Wednesday, January 18, 2012

How to Create Back links for Businesses

January 18, 2012

We all need referrals but to get referrals we have to get our referral link out on the internet. The best way to do that is to create back links. Creating back links could take forever to one person but to have a team to help you spread out your referral links would be amazing.

I have something for all of you that will help your business gain exposure. I have created a private group on Facebook where business owners review other members businesses. It is a very simple concept, You join the group and write a short review on another members business opportunity. In return, they write a review of your opportunity. Creating back links to your company and vice verse.

How much traffic do you think you could get if other members are giving your business a review with your referral link or a link you want to promote? If you got 1000 members that reviewed your business that is 1000 back links to your business referral link. Would that solve any of your problems getting referrals?

Not only will it help you get back links it will also build up your credibility. Let me know if you are interested and I will show you how to get invited.

This article was written by Lonnie Niver and has shared some treasured information on how to create additional back links to your businesses and the importance why you need to have them.

JOIN US NOW if you enjoy Marketing, and it's Benefits
All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Food For Thought, If You Think You Can You Will Succeed

January 17, 2012

If you think of yourself as being fat, you will be fat. If you think of yourself as being friendless and of no use to anyone, you can also fulfill those prophecies. The point is that negative imagines are self-destructive and self-fulfilling.

There is no reason for anyone to have a poor self-image on a long term basis, in spite of any excuse that might be offered. The excuse that l heard the most often is that people have been told from early childhood by their parents that they should not strive for individual levels, as they cannot expect ever to be that competent or capable.

It starts at an early age in life, a foundation that can have an ever lasting effect on a child and the sad part is we didn't even know that we had something to do with how that child turns out to be. We are all so busy in life that we need to focus and make time to teach our children positive ways and show them encouragement and let them know that you take an interest in all that they do. Whether it's a test result, a picture they just painted or whatever it might be, show real affection to them, and you will see a big difference in your child.

So the next time you see you child sitting all by him or herself, and you walk up to them and ask what the matter is, and they say nothing. Well, we all have heard that statement, you need to stop all your are doing and found the root of why he or she is feeling that way. In most case it only takes a few minutes of your precious time, but it will be the best few minutes that you invested all day.


"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, either way, your right,"
Henry Ford

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Marketability, How to Become Good at It

January 11, 2012

Ever since the passing of the model T, the automotive industry has sold cars regarding everything other than fiction-the power, sex appeal, luxury (where would we be without "rich, Corinthian velour"), economy, and on and on. Automotive advertising, in fact, has historically been so persuasive that has not only shaped perceptions but created them.

The industry l am involved with and know most about, what l enjoy and do for a living write, teach, train sales staff to be the best they can be. I deal with owners, not always agree with them but at times l have too, rather sad if l don't.

Here are the areas you need to understand and become the best you can be at them, if you learn this then you can apply it to any industry you're involved with.

Know your product, Believe in Your Product and Sell with Enthusiasm.

These are the fundamental selling truths. If you don't know your product, people will resent your efforts to sell it; if you don't believe in it, no amount of personality and technique will cover that fact; if you can't sell with enthusiasm, the lack of it will be infectious.

Two Reason I Wouldn't Buy from Me.

Part of knowing your product is knowing all the reasons someone might want to buy it.

Beating Dead Horse meat.

Sometimes an idea, product, concept is just plain wrong.

The 80/20 Rule.

Focus on the interest, predilections, and tastes of your top 20 percent, and take the time to figure out what you can do to keep them there.

Know the Company.

Two key points are knowing, your customer's company. First, that knowledge can tell you something about the best overall approach. Secon, though the person you are selling to may have total authority and autonomy.

If You Don't know, Ask.

Most sales are not cold calls. There is some contact or connection which gets you thinking about a particular company in the first place.

Don't Be Misled by Titles.

