on Facebook as well as on the APSense Blog.

All you need to do when you share an article on Twitter is at the beginning of your tweet, add this to the front of your tweet "Networking Champs," that will get your story on the blog for free...

All you need to do now is try it and see the results for yourself working smart is a good thing.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Monday, June 6, 2011

Starting An Online Business – Some Simple Tips To Get You Going

June 6, 2011

You may imagine that starting an online business is never an easy thing to accomplish. It may be much easier than starting a bricks and mortar business. Still you do have to put some long hours and hard work into it if you want to see it reach a level of success. It's certainly not a walk in the park as some people would like you to believe.
There are however some steps that you can follow to make it as straightforward and uncomplicated as possible. Here are some simple tips on how to effectively get your online business off the ground.

Do your homework and perform extensive research about the online business you are planning to start. Just because you have this great idea doesn't necessarily mean that it's going to work online. You will have to take into account all the factors that could be barriers to your success. All the tools and resources you need to your research are available online. Make a point of visiting blogs and forum websites related to the idea you have. Look at the competition. Do you think you can compete with them? Look at your potential market. Is it enough to sustain your business in the long run? You need to have answers to these questions before you take the plunge of starting an online business.

Focus on a particular niche. One thing you should understand about the internet is that almost anything you can imagine is being sold online. Whatever product or service you are planning to offer, chances are there is already someone else selling it too. Doesn't mean though that you should stop pursuing your idea. The secret to online marketing is finding a niche market and dominating it. Finding the particular niche is where the hard work starts. Begin by searching for your main keyword on one of the major search engines. If you get millions of high-quality results that give you exactly what you are searching for, then the niche is probably too saturated already. So find another one. Keep doing this until you find one where you think you can compete with other marketers. There are some perfect keyword research tools available to help you with this.

Get a professional-looking website. People judge websites by how they look. If your site doesn't catch their attention within a few seconds, then they are just a click away from leaving your site. So if you can't design your website yourself, find someone who can. Put yourself in the shoes of your site visitors. Would your site interest you if you were looking at it? Would you take it seriously? Among business websites, a simplicity of design is the norm. Simple in a way that it isn't too cluttered and that what's contained on the site are only the things that matter to the customer.

Has your business website optimized for the search engines? It's no secret that search engine traffic converts to customers more than any other type of traffic like social traffic or direct traffic. Therefore, getting your site found via search engines should be the main focus of your attention.

If you follow these tips on starting an online business, the process will become a lot simpler and smoother. Don't miss Judge me on this, I don't say this is the one and only way, I just like to show you some ways.

Thx for reading.

Written by Sigurd Skeie

Some wonderful information that makes a lot good sense. Thank you, my friend,, all the best Sigurd.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Power of the Internet earning, one step at a time.

May 23, 2011

The group here is as we all know it is "How to Earn an Income on the Internet." We are now going to take that step, to see a reward at the end of your day for your efforts. This concept will work, why you will need to do a little work each and every day for you to earn an income and become qualified to for that day payout.

You will see your efforts and payoffs each and every day that you place an ad, all you have to do is copy and paste it, we supply all the steps, where to place your ads, we have all the ads written up, with your referral link. Why you are getting rewarded this way is, for your efforts in promoting our company, we save on advertising with the ad you place daily.

There are several different memberships, you can join as a "Free Member," and get to understand the concept for free, or you can make a small investment of $10.00 per month and buy $10.00 of bids, to start earning daily, for your efforts, how I did it...Glad l did! The compounder formula you will be exposed to will provide you with black and white results daily.

You decided to join this group, for one reason only and that was to "Earn an Income on The Internet." Try this the way l have tried it, see if it is for you, little investment, good advise and a lot of support for a team that built this concept around an all-time winner E-Bay.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Friday, May 20, 2011

Do you know what an Opp. Hopper is

May 21, 2011

An Opp. Hopper is a person that hops from one opportunity to another. Opp. Hoppers are looking for the golden ticket and never stay in one opportunity long enough to see success to the end.

Yesterday I commented on a facebook post about working more than one opportunity, and I commented on it. Then today I read a response to the entire post that made me look at what I was doing. The response read, "Looking at this from a different perspective...Would you rather sign-up under a leader 100% committed to a company, or one who was involved in several?"
I never thought about it this way

I was looking at my profile today and was reading some comments on my posts, and a friend woke me up to the realization that I am an Opp. Hopper. I am sorry friends, but it is true I have been working my butt off on two different opportunities this past month and feel ashamed.

It seems that I have been preaching to others to build their credibility rankings, and I have not been listing to my advice. Hopping from opportunity to opportunity is not good for anyone's credibility I for one should know this. I feel I have let my friends down especially for those who have invested in me to help build their TEAM.

