Showing posts with label gold. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gold. Show all posts

Friday, March 4, 2016

How do we Protect Ourselves with Hyperinflation

March 4, 2016

First of all, we need to understand what the term Hyperinflation means? It is currently happening worldwide the country can not sustain or keep up with their deflated currency.  Everything we bought yesterday costs more today.

How and where do we invest our money in, certainly not with any bank, stocks are very unpredictable, the same with most mutual funds, or stock options, very confusing and expensive if we decided on the wrong road for our financial return. Could cost our retirement savings we had at one time. Here is the best performing asset in 2016.

I am no expert in this field, but I do listen to the ones that are experts in this area of expertise, Jim Rickards, Mike Maloney, and  Nick Barisheff to mention a few. What controls inflation, debt indeed plays an essential element. Take for example the American deficit at the end of 2015 was $18.1 Trillion dollars with a budget for the fiscal year of 2016 to be approximate $19.4 trillion, mind boggling. How will America and many other countries make their interest payment on their debt? Print more money which is only a bandage that increases additional inflation.

What backs up the U.S. buck, there is no commodity at all. Why Richard Nixon eliminated the gold standard, so he could have his freedom with the U.S. Buck used all over the world as the currency of choice. When Governments need more money, they just print it, who cares at the time, that is their solution. Then along came Mr Ronald Regan, the white shining armour man who had to compete with the cold war with Russia.

What did this competition prove other than increasing spending on their Military Forces, just created more debt? Ronald wanted to have the most up to date weapons, planes, ships, submarines to protect the world. We do appreciate his judgement, but only got us all into a painful period that took years to come back and haunt us all. It arrived several years ago; Mr Bush help the increases also with his reckless spending with a war that never proved any of the claims he had made.

Some of the Solutions for Hyperinflation

-Central Banks have to stop printing more money so they can keep up with the interest on the deficit.
-Government has to find a way to lower their expenditures 
-Increase taxes, with a better system of collecting taxes that are outstanding. 
-Federal Government has to raise the Reserve Requirements
-Federal Government has to implement stricter limitations, regulations with tougher disclosure for mortgage brokers and stock brokers

What are some of your thoughts with Hyperinflation, do you think it is happening at an alarming rate?

The biggest problem with Government Data released for public viewing is that its masquerade corrupted and manipulated by unreliable information.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Increasing the value of the American Dollar, could this be the solution

June 4, 2014

Understanding how this all works, is mind hypothesis at its best; just not making any logical financial sense. So why did President Nixon, back in 1971 destroyed the biggest asset that the American buck had? He understood the power of the fiat currency, how it could be manipulated, for the one's that control the shots.

How do you get out of any financial problem, you encounter daily, you pay the price, whether it is interest on loans, bills or any other obligation. You need to make the numbers jive, the simple process with the fiat currency. All you need is ink and paper. If you're calling the shots, why central banks need the fiat currency.

Hyperinflation is like carbon monoxide or some form of cancer, which destroys the system at an alarming rate. What it does and controls, is what you bought last month your going to pay more when you purchase that item again. Sadly it is only the beginning, take notice of what you buy and what you paid for that same item; not so long ago. Numbers never premeditate any fabrication.

The egotistic decision makers are not helping us, the governments who we elected. Let's go back to 2004, drastic changes on the value of the American dollar, it started dropping against many fiat currencies. Losing it's value and power along the way on how business use to be conducted with this fiat currency.

Some of the faults that have logic are the wars the Americans have fought in, yes providing security for the rest of the world. America was a targeted nation, but we all wanted to be part of America and enjoy the freedom it provides all of us.

The cost factor of supporting a war for perhaps merit reason's is a gamble and increases hyperinflation daily. What has been happening, jobs disappear, wages never budget for hyperinflation, are we being manipulated by a concept that stopped working a long time ago. What would happen if we looked after our people and nation, after all why we voted for him?

Could China be on the right track, with a standard that will support the value of their fiat currency and perhaps become the new denomination of world exchange with all international transactions? It will truly have a substance value according to the standards; back up by the asset of gold. Why do you think China is accumulating all of this gold? Who knows how many metric tons of gold China has as a standard since they have been importing Gold.

The question is how will the America Dollar compete with a gold standard backing up the Renminbi, China's currency? How will this affect Central Banks conducting their daily business? Has America have an ace in the hole, if they do, they are not showing too much. Could the US Buck finally come to and end, or has it already happened?

The solution is, exactly what China has a standard backing up their currency, the asset of gold! Can not be reproduced, manipulated, or recreated in any other form that exists. So what would you invest in, paper or the asset of gold, who would you trust? The solution will be defined when China declares its holdings with this asset, gold!