Assume almost nothing from titles l used to think, for example that the head of General Motors International would be an important decision maker regarding GM's overseas operation. To my surprise, he had no decision-making authority, except in the broadest sense.

Apply these steps and watch how you become better at the way you Market your Product. Learn them and you will see results before your very own eyes. Marketing is all about one thing getting a bang for the dollar you have invested in advertising. If you're not making the phone ring, then you know your dollar has been wasted or invested incorrectly.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Almost Five Years Have Passed by Here at APSense for Me!

January 8, 2012,

What I mean by that is I been here since September 15, 2007, learned a lot from all our members who originality had a concept and that was to write quality content, why l joined. Just loved the APSense Concept, you wrote an excellent article, you got replies, comments that were at times bigger than the actual article. Wow, I was impressed and hooked!

Why I joined and watched APSense grow, to what it is today, for all the information with credibility just check APSense Ranking according to Alexa’s Rankings. Once you are there, review what Alexa’s says, review trends, what works, back links to APSense, all the information that you need to take you to the top. APSense philosophy has been this since day one.

Got to meet Wincer Song a long time ago, glad I did, and he put up with me, yea he did. I think I may have driven him crazy at times, but he was like me; never satisfied, regardless, deep inside we know why we did it, new concepts and abilities is what APSense has taught me the last five years. Just like going to school!! Glad I only skipped a few classes if I did not say that, then this would not be real.

APSense has a lot to offer all our members at whatever level you decide to use the features at your comfort zone, but you will understand one thing it has a way of getting results. Results are vital for me I need to look at stats, what l like, numbers do not lie, if you know how to read them. Alexa’s is the leader in this industry if you’re not using their services you’re missing out.

The whole reason for me writing this article is to allow all our new members and current members what we have come our way, why l been here as an active participant we are always founding ways to improve our social media business site. Learning how to use APSense effectively will definitively provide you with a solid foundation for 2012, Marketing is where it all starts with.

You will do well, l have and so have many other loyal members, that been here as long or longer then l have all for the same reason. We found success here at APSense, why it works one member at a time.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Thursday, January 5, 2012

How to Rank Your Site on Top with Search Engine Results

January 5, 2012

Webmasters always want their website to appear on top of Search Engine Results. However, it is not as easy as it seems. Getting ahead of your competitors and achieving high ranks in Google, Yahoo or MSN required a lot of work. It is well-known fact that top positions in search engines result in a lot of organic traffic and return more revenues. Therefore, website owners are always ready to do everything to attain their desire Ranks.

To achieve top levels in all the main search engines, you need to understand the search and indexing mechanism of all popular search engines. Always remember, that there are no defined criteria to make your website on top of any search engines. You need to follow the basic guidelines set by them for a search engine friendly website. However, search engines experts suggest several tricks and tweaks that may help you in easy indexing of your site by search engine robots/crawlers.

The contents of your websites, META tags (Description and Keywords appearing on all pages), inbound links (links appearing on other sites but pointing to your site), and alternate text given on your images play a significant role in natural indexing of your site. You can expect better ranks only if your website is equipped with all the above-described things.

One more thing that is imperative for your site’s performance in search engines is the selection of right keywords and contents based on those keywords. Remember, if you are not targeting proper keywords, you may not get desired results. Therefore, to fix this issue, you need to do a proper analysis of your business domain and niche market along with keywords research before making any plans for online promotion of your website.

Usually, search engine tracks your site through two conventional mechanisms:

Links based tracking:
The success of your site in top rankings is determined by the number of links point to your site. If your site has lots of incoming links from another top-rated website in your niche, the possibility of success is more. Search Engine Submission, Affiliate Marketing, Directory Submission, Article Submission, Press Releases Distribution, and Blogs help a lot in achieving such quality inbound links.

Contents based tracking:
It's relatively a complex mechanism for tracking your website. It depends upon the relevance of META tags (keywords and description) with the contents of different web pages in your site. The freshness of contents on your website enhances your chances of getting indexed easily.

