Friday, September 7, 2012

Investing will always be a Gamble, But you have the ability to increase your success

September 7, 2012

Any time you invest there has to be a risk, it's a gamble with all the unexpected that could happen to your investment, one day here next day was gone. Happens to "GOLD and other commodities " also for the simple reason you invest in this product and then cash out, one big problem the "GOLD" is gone. You ask your bank manager, your investment broker, and neither one has a logical answer. Could this happen and how can we overcome this, and have our investment protected. Simple! The old saying l keep my money under my mattress safe and l sleep on it. We all have heard this statement the answer at the end of this article, logical solution.

What is happening in Europe and to some degree of what occurred in America, money problem? No problem we will just print more money. Countries in Europe especially Spain are breaking all of the (ECB) rules European Central Banking; they are lending money when the only authorized bank to lend the (ECB) and yet they are lending to their banking system. How, by printing more money is the only way l see it, further getting themselves into a complete mess.

The main reason they can not write that much money to support countries who are also in the same financial shape, Portugal, Ireland and, of course, Greece. Bottom line, there are a lot of concerns about the world economic way, countries around the globe are in. Printing money is a bandage; all it is. The interest and all the other factors once kicked in will devalue the money printed. Happened in Mexico with their currency and several other countries, destroying their economy.

Gold in a "Safety Deposit Box" in a bank is not safe, simple reason if that institution closes for whatever reason it will take a very long time if ever to obtain what you had in your safety deposit box. Clever name for an item that is to be secured, a safety deposit box. So what gold, silver or diamonds you had in the safe box, it is gone forever. So how do we prevent this and how do we control our wealth, not any natural thing to do! Since the safe deposit box is not that safe.

We are no different than you, all I know is I have lost a lot of money in my life. One thing I always did found the solution or solutions to what just has happened to my wealth. I have been working the internet market for a very long time, actually studied computer science at Devry, for no real appear reason. Since I decided to work in the Automotive Industry as a night cashier well going to college to becoming a Trainer for (GMDA) General Motors Dealers Association of the great Toronto District. Worked at all levels, and understood the automotive industry to this day, my lively hood. Created an international market, based on the American Dollar, at the time, the currency for worldwide trading.

Guess what, one day our Prime Minister on National Television saying things to President Bush back in 2004 that changed the value of paper money. Do your research on this topic, how it affected not only my wealth but countless others who depended on what the value of the US Dollar Closed at. The Bank of America was the leader in this type of hedging funds for future speculation; you locked in. Propaganda played the role as it always has, the dollar dropped without warning overnight. The middle east wars controlled the topics and the spending of investing in a war.

The reality is there is no logical reason for gas to be what it is today a Liter or a Gallon, depending where you live, who controls that. The price fixing is outraged and out of control lead by greed (OPEC) controls our future, and if they had any desire to change our economy, they have the control. Lower your profits and let people be able to move our products around, watch our economy get back on track.

What controls our economic world of monetary issues. The above examples, since you have had an interest in this topic like l said way back at the top, l would share the simple solutions, l thought l also forgot about it.

                                        For the answers of how to protect your investment see
you inside, just have a look!!!
No obligation, just a wise investment solution!

Gold was not selected arbitrarily by governments to be the monetary standard. Gold had developed for many centuries on the free market as the best money; as the "Asset" providing the most stable and desirable monetary medium."  written by Murray N. Rothbard

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Now "YOU CAN," Afford to aquire Gold!

September 5, 2012

We have had the opportunity to read our last article on what the value of gold will be if you have not read it then read it before proceeding with this next article. The reason is you will miss all the relevant information that has been well researched and will make a differences in your financial decisions for your retirement plan.

Savings has been a drilled word in all of us, savings and how do you keep your net worth is a debatable subject that makes or will break you. Should have invested in this, or should of taking that route, God l knew about that company, why did l not look at it closer, all l am asking is take a close look!! But in the end; the action was never taking, so all you have are bad memories for most of us.

Hey, l am "NO" different than you, l have kids, who will continue their education, someone has to pay for that. Do you have them funds in place for your loved one? All we can do for our kids is provide them with what we never had in most case only.

All marketing Companies promise this and that, Karatbars International is a substantial investment company that has a concept that will provide rewards with a steady growth that can turn into a very lucrative investment for your future dreams and desires.

They offer different levels of comfort zones, become a customer and only buy grams of gold which are much more affordable for the average investor. Secondly, you can become part of the organization building a sound investment of gold and also earning revenue from different levels of marketing. Options are always a sound investment when you have so many different avenues of making your investment work for the best possible (ROI).

Not a get Rich limited company; it takes effort if you decide to work with the enterprise, or just sit back and enjoy the yields on your investment. Plan your future what is the best protection you can invest your hard earn money, gold is the simple answer. What is it worth today, what will it be worth tomorrow, in a month or a year. I have been watching this company since October 2011.