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

China Holds the Keys to the Gold Market

May 21, 2014

This article was written by Frank Holmes and published by Money Morning, he shares his views on why China holds the keys and why China is slowly diversifying away from the U.S. dollar.

Last year China's private sector demand for gold reached a record level of 1,132 tons and, according to the World Gold Council, the Asian nation could easily dominate the gold market again, as they predict demand growing 20% by 2017. China's love for the precious metal remains robust.

There are four main drivers behind the tremendous growth. A new middle class with more money to spend; jewelry is still the top demand driver; industrial demand is increasingly important; China is diversifying from the U.S. dollar.

Read the complete story by Frank Holmes.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

What is Hyperinflation, do You have Solutions

April 16, 2014

We all need to understand the real meaning of hyperinflation, going to perhaps education some of our new readers in this current situation. It's not a very popular topic, but one we are all going to encounter sadly enough.

How we protect ourselves from the fiat currency, will take time, the direction along with an education. It's just simply going to happen, to many financial factors pointing us to a hyperinflation state. Hyperinflation frequently according to history has only concentrated on one country, as it did with Germany and Zimbabwe.

The biggest difference with this Hyperinflation it could and more than likely will have a global effect. It will create an increase in your daily needs, which we use each and every day. We could see prices rising by 200 percent or more for the specific items you bought just recently.

I am talking about things we use daily, food, gas and any product that has to be shipped. We will have a sharp increase that we will not appreciate, the prices we are paying for these's items today are at a bargain compared to what we will be paying for in the very near future.

So actually, how do you protect yourself from global hyperinflation, invest in an asset that is rescission proof. What this asset is all about, it has been around since the earth was created. Why gold? Governments cannot reproduce this asset, as the fiat currency. The fiat currency has the potential to collapse in 2014. 

There are endless videos, articles on this topic, going to share you with one, that makes the most logical financial sense. He's not selling you anything at all, just providing a solution to global hyperinflation. How you use his advice will determine your ROI on your investment, investing will always be a gamble. 

I watch this video; over and over then l take a different script from it, and Google it, getting more financial facts on it, trying to understand something l never knew. The information shared could change your financial situation. Not saying it will, but for some, it will, just research being used wisely.

The biggest Investment is in life, and it's complicated, we deal with so much, understanding and balancing a financial plan for our daily life is a challenge, for many of us. The fact is you could lose just as much whether you're "Rich or Poor." Think of what l just shared.

If you want to know a solution, that has necessary financial backing. That could also protect your holdings within your retirement plan. You know the one you're going to live from for the rest of your golden years. The question is it protected by a fiat currency or an asset?

If this makes sense, Then review this solution.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Friday, October 18, 2013

What are your options when investing with gold?

October 18, 2013

The most logical financial reason is Governments, cannot reproduce gold as they can, with the fiat currency, paper money.  It's why gold, will provide financial benefits, in our retirements future investments.

Gold and many other investments have had a ridicules roller coaster ride recently. Investing is always going to be a calculated risked, without a doubt. If you think differently, watch your investments vanish.

Difficult to understand why it has reacted the way it has to all the news from Congress. Is it being used as a cover up, to resolve all the other financial fiscals? Shutdowns, the debt ceiling, unemployment, foreclosures and cities in America declaring bankruptcy.

Gold will always have a demand, for the simple reason; it has a value that will be hard to compete. China has taken the role to becoming the worlds’ most successful currency and overtakes the American dollar as the most trusted fiat currency.

No one can predict how much gold China has in their back pocket. They have played a brilliant game of poker. They have the hand of a lifetime. They have the control of this asset, not just yet, but they are on their way.

They will be able to monitor the fiat currency, backed by their holdings, “with this asset, gold.” The question is how much gold is actually in Fort Knox? We all have heard rumors, so no need to bring it up. There is no gold locked up; it is all on loan, what they call "loan gold" more than one person buys the same bar of gold. How many own it, another myth.

Why l decided to take some time off, from writing on this topic. Had to understand the trends, effects, and why it was reacting the way it was. Finally seen a trend, on why it reacted the way it was! The newest trend that was introduced a long time ago has the same effect. Propaganda created by the media. Is what controls all commodities, options, stocks and your assets?

All you have to do is drive a vehicle to see the up’s and downs, of how OPEC, controls how far you drive. Gas prices are an absolute factor with hyperinflation! Transportation kicks in, so everything that is delivered is increased due to fuel prices.