Apart from these two conventional mechanisms, you can also adopt other modes of online advertising like banner ad placements, paid submission, contextual advertising and social media marketing. These strategies are of great help if you want an effective interaction with your potential customers.

This article was written by one of our senior members here at APSense. Have a look at his profile and other items that he has shared with all of our members.

Vishwajeet Kumar

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Tips on How You can Increase Success with You're Blog Today

January 5, 2012

Blog marketing is not all that hard if you know what you are doing. However, if this is your very first blog and you are wondering how to get readers to it, then you are in the right place. First let me just say that marketing your blog is going to require patience, and being consistent. You will have to update your blog frequently if you want to keep readers coming back for more. We are all guilty of making a blog, wanting it to be great, putting only one entry into it and then never going back to update it again. I think everyone in the cyber world has done this at one time or another. Here are some great tips to use when trying to get your blog out there and get new readers.

Make sure that your blog has the track back feature. Let me tell you why. When you have the track back feature on your blog, you are allowing other people to link to your blog. Maybe someone has a post to post on their blog that is relevant to one of yours. They can use the talk back to your post, and send their readers to your blog so that they know what they are referring to. Another good thing to remember is that if someone gives you track back, it is a courtesy to return that to their blog if at all possible.

Having a Google account and submitting a site-map is almost a must when you are blog marketing. Doing so will allow Google to know how often you are updating your blog, and they will automatically know of any changes that you have made to it as well. Let Google get those new pages indexed faster and get them into search results much quicker than if you did not have the site-map. There is a certain way you have to do the site-map for Google, and they can explain that to you. Just know this is a significant step in blog marketing.

Exchanging links with authority blogs and websites that are in your same market is another great way to get the word out about your blog. The authority sites are going to have a higher page rank, and will also be listed high in Google search results. So do some searches and check those out and see if they are up to exchanging links. If they are not, you could always just add those to your blog roll. You do not need permission to do that if they are not into linking. However, in the world of blogs, most blog owners are thankful for all connections and are willing to return the favor.

You are going to want to be sure that all of your posts are formatted. Doing so will leave out any confusion for the search engines, and you will have everything nice and neat and all organized. The label tags are there for a reason when you are dealing with blogs. So using them and not leaving them out is a very good idea.

Tracking is another part of blog marketing that is so imperative. You want to be able to track your visitors and clickers to know where they are coming from. You want to be able to tell what keywords they searched on to find your blog and where they did their searching. Doing so will help take out all of the guess work when it comes to blog marketing. You will know what keywords are working, and which are not.

Allowing RSS feeds from your blog is also another great blog marketing tool. You are going to find that when you allow RSS feeds, your blog is going to end up all over the internet with a link back to it, and that is a real thing.  It's a wonderful way to get links to your blog with little or no effort. People that subscribe to your blog RSS feeds can then post your blog posts on their sites or blogs. Which in return gives you a link to their site or page that they have you on.

Blog Marketing is only as hard as you make it. Use these tips and get your blog out there and seen today!

This article was written by,
"eMarketing," You can review more of his articles!

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Why Do We Age?

December 24, 2011

Why Do We Age?

The fountain of youth - such metaphorical piece of the myth that alludes to immortality has been used over and over again on different forms of literature both in the past and in the present. Often the fountain of youth's classification as myth is challenged from time to time with some expeditions or travels that claim to have finally found the fountain's location. Nonetheless, this recurring symbol of eternal youth in most forms of literature and art verifies man's innate affinity with immortality.

In our contemporary setting, this longing for immortality is almost within mankind's grasp with the promise of better technologies and sciences shortly. However, to completely grasp and understand the means of acquiring eternal life or a very long life span in the very least, one must first see the process behind our aging. This question kept many brilliant scientists hell-bent on searching for clues and theories that may answer such relentless query.