Hey, this section provides you with the soft sell, people love gifts, what do l get my son when he graduates, have a wedding to go to what do l buy them, you get the picture. Items that will enhance and create an individual wealth and always be appreciate; and remembered by them.

SHOP AROUND and THANK YOU, for taking the time
Investing in the perfect gift for your loved one!!

Makes a perfect Christmas gift
For Your Loved One, friend, co-worker, etc...
and delivered to your address!!

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Review on What is the Future value of Gold!

August 28, 2012

Review of What is the Future value of Gold!

I created and wrote this because l have an interest in sharing some information that l have been doing a lot of research into. No one can ever be accurate, regardless of how much effort and diligence's you apply to your research on your investment. Gold has always been a wise investment, since the "San Francisco Gold Rush" and well before that; it was the principal currency for may years and way of payment for services.

At the current moment, this investment is out of the reach for most of us to invest with a positive (ROI) return on your investment. There are ways of investing in Gold, with a lot less money and building a stable future that is also rescission proof against inflation and world financial crises in this ever changing economy.

Money is a necessity in our everyday life. He or she, who has little money, and those who have more want to secure and protect it, but how do we achieve this? Gold has always been used as a means of payment and a standard of wealth in over 194 countries.

The question you may have will probably include the following questions? How do l purchase gold, where do l buying and what do l need to know when exchanging paper currency into Gold.

The above are real questions and concerns for most of us to understand with any investment and what are the risks and what you can afford. What gold provides is a currency that is recession proof and easily converted, depending on the size, brokerage firm and several other factors. Now that we have a little understanding, and your still reading this article, let me now share what I am talking about. Watch this short video by Nick Barisheff  President and CEO of Bullion Management Group allow him to share with you why it will be one of the smartest investment you can make!

Watch This Video with Nick Barisheff on why he thinks Gold will have this value


All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Friday, August 17, 2012

Joint Ventures can provide many financial rewards

August 17, 2012

How can you benefit from joint ventures and make them work effectively for your marketing campaigns? There is an old saying if you can not beat them, you have to join them after all, two heads are better than one. If you have a desire for your marketing efforts to have a significant increase in market reach, break into your niche market and directly generate skyrocketing revenues in a short amount of time. More and more marketers on the internet are using these old adages are becoming more relevant.

You are about to learn one of the most powerful ways of becoming very successful in today's competitive business world of marketing. Joint Ventures is a term used when you team up with another person or groups of people doing the same thing you are doing. That is expanding your business influence and creating a more powerful way of marketing your business growth to a whole new audience you only dreamed of.

For you to become successful being part of a Joint Venture team you will need to understand how it all works and what is expected of you when you become part of a Joint Venture. Let's review the key areas that you will need to understand fully and see if a Joint Venture is tailored to your business expectation and growth pattern.

What is a Joint Venture first of all?

A Joint Venture is when you team up with another business partner and share knowledge, strategies, assets and of course profit, is a lame term for a Joint Venture.  When small companies join one another in a Joint Venture they now more options and abilities to compete with bigger and more reliable businesses in the same industry. In some cases large enterprises with join smaller groups for the particular reason to obtain information, the technology that otherwise would never happen regardless of how much money the large corporation had.

The next step is getting all the guidelines in place, so all members and parties understand the agreement and what is expected of each other.  The legal agreement of what assets tangible and intangible that each brings to the table should all be drafted and signed by each party for future protection if things fall out of place. This legal advice should only be handled by knowledge legal firm that understands Joint Venture Law.

The biggest opportunity that Joint Venture provide you and your business is how your business we increase. The market share by being exposed by different members showcasing and presenting your items for sale on their Special offer sheets, when someone logs in there is a series of splash pages that you will need to bypass before you can get to your account. Sometimes the mind becomes curious when an item shows up, and you have an interest in it, and you bought without even knowing you were going to buy anything. Offers being provided by affiliated markets from Click Bank, Click Brief just name a couple of them.

There are all types of Joint Ventures that you can join as a Free Member and perhaps down the road you may decide to upgrade your account and share more of the profits you will earn for being a contributor to that Join Venture.

 Just click on this link for your Free E-Book as a Gift for reading this article

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Welcome To Nutty Give A ways

August 15, 2012

We are always looking for short cuts in building our email list, with quality traffic that has an interest in what we are promoting and providing. Nutty GiveAways has come up with a good way of making this dream become a reality.

More than likely not the first article you have read providing you with this type of information in building a successful email list. What l would like to do is share with you some solid reasons, why this will have an effect on your list.

Ground floor opportunity was providing you with many benefits as an early bird to this Joint Venture of giving away gifts, e-books and many additional opportunities for you to succeed with this program and at the same time making some extra money.