Food is the biggest factor, with hyperinflation we all need to eat and feed our loved ones. You see it at your local grocery store, meat, vegetables, bread; daily items we use have all, increased in price. It's only the tip of the iceberg. Could share numbers, but who cares? They are only going up in price, so not going to make a difference.

On this blog, there are many logical ways you can protect yourself and play your hand as efficiently as you can, with the odds being perceptive. Still may not work out well, after all; investing will always be a gamble. Only 2 percent of the world’s population invests in gold.

Some of you who read this article may feel; the same way l did. Here is an article that can provide solutions on how to protect your future savings or how to save for your retirement.  

You can do it, in this time frame, or you can do it, in this period.
 All you have to do is pick one!

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Why are we getting this type of attention?

May 28, 2013

Why are we getting this type of attention? When was the last time you read an article on your multi-level marketing company that had rewards of this kind, as a leader in "the industry." For such a young, but an aggressive company within the industry.

Multi-Level Marketing is a product that promotes success at an alarming rate. If you have a demand for others to promote it, believe in it and most important have a desire to make it work. I had only one reason for picking this company as a winner, based on my research, reviews and why l would want to invest my time in this asset. Had to become an asset, or why would l do it?

See we all have our reviews and 2 cents of information that at times actually make sense. Investing is always going to have a risk factor, anyone says otherwise is lying to you. Learn and understand this!

The most often asked question in multi-level marketing is how do l get paid? Would you agree this is an honest question asked over and over? Exactly!!!

This article that l came across today l found it on one the Financial Reports. I did not write this, but l am sure glad he wrote it.

You can lead a horse's to water but you may never be able to make that horse drink it..... this is why we are getting this attention.

Read the Full report on how affiliates get paid with Karatbars 

Some of our Specialty Cards

Karatbars International has many things happening at once. Here are some Examples, Affinity (personalize) branding cards for corporations, gift cards, specialty cards, birthday cards, sports clubs, businesses, Here is an Example Pope John Paul II limited edition affinity card, 100,000 cards were made for "collectors," under license agreement by Vatican.

 If you are interested in Learning more about this opportunity Click here for more information.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Planning your Retirement wisely, with a system..

March 23, 2013

So much term oil going on, are you concerned about the effect it will have, hope you are for many reasons. We just went through this not so long again, why do banks have this "Freedom." The ability to change their direction as long as it is in their favorite. So they are not magnificent at what they do, so why do we have to bail them out?

Mismanagement by overpaid advisor's, how the banks got themselves and found the quicksand are now sinking and asking us as clients to bail them out. Something was drastically going wrong here at an alarming rate, so what do we do, how do we overcome this crisis? We have to ask our self's what is real anymore; sure people now have no accesses to their money in a so-called haven. The Crises in Cyprus banking system.

Is there any good news in the global crises, gas is always going up, food prices, all the products we desire and need keep resigning at again an alarming rate. What can we do to relief the pain on these unforeseen obstacles that have an effect on our financial status? Can not trust banks, our retirement plan since it is geared towards the shrinking dollar as it has been invested, by our financial advisor

might provide a solution will make sense to a few
who understand the concerns

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Prosperous and Rewarding New Year to All, 2013!

January 3, 2013

Just like to take the time and wish all who reads this blog, follows it, a very Prosperous and Rewarding New Year with all the dreams and desires you have in your life. Mindset is what makes us all happy and thriving, and yet it has the same cost as a weak mind. What a shame, same cost, but entirely different rewards and achievements as results for the same cost.

It's all you have ever to learn in whatever you do! Learn this and life is simple, fun and most of all has all the thoughts we daily think and dream about but never achieve. See my point! Real simple why most of us never get it, regardless and makes zero sense. So the point is advice you will get from reading this blog is, it has sense in our self-directions with our daily financial life!.

We exchange money every day, how much do we give away daily, most never think of it, but some of us do think about it, differences are money that l use to my advantage as in marketing advertising. Paid Advertising has a better view, click and most have an interest who clicked on your ad, now you have money to use effectively. Hey, holidays cost money, now we have to pay for ads. Yea 2013 has arrived nothing but price increase in all parts of our daily life.

Hope you enjoy the articles l write here, and the ones l also promote that made sense to me, you will fun some useful information and most work actually, why l love the "Art of Duplication" we all then are on the same page. Going to lead a great group that we have developed with this type of "Networking" communicating one member at a time. Make and eliminating the complications of making anything you do or have tried complicated. Wow, l did it again, why? Is what we all have, though, said and repeated it many times.

New Years Resolutions we all have them but the problem is they do not last very long, we meant well, we did. But same results, sad but reality, it's life how it is. Just want to thank all for your loyal support all the best. Leave you with our Co-Operate Site!!