Through the course of these scientific explorations in the realm of human aging scientists were able to come up with a term that refers to the human aging process - senescence. This term relates to a degeneration implication that manifests itself as people get old. Senescence is believed to be the result of a biochemical deregulation that is a natural component of life.

However, the effects of senescence vary among different species. Take for example a bat and a rodent, both of them are classified as mammals, and both are of the same size, but a bat generally lives longer than a rodent for the former can live up to 30 years while the latter usually have a lifespan of only two to three years. However, some animal species such as rockfish  turtles, and lobsters display a particular trait known as the negligible senescence. This characteristic enables these unique animal species to live through a longer period compared to other species. Some of these species can even live for an unbelievable span of 200 years.

Findings from extensive studies that were carried out by various scientists imply that this peculiar trait is a result of evolutionary and genetic factors that rule over these animals' life longevity. However, scientists still find it hard to assimilate this kind of trait to humans and the reason behind it is fairly straightforward: we humans live in an entirely different environment compared to those animals that possess the negligible senescence trait.

The best that we humans can do for now is first to determine the various factors that fuel the process of aging and to address these factors accordingly. One of the most obvious reasons or factors behind aging is stress. In a nutshell, the dynamics of stress only say that constant beatings and punishments that our bodies take from everyday tasks lead to hormone disturbance which can ultimately result in cell damage.

Furthermore, the degeneration of the hypothalamus, a gland that resides in your head, is also one of the determining factors of aging  The hypothalamus is solely responsible for setting the "traffic" of various hormones to other glands. Through the course of time, the hypothalamus becomes weary and tends to be inaccurate in releasing proper amounts of hormone to other organs in the human body.  It Leads to imbalanced hormone levels which cause damage to tissues.

External factors brought about by the environment are also some of the very viable reasons behind the aging process. Environmental harms such as pollution, radiation, contaminants coupled with self-induced stress, and poor nutrition inflict damage on human cells. Significant damage is instantly inflicted on these cells once they are exposed to such harmful external factors. Cells play a very substantial role in the process of aging because they contain valuable information for the human body's development. Whenever a cell reproduces or divides itself, it makes sure that the new cell is on the same level with the previous cell that it originated from. If that last cell received any slightest form of damaged from the previously mentioned factors, it would then spawn new cells that possess slightly deformed information sets. Then starts a trend of degenerated cells which leads to what is commonly known as the aging process.

Among these scientific theories that deal with the course of aging the Free Radical Theory tends to be the most popular among contemporary American health buffs. This theory suggests that extremely reactive chemicals, which the term free radicals refer to, are responsible for inflicting damage to the human body's tissues. In general, however, these free radicals are not altogether wrong for the human body for they also serve numerous purposes for the organ's development. But what is damaging to the human body, especially to the tissues, is the free radicals' ability to reproduce itself in excessive amounts. Free radicals are endowed with an extra electron which makes them more capable of stealing electrons from other molecules which they tend to do frequently. This act subsequently leads to a very dangerous cycle that can burn out the cells from constantly repairing damaged molecules.

With these various theories that try to decipher the process of aging certain medical solutions are also devised to combat the inevitable aging ritual. The most frequent among these medical solutions are taking vitamin C and vitamin E supplements to combat stress and to balance out the damage induced by free radicals in the body. Another useful method is to lessen your average intake of junk foods and to substitute it with healthier food choices such as fruits and vegetables.

One means to combat the toll of aging today is through the consumption of high-quality GenF20™ HGH or Human Growth Hormone precursors. The GenF20™ HGH supplement can help to increase energy levels that can make you a lot more productive by enabling you to perform more tasks efficiently. This supplement can also help to lower cholesterol plus help to improve brain, vision, and immune function.