I am not going to list the opportunities I am involved with or the people that shed some light on my wrong doing. But I will say this, I am going to fix this issue by sticking with one opportunity and seeing it through. This honesty may hurt my credibility ranking, but I am an honest person even in the articles I write. I am giving my word that I will fix this so that everyone comes out on top and no one will feel they have been betrayed. Mistakes are meant to be made so we can learn from them and move on. If no one made mistakes no one would hear a thing. I hope you will learn from my mistake and not become an OPP. Hopper. Find one you believe in, trust in and run with it. Give it at least two years because daddy always told me that it take two years to find out if a business is going to work or fail.

With that being said I hope that everyone whom I have let down will forgive me and understand that I am only human. I am here to help if you can find it in your heart to forgive.

Written BY Lonnie Niver

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Goodbye to an idol and role model-Ron Springs

May 14, 2011

Today I learned of sad news out of Dallas TX. Former Cowboys Ron Springs running back passed away yesterday after a 4-year coma. I'm not much of a football fan, so I'll explain why this news is sad for me.

I grew up in what back then was a small city, Williamsburg VA. One thing Williamsburg did well in those days produced NFL Players. Or maybe I should say my old Alma mater Lafayette High School did it well. There was a point when three young men occupied the gridiron at the same time. Who could have know that all three would end up in the NFL?
Lawrence Taylor of the NY Giants, Mel Grey of the Philadelphia Eagles and Ron Springs of the Dallas Cowboys.

These three men belonged to us. Those of us who walked those halls identified with them. Then were role models to all of us and we sat in classes with siblings or cousins of these NFL Superstars. They were something big from our tiny little town, and we all claimed them with pride. Pride in our city and pride in our school.

I can still remember Ron walking across the stage in the auditorium on the day we had a special assembly to retire his jersey. And when he walked out on that stage it was not so big time celebrity, it was one of us. Ron was a Lafayette Ram, an alumni of our school. And he gave us something that day. Someone we could look up to as an example of success. We felt like we weren't some dinky little school in a backwater town, he gave us pride in who we were.

Today I found out that one of those bright lights, one of those icons of my youth is gone. He will be missed not just by his family but by those of us he belonged to as a fellow Ram. Rest in Peace Ron, you will always be an idol to us.

Thank you for taking the time Cheryl and writing a very particular article on one of life's real hero's, who gave it all, on the field and off the field. May god bless him and his family.


Written By, Cheryl Baumgartner

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Friday, May 13, 2011

Getting Started with Video Marketing

May 13, 2011

Video Marketing is increasing at a very high rate. Just in May of 2010 Youtube exceeds over 2 billion viewers a day. Even though it is a new social media platform, it can still be used to market yourself, and it's FREE.

Okay, not 100% free because you still have to buy the equipment to make the video based on the type of video you are going to make. If it is just an introduction video with you talking, then you'll need a video camera or webcam. I would go with a webcam because they're cheaper but the quality is not all that great. If you're going to show others how to do something like and instructional video, then you don't need a video camera or a webcam. Online Instructional videos can be done using free desktop recording software like CamStudio. Camstudio is an excellent way to get started if you don't have a video camera of the webcam.

Once you have the tools to make your video, then start recording. When you're done, use Windows Movie Maker to do your editing. Windows Movie Maker is a free software that comes with most Windows computers now. It is an excellent way to add some animated effects to the video to be more attractive.

The next thing to do is upload the video to Youtube this is where you will add some annotation to the tape so the information will stay in front of your viewers. I have added an example of mine at CHECK THIS OUT

If you are marketing Click-bank ad, you can add an annotation to your video directing your viewers to check out a site, product or service. This type of marketing is not spamming and is easy to do, plus if you're showing a video, you don't have to feel like you're spamming people. What I also do is offer other video makers to add the annotation to their videos and provide a percentage of the sale. I have been very successful with this.

Don't feel like you need to go out and get yourself an expensive video camera just to start creating the video. There are other ways to get started that are less costly and will save you time and money.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Saturday, April 30, 2011

What Makes Apsense so Different From other Social Sites

April 30, 2011

I feel like an absolute "NEW" member right at this very moment. I have been away from here, most of you know why nothing to do with APSense's at all, due to the loss of my dad back in early June of this year. I have been a member of Apsense since the beginning of the days, so do have an idea of what l am going to share with ALL who reads this. Since today is his Birthday, l decide to come back made perfect sense to me!