This Event will Start on Friday, August 31, 2012. Please keep in mind that this offer will be available ONLY until August 31, 2012, and then the door will shut down.

Reason # One: Untapped income potential with your digital products
Reason # Two: Best products on the market at your finger tip.
Reason # Three: Hot selling products Free of Cost in here
Reason # Four: Temped visitors turn, subscribers and then customers.
Reason # Five: You make the relentless profit each day to live your dream life.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Why you Should be using Google Plus!

July 24, 2012

Why You should be using Google Plus!

You need to use Google Plus for marketing! Now, just why might anyone take a step such as that? The motivations and the reasons vary. There are likely to be as numerous reasons as people, many almost undertake it, but delay doing things, never really get around to starting. Some don't learn enough of what is involved to know how to get started. Many individuals don't want to consider it until they see individual make an effort to, and succeed.

Have you thought about all the arguments about whether or not to use Google Plus for marketing purpose? If you're one such undecided, below are three good reasons in favor, that you need to think about.

1st reason, there are 250 million users already on the social platform. A huge potential to get your business in front of targeted prospects. Yes, l see your point on the subject of using Google Plus. You might don't know how to use the site correctly. That's a good point, and more likely legitimate. However it is easy to get involved, and a lot of information about Google Plus can be found on the search engines.

2nd Reason, Google creates new features on a daily basis. More marketing potential than you could ever dream of right now. Moreover, you can build a huge list by inviting people to your profile. And also, you can follow like-minded people who already have a large list of followers. That way more people will eventually come to your profile.

3rd reason, Google will eventually go mobile. That you will be able to get your profile on iPad and cell phones. Just as before, you think that this isn't big. Wait until competition outclasses you!

Whenever you examine these three points, it will be clear that they're at the least somewhat compelling. And considering all that, a case can be made for having a serious look at how you need to use Google Plus for marketing purpose!

Just let that new perspective soak in a bit. Turn it in your thoughts. Possibly if all those things related to others, at a minimum a bit of it might pertain to you.  Maybe you should, should you need to use Google Plus for marketing purpose too!

This article was written by Ralf Dooley, a good friend,

 check out his profile for more interesting topics.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Monday, April 16, 2012

This story is called, "The Secret of Success"

April 16, 2012

This story is called, "The Secret of Success."

The following inspiring story has
changed my life. I hope it will do the same for you.

There was once a boy who wanted to seek the secret of
success. One day he approached a wise man living up in
the mountain.

When he found the wise man at the hut, he
asked, "Wise man, can you tell me the secret to becoming
successful in life?" The wise man was silent for a
while. After a moment of silence, the wise man led the
young lad to a nearby river.

They kept walking into the river until the boy's head was
entirely submerged in the water. The boy struggled to keep
his head above the water.

To his astonishment, the wise man did not help
him. Instead, the wise man held the boy's head in the
water. After a few minutes, the wise man pulled the boy
Out of the water and they proceeded to walk back to the

At the hut, the wise man asked the young boy what
he desired most when his head was submerged in water.

To this, the young boy quickly responded, "Of course, I
wanted to breathe, you old fool!"

To which the wise man replied, "Son if you desire success
as much as you wanted to breathe, then you would have found
the actual secret of success."

The above story is one that I read whenever I feel de-motivated.
It always makes my day much better.  Hope you enjoy and also benefit from this story.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Always "Move" forward with everything you do!

April 3, 2012

Easier said than done, but we do have this ability if we understand what directions and why we need to do it, then it becomes reality. You have to believe in yourself to be able to move fully forward in whatever it is your doing in life. We all encounter daily obstacles that deprive our thinking and making our set direction more difficult in obtaining our success, we desire. We need to know when to call on others to provide you with the much-needed guidance you’re lacking.  You need to find ways to resolve issues; stop procrastinating them and set a game plan that will give you results.

Understanding your fears and having the ability to let go of your fears is not an easy task at all. The Very complex process, it deals with emotions, and emotions have the abilities to impair your judgment and decisions. When you over think, you become convinced by the visualization you have created in your inner mind. Some call it mind games you play with yourself. The results are usually a waste of human energy. Nothing accomplished or gain in your thinking patterns.

What we need to do is learn how to change this thinking into a positive pattern of thought, illustrating your weaknesses and strengths of your visualization is your first mission.  Always think of the things you did right!  Positive reaffirmation way of thinking and adding conviction to your thinking. Understanding what you did correctly will offset what you did incorrectly; teaching you how to overcome our fears one by one. When we tackle our fears, we deal with them one at a time and mastering that fear into a positive achievement.  Is a step in the right direction of understanding your positive outlook in life, one at a time!