These are only some of the capabilities of the GenF20™ HGH supplement in controlling the aging process. Nonetheless, the GenF20™supplement is, by far, the most advanced dietary supplement that can help with the course of ageing  These advances that were made in the light of combating factors that lead to premature ageing  can honestly give reaffirmation in believing that the fountain of youth that every man longs for is truly within reach.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

How to Create an Effective Targeted Niche Market!

December 21, 2011

How to Create an Effective Targeted Niche Market!

I have been sharing a lot of information lately on this topic, for the simple reason, it will obtain your immediate results with your marketing skills.  The who focused so far has been to being very selective with a profitable product for a very particular market?  To get to this location, you will need to be creative and be able to revise what you have done until it gets you the best results.

The most important factor you need to do is be very selective, creative and research your keywords and key phrase used to gain the most targeted audience you are targeting to sell your product to.

How do we do this? We need to understand how important keywords and key phrase play in getting noticed in cyberspace. I am going to provide you with a tool you more or less already know about.  When this tool is used effectively, it will give you increased odds of you founding your buyers.

You will need to mess around with this tool and get to know all of its outstanding features for it be able to actually displaying your talents worldwide, any location, market, age group, you get the picture.  That is good if you do, this takes effort and time to be able to get this type of attention. Learn this tool inside out, all l can share with you is the most important data you will review, learning how to read all the graphics for all levels of information that you will have to found your market on the internet.

This tool has helped me create the market l have been talking and writing about, sell health ability to allow us to earn an above average income, entirely based on our marketing skills and how we find the buyers.  They want all of us to become successful; do not take my word on all of this.  Just review this company here,

l think you may be overly impressed as l was, and the main reason l joined this company.


All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Reasons Why a Niche Market Works for You at APSense!!

December 18, 2011

Reasons Why a Niche Market works for You at APSense!!

Has been a topic I have been sharing with our members and also sharing in many other places, what networking is all about, it is a "BIG" world out there, all at your figure tips. We have talked about understanding the concept of narrowing in a particular and, creative market we established, and now totally focus on it.

The above statement is an essential elemental on your journey to understanding the secrets that most successful marketers used to build an income in cyberspace. What you have been the ability to invest in the most important program you will ever invest in, "YOURSELF" APSense provides you with a state of the art tools, we all know Wincer he is never satisfied with what he has, here at APSense. Simple reason he is as he is, Wincer and the APSense team are focused on changes that occur daily in cyberspace.

Means one thing, we as members have the latest updates that will lead or provide us with a window of "Opportunity" on world wide web. To be successful, you need to understand what the title of this article is all about, and how to utilize your opportunities and skills, what l am going to show you is what a niche market that is the target is all about.

Review this Blog for the Following reasons

The display of the blogs content!
The articles with clickable links!
The key words and phrase are used!
The countries that were selected!
Displayed in their language, via a banner with text!
Showcasing the opportunities to select age groups!
Creating an effective niche market with results!

REVIEW IT NOW if you have time!

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Branding and Creating a Niche Market at APSense!

December 14, 2011
With all of this said, Wincer and the APSense team have been working diligently on making APSense a state of the “ART” business social media site.  APSense has gone through many changes, all for the better, incorporating new concepts, ideas and methods that will have an immediate impact for all our members. Marketing is what every social media site promises you when you join.

has had a dream as we all have if you have no dreams that we had no goals or directions in life. The most genuine issue is we all have dreams, desires and ambitions to become the person we all want to be, leading by example are what APSense is all about. APSense understands this concept why we have always improved and adapted to the trends of the internet; it changes daily. Here at APSense, we have a leader in Wincer who fully understands the reasoning behind his revisions.

I  am not going to sell you on APSense for one particular reason, l do not have to sell you on this site, it has all the tools, marketing, information for you as a marketer on the internet to utilize our features and most of all; how your articles will rank. The ranking is what means your story got looked at, did it get read no one knows except for the person who clicked on it.  It is all about a numbers game, some read it, few read it, and not many "EVER" leave a comment on your post.

