Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Great Expectations

March 2, 2011

Great Expectations

This is a story l came across and decided to share with you all who read it. I thought it was rather funny and had something to offer us here at APSense, but only you can be the judge. I hope you enjoy it and it made you smile, all that really matters.

On the first day of school, a teacher was glancing over the roll when she noticed a number after each student name, such as 154, 136 or 142.

"Wow! Look at these IQ's," she said to herself. "What a terrific class." The teacher promptly determined to work harder with this class than with any other she ever had.

Throughout the year, she came up with innovative lessons that she thought would challenge the students because she didn't want them to get bored with work that was too easy.

Her plan worked! The class outperformed all the other classes that she taught in the usual way.

Then, during the last quarter of the year, she discovered what those numbers after the students name really were: their locker numbers.

The lesson here is very simple one,  if you have the attitude from the start, you can pretty much accomplish anything you want to so never settle your goals or desire low if you think who you are and will become who you really think you are, it's all in your mindset. It all started because she thought that they were top achievers and she didn't want to disappoint them, she believed and convinced herself that she had to apply extra effort.............It is all how you see yourself, will determine what you can accomplish in life so never settle for anything less than you deserve.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Friday, December 24, 2010

So This is Christmas, my Collection of Songs with Mom.

December 24, 2010

So This is Christmas, my Collection of Songs with Mom.

This has been a hard Year for me at times l wonder how l cope with it all. Lost my mentor, best friend "My Dad" back in June and now watching my mom slowly faded away. I know one thing, l will always remember our sweet memories we had with each other, this is absolutely priceless.

This Year l decided
l just wanted a private Christmas, going to spend it with my Mom, just me and her, she is in a home, has no idea who l am, but the chemistry and love is so real. This will be more then likely our last Christmas with one another, so l decided to put together a selection of Christmas Songs we loved growing up as a kid.

This one was always a funny way of looking at Christmas if you where a Porky Pig fan, as we where, we loved our cartoons on Saturday Mornings.

We all had to loved this great creation dumb perhaps, but very artistically performed, with over 22,800,000 views l would have to say it has been viewed. The Chipmunks had the ability to make us forget and enjoy the moment.

This next and Final Song we have selected is about humanity at a very early stage, before we knew what the word actually meant. John Lennon wrote this song with his beloved and most trusted friend, lover and wife Yoko Hama. When you listen to this Christmas Song you will notice the sadness in the eyes of what Humanity was never meant to be.

So This is Christmas another Year over!!!

Here at APSense we are going to have a very good NEW Year as Lennon and Hana stated in the last song, listen to the words, then become motivated as l have. Look at what l have gone through this year, but yet l am still living a dream and going to make sure that 2011 is our YEAR not mine at APSense, let's all enhance our life's, one day at a time.

"Merry Christmas and Happy New Year"

From all of Us here at APSense

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Creating Your Own Personal Brand, Part "TWO"

December 21, 2010

Creating Your Own Personal Brand, Part "TWO"

This is a follow-up to the original article on Creating Your Own Personal Brand if you have not read the first article. Then this article will not enhance any of your abilities or talents you have as a Marketer on the internet. If you want to fully appreciate the value of this article, then take a few minutes, read and understand the steps there.

For all of us who have read and understand what the value on the open market is for understanding how our Own Personal Brand will be. This is a very vital step of importance, our value in the open market. What price can l charge a client, how do l get more clients to listen to my concepts? We will all have a much better understanding these next four important steps to be applied immediately to your everyday life.

The most important investment you will ever make is when you decide to invest in your abilities and talent, but then again that is not enough to provide the Brand Personality. What makes many very successful is the way people perceived them to be the very best they can be, they just stand out, from the rest. So today you're going to invest in yourself and understand how to Brand Your Personality.

Learn and Master These 4 Steps

1) Provide and deliver your message as clear as possible.
Let's face it, if someone is confused by what you are talking about or trying to deliver, will they actually listen to you at all. You know you have been tuned out by your client, wife, friend or whoever you are talking too. Before you ever deliver a message just think of this powerhouse, what Nike's says.
"Just Do It".

2) You need to have the ability to Motivate people.
Now, what good would a message do if you do not have the ability motivate your team, downline, kid's, and whoever else that you need to motivate? If your message has no enticement for them to take action, so what is your message specifically asking your listeners to do.