All The Best From Karatbars International 

All The Best in 2013, we have what it takes to do it one member at a time !!!

What we do is share smiles
gifts that have a meaning
personal and rewarding!

Leave you with this final statement a "Question" l asked my "dad!!"
How come God always gives me these's obstacles in life?
He said cause you can handle them, so can you
one at a time!!
Be focused on your windows of opportunities!!! 

Click in For a Wonderful and Golding 
Opportunity on What we Share!!!

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

How to Create a Residual Income, "Recession Proof!"

November 20, 2012

Watching and reading a lot of good information that has many "Financial Benefits," life will always go on, how you direct your obligations is entirely up to you. With all the uncertainty in the world economy, only one real asset stands out, for several reasons. Changes will take place on January 1st, 2013; we have heard this and that for most average blue, white collared people that we are.

Some of us think of how we will plan our retirement well others are reorganized their retirement plans we all fit into one of these two categories, not what we desired, but just outlining facts that make sense. The hardest thing we have against us is our mindset; we should have done this and done that! Guess what? You know the lyrics backward now, and you got good at it. So what can we do or learn from what have forgotten or got good at?

Being good at what you do takes many things that have to play a particular role in your progress, most people mistake activity daily as an accurate result of accomplishment, how far from the truth. How do you measure success is in the progress of your "ROI," return on our investment is the only stat that will provide you with an "Honest" answer. You need to understand how these words have control of your success, mastering them is the first step. Learn these six words and fully know what they mean  "Only to YOU and no one else!"







Words that have an impact on our abilities, why some of us do not succeed. You need to an active mindset, pleasant dreams as illustrated in the book "The Secret." We have heard this all so many times, but as simple as it is, very few take this emotional level to our real desires and then become reality. Not sure why this works, understanding that this is why very few of is take this road. We all suffer from this syndrome, "Stop" and "Start" leave one program for another.

If you leave your current program, can you cash out and return your purchase or investments? Liquidate your "Assets" as if it was a brick and mortar company. We can; we invest in an "Asset" that is recession proof and be used as simple as a debit or credit card, cash out any time nice feature to have when all else makes no financial sense. When you join our team you will be provided with a "Blue Print," all l can share at the moment, just read what l wrote and what my passion is, pretty clear would you not agree?

Understand what Basel III will mean to your current "Asset" if you own this "Asset."

Once you read that article, you will want to come back and review the "Final Paragraph" on this article one that will provide you with additional information on why our team has a "Blue Print for Success." We share and fully understand the true meaning of giving back with all the support that provides results. When you become successful means, l am getting the rewards also as you will. Understand this concept, and you will reap the rewards one gram at a time.

Watch this Short Presentation, and take action!!

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

"Learning These Four Words will Provide You with Achieving New Success"

October 3, 2012

We all have an ability to make decisions that will meet or exceed our legitimate expectation of what we see and visualize as our "New" future. See the principals for these types of performance and success was written and overused by many who only had one goal, to generate income for you. Back in 1937, a very particular book was written, no need for me to mention the book we all know it. One of the biggest sellers of this day, the only difference is we download this book now. But the information and secrets of success, have never changed at all.

I write what I see will provide you information that has the ability for you to grow with this group and it's concept or an entirely different one. The key is, it will provide you with enough pertinent information for you to make intelligent decisions on your journey to meet or exceed your financial obligation without any worries. Why I decided to choose the 3% of the top earners, why they are hard to find, provides me exactly why I designed and created the "Welcome to Karatbars International on LinkedIn."

It'show I will build what l started, one member at a time we buy one gram at a time, providing us with a solid learning foundation that is a carbon copy, training, sharing and grow as a "TEAM." See the benefit is for you to decide and see the power and what you visualize with the growth of the most impressive return on your investment, that is also rescission proof. Taking the advice of this very important book teach what it taught me. Hell, it has been successful since 1937, impressive track record.

Going to share four words with you that will make a difference in your overall life if you learn what the correct meaning of each word means. then apply it and learn why it is important. If you follow these words, you will understand yourself much better. You will ask and re-thinking many situations as you have in the past. These "Four Words" will guide you to your dreams. The type of training you will get from me, this is my word and now learn how to use them.

Make these words work for you


How I will end this article, with a story that has meaning for me, someone who understands what it takes, knows what he did and, more importantly, know's what he has to do.

Learning the secrets of the very wealthy

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Welcome To One Gram at a Time

Thank you for taking the time to understanding the "One Gram at a Time Page," it has other meanings, other then the...

Posted by One Gram at a Time on Thursday, February 4, 2016

Watch This Short Presentation

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