The reason many never leave a comment on your post, they are way too busy on the internet, forgetting that each time you leave a comment; you have just created a back link, back to your site. Back-links, bounce ratio provide the search engine with a good score of how you will rank, means you get looked at.  You need to focus on this, why it tells you what you are doing right and what you’re not doing to get notice, read and even comment on the article.  You will learn all of this if you are serious about making on living here, or extra money.

The changes that are coming will be different, more (SEO) for all your articles, why; for the simple reason you’re articles will be directed to a certain market that you have selected.  We have taken many ideas and implement them into the APSense Social Business Media Site, to provide you with all the tools that will help us spread what APSense is all about.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Reason on Why l decided to Join this Affiliated Company!

December 13, 2011

I was introduced to this program several weeks ago, not until this week that l decided to look really at it. SellHealth is a fast growing company currently 27,172 as of (December 11, 2011) according to Alexa's Ranking formulas.

Why l decided to review this business. The training is solid, what motivated me to write the article on creating a niche market, read it if you get a chance. SellHealth is about health products that sell, we all need something to make us look better, as in anti-aging products, man's health, woman’s health, beauty products, hair loss products, digestive health and sexual enhancements products.
SellHealth has a philosophy that is driven to make you as successful as possible promoting their reputation as a leader in the health industry.

They want you to become a super affiliate marketer making sale after sale; this program takes effort for it to become a money maker for your bank account. Follow the direction and you will be made more creative marketing your promotions. The tools, the advice and guidance you will have is second to none, how you use the key to your success with any program you promote. Understand this type of guidance will lead you to your niche market and provide you with rewards.

They have a very strict internal policy never to send you an offer without thoroughly testing it through multiple channels at their cost to confirm it will be a profitable offer for you to sell. With that said NOW, you have a company who has the highest standards with what they promote and sell. I will leave you with this statement from the SellHealth.

It is this dedication to your success that positioned SellHealth (Formerly as the world's # 1 sexual health and anti-aging affiliate network since 2003

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Creating a Niche Affiliated Market That works!

December 10, 2011

I have been doing a lot of research on this topic, why it works and what effect it will have on your results for your efforts. The whole mission you should have in mind is making money with your products. The biggest mistake most of us all are making we promote way too many programs and have zero focus on any of them. I said most of us, not all of us. The fair statement, would you not agree, we all do it. Why most of all never make any money with affiliate programs.

So understanding what l have just used as a topic l would like to proceed to a more intelligent and efficient way of marketing our products in cyberspace. Big world out there not many postings, article, blogs, and websites get the attention they require to become money making sites. So what can we do to increase our potential for making a living with advertising on the internet? There are many factors we can do immediately to enhance our chances of this becoming a reality.

The most important step you as a marketer can do to choose 2 or 3 programs in a niche market, what is a niche market; it is a market that is entirely interested in what you are promoting. This market you have target have a credit card beside them ready to buy the products you are promoting, wow is this true, absolutely happens every second of the day somewhere on the internet. So how do we get and find these people with credit card beside them, we need to target this type of audience. By select the correct keywords, key phrase and understand who will be viewing your efforts.

Now you need to know who will use your products, what words are they using to search for your products they have an interest. Our job now is to focus on our products and understand what benefits it will have for the buyer. You need to play with different keywords and phrase and until you know your clicks and your ratio of conversions. It may take weeks before you finally found the correct combination of words that lead you to this audience, just like musician takes the time to find the right beats to make his or her song stand out to its audience. Once you have found the key phrases and words, you have now opened a new door of opportunity.

Understand this concept will certainly provide you with a dangerous combination of keywords your buyers are using to found you in cyberspace, is that not like music to your bank account. The most efficient way you can become magnificent with affiliated programs, stick to relate content that you believe in promoting and support to you niche market. It's not an accident it takes hard work to become successful her on the internet. I will provide you with some relevant articles that will help you understand this concept more effectively.