3) Have the ability to be able to confirm your credibility with style and testimonials. You can spend countless hours telling your listener that you are the best that money can buy, but without credibility what do you have. Think of some of the best ad's, that shout a clear message to all who hear and to this day stay has an effect.
"Wheaties" The Breakfast of Champions
"Allstate" Your in Good Hands with Allstate
"Doctors Recommend Bayer's"

4) You have to be able to Trigger an emotion of your listener.
You need to feel and produce the adrenalin that "Maytag delivered the comforted and dependability of it the meeting or exceeding your expectation. You need to be able to trigger your listener in a fashion that you are not accustomed to having at the moment. If you do not make this connection your entire strategy will be totally shot down.

I certainly hope that you start learning and executing these 4 steps that you have just read and in our next blog will provide you with additional steps of how to
"Creating Your Personal Brand"

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Fastest and Easiest Way To Make Money?

December 18, 2010

The Fastest and Easiest Way To Make Money?

This is an absolutely well-written article done by a personal friend of mine, from good old hockey town in Michigan. When you read this article you will sense the passion for his ability to communicate with his audience. You will enjoy this!!

If you want to make money fast and easy I have the solution to your problem. You're not going to like my answer but it is the honest to god's truth.

The Answer:


You are not ready to make money on the internet. If you think you're going to start to make money fast on the internet you're sadly mistaken. Making money fast are for those who learn quickly. For the rest of us, we have to work harder. Money doesn't just fall from a tree into our laps. If that's the case then we would all be rich and living the good life. To earn money on the internet, we have to have patients because it all starts by planting a seed first and then giving it water and nutrients to help it grow.

What is the seed?

The seed is YOU. When you first start trying to make money on the internet you are a nobody. Think of yourself as a seed planted in the ground. Nobody knows you exist. As it rains and the sun shines the seed starts to open and when it breaks through the surface of the ground it becomes something. You are just like the seed, you haven't established your place on the internet to be trustworthy or have anything to offer so, you have to find the water and nutrients to help you grow. Your water and nutrients are your training. Feed your mind with knowledge by finding a mentor you can follow. Learn as much as you can because the information you learn from them you will be used to teach others. The more knowledge you have to offer the faster you will break the surface for people to recognize you.

The other thing I mentioned is patients. Not to brag, I have made over $3000 in the last few months from different programs on the internet. The money I made wasn't made by regurgitating a sales pitch. It was made by offering free information about what I have learned over the years. The knowledge I have accumulated over time has helped me establish myself. I have had to be patient and work hard for what I have made and this is something a lot of people don't understand. Patients is a virtue. You have to have patients if you want to be successful earning an income on the internet.

Be patient and educate your mind and then share it with others. Plant a seed today to succeed tomorrow! This is the fastest and easiest way to earn an income on the internet.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Expert of the Year-Wincer Song

December 11, 2010

Expert of the Year-Wincer Song

When I first conceived the idea of having an Expert of the Week for the Business Roundtable group, it was because I was running into several APSense members that were knowledgeable and most of all helpful. These were people who went out of their way to help other members and I wanted them to get the recognition that they deserved. So I created that "honor" to see that they did get that recognition

When I decided to bring it back last month I reevaluated the criteria. I wanted to make sure that those chosen were the elite quality members of the site. I evaluate candidates in several areas and I have high standards. I want to know that they are serious. Complete profiles including a photo are a must. They must be active on the site making quality contributions, and they must be generous individuals giving back to this community.

However as 2010 draws to a close, I"m switching things up a bit. I"m announcing an Expert of the year and that person will be the featured member of this group for the rest of the year. This person has worked tirelessly this past year on making APSense better, improving it for all of us.

That Expert is APSense co-founder and programmer, Wincer Song. Wincer has worked hard this past year for the benefit of APSense. Belief me, I know how hard he has been working. We all do. Just look at all the new tools and add-on's he has given us over this past year.

He is very hands-on with the site; reading and topping member blogs, running campaigns to promote members content and getting the members involved through various campaigns to create promotional materials for the site. He is always looking for ways to make the site better for all of us.

I also know Wincer as a person. He's a very approachable guy with a sense of humor. He makes himself available to the members. He is not the typical unknown behind the scenes guy writing code that no one knows or sees. He is "one of us" not a faceless unknown. I have been on APSense a long time and Wincer has always made it a point to be involved with the members.