The reason l find it hard ever to leave for the very simple fact, you will not find any other Social Site you join the tools and the opportunity you have at your fingertips. Not a get rich site; no promises made towards your success and what l mean by that you can enjoy all the features for free if you decide to stick around. What good are all the characteristics, if you never learn how to use them effectively.

Getting back to my point on why l feel like a new member, for the changes and improvements that the team within Apsense has made for all of us to benefit the rewards from. How many other Social Sites change features and provide you with all the advantages you have here to use effectively as changes on the internet occur daily. I came back, and l was lost for about 32 seconds. l said wow this is entirely different; I tested the new stuff out one by one. Created my first Rev Page, checked out all the different areas l needed too.

Now how many people can say that about other sites having an impact with features that have been revised, improved and most of all able to promote you more efficiently than three months ago. Why they care, the more we work within Apsense, the more back links we created with in the web. Sorry, what is the cost again for being a member. Not necessary most will never upgrade or be able to effectively use the system, but we need them also. TWhy you fail, actually at any site.

Learn the system here at Apsense, promote your product with out having to use Spam. Set up your profile is the very first step in our community, use your real picture. People will buy from a real person, not from some dumb picture that has been posted by you. You're in business to make money, l hope l am correct, and you have this burning desire for success. If you understand what l just wrote, you will go back to your home page and review your Business Center.

Success comes to all who have a burning desire, means one thing was working smart within the team, learning from other members, joining groups. By the way, l created a couple of groups and planned on carrying out each and every missions statement l promised all who joined one of my groups. Yea l been away but not l am back, going to make sure Apsense becomes the biggest Social Site in the industry. See if this happens several things will happen you will all become very successful, if you learn what Apsense will teach you and what you get to form other members.

I am going to add links and reliable information to make sure you all become successful and re start my journey on making Apsense the most successful Social Site on the internet. But l need your loyal support and a burning desire to chase a dream that will all have. Starts right after you read this blog, you need to do one thing in life change your attitude. If you're in for the money not happening, you need to earn it before you can have it then you can spend it, buy things and enjoy a beautiful life with money.

Over the next few days, i will revise this blog and promote it.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Sunday, April 24, 2011

When you have this Feature, then you have it all

April 24, 2010

When l created this group l had one goal in mind, to have the ability to provide information that will have an immediate impact on our talents here at APSense. "The APSense Team" has been overly creative with all the latest features that we all can get our hands on.

The real question here is how many of us know how to operate these outstanding features
and coordinate them with our talents. Now this is an "ART" cause it will enhance your overall image, impressions on your first impression. Showcasing your abilities is what APSense will provide all Internet Marketers who have the desire to be the best they can be.

Why l created this group so we all can learn how to use and makes these features the most efficient ones we have to market our talents when used and operated correctly. No magical dust here, just labor under correct knowledge is what you will be provided with.

Sharing our wealth of knowledge with our group is a vital step in providing leadership among our "Social Network"...joining this group is a good step, in understanding how all new and old members will benefit from APSense one click at a time.


-What l mean by this is if you need an answer posted it here.
-Our members will share the most conman answer with your question.
-Having fun learning our concepts is rewarding and beneficial for your success here.
-Watching your abilities increase with confidence and new found niches.
-Understanding what your goals and desires are from APSense.

The rest is up to "YOU", All it takes is a "CLICK AWAY."

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Friday, April 22, 2011

Why is a Testimonial important, at APSense or is It?

April 22, 2010

I been here at APSense for a long time, have to watch much come and go, it happens part of the process. Iit's like the song "Still Have Not Found What I am Looking For" but every so often you do encounter a member who has talent, desire and most of all the ability to just do it.

I being am honest l was very impress with her on her first day, l did guide her in the correct direction and what she asked at the tim. Wow she had it all figured out how can you not be impressed by someone who just listened to you... If you take some time and review this member, her name is Belinha Fernandes. I decided to write her a testimonial, on her first day, never did that before to anyone here just fact.

When she read that testimony, she was having an off day, and when she read it, it inspired her to get herself motivated and work at what she loves doing. Positive feedback is something you have to earn, with respect and most of the lead like a leader.

When you take the time to appreciate what we all have here, we understand the ability to share and make each us as successful as we possibly can. You can not buy a testimonial here if you; do it has "NO VALUE".

So when you looking other members profiles scrawl down and review and read the section of Testimonials, see how many they have what it say's you know the good ones from the bad ones but each one had a meaning.

I am also going to post this to the APSene Blog, providing Belindha Fernandes a larger audience of networkers who understanding Marketing at this level.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Welcome To One Gram at a Time

Thank you for taking the time to understanding the "One Gram at a Time Page," it has other meanings, other then the...

Posted by One Gram at a Time on Thursday, February 4, 2016

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