Additional related Links that is all about this topic!

Understanding Marketing Concepts
Understanding and using creative marketing
How Effective are Your Marketing Skills
How important are your selection of keywords and key phrases

If you want to make money here and make this a part time job, extra spending money or you wand and have the desire to make this a full time living. You have the abilities to do this, but the question is do you have the dedication to achieve the results you visualize in your mind. We all have dreams; some make them happens most just leave it as a thought. Which one are you?

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Who Is Shayne Stevenson Anyways?

December 7, 2011

As a young boy growing up in Canada, l can still remember watching Hockey Night in Canada every Saturday night.  Like most other children, l wanted to one day play for Toronto Maple Leafs.  At the age of nineteen, my dream became a reality. I had to be the luckiest kid in the world, or I thought at the time.

My hockey background went as follows; London Knights in the Ontario Hockey League draft.  Drafted in the first round, seventeenth overall to the Boston Bruins organization, at the NHL draft. To my surprise, l suddenly became a member of the Tampa Bay Lightning organization, when they used one of their draft picks to select me as their ninth forward in the 1993 expansion draft.

As you can see already from reading my resume, I was chosen in the first round of every possible hockey draft in North America.  Not bad for a kid who grew up in a small town of Aurora, Ontario at the time with a population of 10,000 people playing single “A” hockey.  Even after being a first-round draft choice and playing in the NHL.  I can honestly say, l didn’t make enough money to retire when l was finished playing professional hockey.

As a family, ask yourself this question: How could a first-round draft choice of the NHL not make enough money to retire on?  I can only say one thing is looking back now on my professional hockey career.  If the only l knew the business sides of professional hockey like l know it now, l would be worth close to $20 million dollars today. I want you as a parent, player to always keep this in mind at all times when reading this hockey manual that l personally wrote, so players and relatives have a concept of what they will face and all of the decision you will need to make. This manual is published and has been sold to me at many cold and lonely hockey arenas but the ones who did buy my manual had a much brighter direction on what to expect from all the different angles of professional hockey; Lawyers, General Managers, Coaches, and  Agents.  One of the biggest decisions you will ever have to make is who you pick as your son's agent.  The agent will have one aggressive goal, and that is to get as much money out of your child’s pocket. Real but also sorrowful, happens all the time at this level of the business side of professional hockey and all other sports.

I wrote this manual with the desire that l could prevent many players from making the mistakes l made as a Professional Hockey Player, as a player our careers are short due to injuries, politics and many other reasons that happen on a daily base in all professional sports.  So as l player you need to be able to avoid the mistakes l made, review my track record of draft picks.  No matter how high you go in the draft, you still need to know what l did not know as a player.

More information on the manual itself on how you will be able to own your copy, the manual is written has been sold at many local arenas and now, we will be publishing it on the internet within the next few weeks.  Why because this blog is new, still under construction and most of all, we want to provide you with logical information that will enhance your knowledge of the hockey business side at all different levels.

Written by,
Shayne Stevenson

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Using A Newsletter Can Be a Powerful Tool, For Your Business

December 3, 2011

We as business owners forget about the clients we already have in our database. One of the most powerful tools you can use with your already existing clients is sending out a Newsletter on the monthly basis. An excellent way of creating and developing a personal relationship with your customers. Even if it seems like a one-way relationship, it works.

A newsletter allows you to have a private discussion with your client that is personal and informative. It has proven to have the same effect as you dropping by your clients office and talking to them face to face. The only difference here is that your client can't talk back to you, but that is okay. They have now perceive that you are taking time out of your very busy schedule to be with them. I will tell you this; it works, and you get immediate results.

So you need now to ask yourself, how often should l send out your newsletter? The most effective for me is monthly. Why so often? You more than likely know how quickly your clients forget all about you and your company. If this is not a reasonable time frame, then, at least, send it out quarterly. So you need to write these newsletters, if your not a good writer, then hire someone to do the writing for you.