I can't think of a better way to close out the year than to thank Wincer for all his hard work by naming him the Expert of the Year. Some members even added a few words:

(Note member comments have been edited for space)

Philippe Moisan
- Anyone who starts talking to Wincer discovers he's truly a unique individual. He's a genius, of that, there is no doubt, everyone can see it, with all the changes at APSense, it happens so fast.

Paula van Dun Wincer is one of the most driven and hard working persons I know and very inventive in making APSense the best it can be. What I like most about Wincer is that he is so friendly and approachable.

Dawie Bezuidenhout
- The 'Perfect Entrepreneur', this is a term that not many people would ever achieve. Wincer Song is 'The Perfect Entrepreneur', this description fits him like a glove, and he displays to us daily, through his hard work, determination and his quest to create the best business network on the internet, that he is a leader in his field.

Joseph F. BotelhoI has also been a member since the early days of APSense, have watched Wincer lead APSense to where it is today. One of the best Business Social Sites you as a member can ever work with. Wincer has never settled for second, his vision, dream of where and what APSense will become in the future is a vision he has had since day one.

Once again to our Leader Founder of APSense Congratulation from all of us here at APSense. You are the Expert of The Year without a doubt from anyone...

Written By
Cheryl Baumgartner
a dear friend of Mine!
All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Creating Your Own Personal Brand:

December 8, 2010

Creating Your Own Personal Brand:

We invest countless amounts of hard earn money on many useless affiliated programs, business, stock investments, real estate etc, etc, yea we get the picture of what l am getting at. We as the human in life all have dreams that we would like to accomplish and leave a mark on earth when we are all eventually gone.

So what is creating your own personal brand mean to you when you first read the first paragraph of this article. No l do not want you to invest your hard earned dollars in any programs that are going to make you richer than you ever imagine. But l do want you to invest a very large amount of your time with me and on this concept.

You need to start adjusting your fears and attitudes to become the best investment you can be to your family, a provider with all the love and care humanly possible. The only way you will ever accomplish this is by thinking completely different of how you are doing business on the Internet or any other type of business you run.

You've got to start thinking of yourself in terms of a major product. I will get back to this point later, see you are not ready to become that product as of yet. What you need to do is take the time to invest your abilities in yourself. Understand your weaknesses and your strengths are vital for you to improve and correct your weakness. Read this article l wrote before you go any future it will explain why this will work.

Now that you have read it and came back, you have an idea where this will lead you too. the best investment you will ever make in your life. Investing your abilities will enhance you beyond your wildest imagination and lead you to the road of success. See this is why not many make it in life, they make dumb investments, why they never have any money or take vacations allow their kids to play Rep sports, provide them with money to go to College.

The investment your about to make is only for you and not for me, someone told me this a long time ago and l never believed them, because l was too busy trying to make money. See time waits no one, the sad part of life is people spend more time planning a vacation than planning for their future goals and dreams. Once you commit to this receipt, l will share with you in the next few days, the link for the information will be the sentence that is in BOLD.

Yea l could give you all the information but not going to make it easy for you to succeed, you need to want it more than you ever wanted it before. So if you like what l have shared with you then you will enjoy your steps, but if you ever bake as my wife always says you can make a mistake by going out of order the cake will never turn out right. I do not bake for that reason, l cook cause l can add my favorites spices when l feel like it.

Instructions for Your Success

-Read the article l asked you to read.
-Write 10 weakness in your life at the moment.
-Write 10 of your biggest and most rewarding strengths you have.
-Review them if you are smart you will list much more than 10.
-Change them if you have too they have to be real, you need to see them in your inner mind.

Then l will notify you when I have provided the link to your next set of instructions. l hope all the best and most rewarding success when you follow this receipt for investing in yourself.


Tell me why l should pick you as one, l am looking for only 3.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The New Business of The Week is Cindy Bolley

December 5, 2010

The New Business of The Week is Cindy Bolley

Cindy Bolley
is one of the APSense old timers. She has been here quietly helping members in the background. Even if it's just a word of encouragement here and there. We often overlook the ones in the background even though they make huge contributions. I think that it's time to recognize Cindy for all she has done over the years.

Cindy Bolley
has been a member here at APSense since May 9th, 2007 has contributed many great blogs and has also created many good groups one of my favorite she created was the Laws Of Attraction.

Stop by her profile review Cindy's accomplishments and leave a comment telling her whatever it is you want to share with her. Once again great job well deserved!

Written by

Cheryl Baumgartner

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

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