If you have several different departments, within your company, get each manager of each department to share information that will have an impact and interest to the reader. Display your products, have the picture of your team, hold a monthly contest, provide interesting information to the user and you will have a customer for the rest of your life.

You can spend a few minutes each day developing information for your newsletter before you know it; you have enough original and refreshing information for your clients for that month. The most important key here is to have fun with this new form of advertising. Get your team involved with the newsletter and the rewards will be knocking on your door.

It's one of the most efficient ways of spending advertising dollars and being able to see immediate results from your clients. As you create and develop your newsletter, keep in mind to always try to found ways of improving what you already have. The best way to feel the efficient of your newsletter is by talking and listening, to what your clients have to say about each issue.

How do you do this, whenever you meet your clients, make it a habit to ask them directly their thoughts on the latest newsletter you sent. You can create a link on your newsletter to your website, where your readers can post a comment on your newsletter or run a contest for them to provide you with much-needed feedback.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Another 50 Proverbs to live by

November 30,
51. Anything worth taking seriously is worth making fun of.

52. Anything you lose automatically doubles in value.
53. Are you wearing lipstick? Well, mind if I taste it?
54. Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
55. As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in public schools.
56. The assumption is the mother of all screw-ups.
57. Atheists can do whatever the hell they want.
58. Attitude determines your altitude.
59. Bad command or file name. Bad, bad command! Sit! Stay! Staaaay…
60. Bad spellers of the world untie!
61. Bald guys never have a bad hair day.
62. Batteries not included.
63. Be good – and if you can’t be good, be careful.
64. Be good; if you can’t be good, have fun.
65. Be naughty – save Santa the trip.

NOTE: - Read the rest here the Primus report
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This article was written by Udo Hoffmann, who has been a member at "APSense" longer than I have for a few months. His is a brilliant writer who gets his points across, l feel all who review his additional 50 proverbs to live will benefit from Proverbs…hope this article provides you with the wisdom you were looking for.

Written by,

Udo Hoffmann…

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All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Understanding Marketing at APSense, why it works!

November 27, 2011

Understanding Marketing at APSense, why it works!

Marketing is an ongoing process that takes effort, to perform at your highest ability, it changes daily with all the new trends, understanding this skill, will increase your overall performance. Why it is important for you to work the articles you have written, revise them, review your work from top to bottom. Change your branding tags if you have to; use key phrases instead of keywords. This is more effective way of getting attention from the spiders that determine your ranking and bounce ratio.

What we have in mind is to be more focused in our niche market, this is an important branding processor if we create a market that is effective with orientated results then APSense has created a stream of income for all who understand and work this concept. How do we work it, understanding are daily goals that we have to accomplish daily for us to become fully convinced that this is actually working? If we are going to invest our knowledge, time and effort we better get some convincing results, would you not agree. This is what we need to master and become very effective using this process, you can read more here

When you joined APSense you had a reason for investing your time here, since you are nowhere why not learn what APSense can do to your marketing efforts here in cyberspace? We have all of the most sophisticated tools, that you have access to and use, the key is to understand and master them one by one. Understanding how to communicate and your daily chores will provide you with rewards you only dreamed of. I say this cause l do it daily, l understand why it works, credibility, and a professional first impression that opens doors to your clients wallets.

List of items you can master and become a leader in networking marketing. Setting up a killer profile with results

-Setting up a killer profile with results

-Writing effective emails here at APSense

-Creating effective Rev-Pages

-Understanding our dedication here

-Create an award winning Business Center

These are the most important steps you need to learn and revise daily until you are totally satisfied with what you have created. The main reason is you can now promote all of this on the World Wide Web, a killer profile that will get attention and replies, with your “Social Media Sites” you work and promote on. This is a very effective marketing tool, we now have created the ability to showcase and communicate at the highest level.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

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