The power of visualization is an “Art” that has been used for centuries by many people from all walks of life who all live in all different countries but understand the power of visualization. Role playing in your mind is an effective way of allowing your brain to become more confidence when it deals with obstacles or any other visualization you played in your mind; it’s a particular movie. How you end it, is your decision you’re in total control of your dreams. Success is never just one race, just when you thinking you have found it, another race begins, so make it a marathon. One can never be too comfortable with the directions and obstacles he will face, but being ready for the challenge; is the attitude that makes "Winners from Losers."

Don’t ever stop trying to be a better person.
Took me a long time to fully understand this 

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Understanding Predictable Behaviour Patterns

March 28, 2012

Understanding Predictable Behaviour Patterns

When you understand what this title has in store for you, it will be like having a crystal ball in front of you. You just know how this person will react; making your marketing skills prolific in the sense you already knew their weaknesses by using and understanding this concept.  Using this very useful technique is an absolute “Art”.  Let’s learn more about this subject and benefit from it.

When we test human responses to marketing efforts.  People react to certain words, phrases and enticements, such as words “Free”, “Sale”, and up to 75% off. What creative marketing calls a sizzle; we have now created a niche market for an audience that has our attention. A real dream comes true, in a simply explained manner.

Creates cultural reactivity that we all have felt and learned from; this type of thinking and understanding takes an effort to master and generate the above statement. When we understand a person’s cultural idealism which knowing the excellent pictures that play in their mind, we now know and anticipate their behavior and reaction.  Perhaps l have sparked an interest in you, we all have had this type of thinking, knowing ahead of time.

Predictable behavior patterns occur daily, and they get rather boring as we all know, but when we use this method in a business transaction! Happens, you have created a competitive edge to negotiate a reward winning contract, perhaps a sale or just an excellent contact and lead. Marketing is a contact sport when you think about it.

Master and learn how to use good reactivity to your advantage, is a step in the winner’s circle of successful negotiating with results. This concept has created more wars than any other nation, why because when your emotions get the attention, it becomes personal and we try and protect our boundaries our beliefs. Over time, we break this pattern and strengthen our morals or break apart entirely. This is one of the strongest cornerstones of our conviction.

We as humans, well some of us become emotional reactivity, meaning how we will react to certain situations that comfort us. Make or break the deal, absolutely in its finest fashion allowing you to obtain an additional advantage in your control in this case. We all know some people are just plain weird, they become hot-head, indolent or just plain over emotional. With much luck perhaps with age and maturity they will learn their deviations that prevent them from achieving their dreams.

Mastering your reactivities and keeping them in perspective without over reacting,
is a chore for most of us!
We just repeat our faults!!

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

How HGH Supplements Work, providing you with theses results

March 27, 2012

Human growth hormone also called somatotropin, is a protein hormone of 190 amino acids (building blocks of protein) that is created and secreted by the anterior pituitary gland. It has two types of effects, both of which are highly beneficial to the vital, active human body.

One main type of action of the HGH is its direct effects on other kinds of cells. The growth hormone binds to its receptor on target cells then creates some particular action. Fat cells, for example, are the target cells of HGH, so they have growth hormone receptors. Once bonded there, the growth hormone causes them to break down triglyceride and suppresses their ability to take up and accumulate circulating lipids -- in other words, fat storage is prevented!

HGH also acts to create other indirect effects in the body by causing secretion of IGF-1, an insulin-like growth factor hormone. IGF-1 is secreted from the liver and other tissues in response to growth hormone. The action that governs mostly growth-related effects of HGH.

This same effect is also the power behind muscle growth. It stimulates both the differentiation and proliferation of muscle cells, stimulates amino acid uptake and synthesizes protein in muscle and other tissues. This is where HGH's ability to influence overall muscle and skin tone comes from.

Growth hormone has significant effects on:

  • Protein metabolism:
    HGH causes increased amino acid uptake, increased protein synthesis and decreased oxidation of proteins.

  • Fat metabolism:
    HGH enhances the utilization of fat -- gives your body the ability to break down fat cells more efficiently.

  • Carbohydrate metabolism:
    HGH is one of the several hormones that maintain blood sugar within a normal range.
Because of the abilities of HGH mentioned above, you can soon see that without it, muscle tone declines, fat stubbornly sits in the body and resists metabolism, and hair, skin and nails (all composed of proteins) deteriorate. In fact, scientists now believe that HGH has a role in most healthy functions of the body, including sexual function, proper operation of stomach and bowels, liver, and all glandular systems. Whether HGH is directly interacting with individual cells, or playing its essential part in the correct function of other bodily systems, it's essential throughout the body for youthful vigor and health. The problem is, HGH augmentation has traditionally been a benefit reserved for the super-rich: until now, only injections of HGH could have an effect in the body, and at a cost of thousands of dollars per treatment. More recently, pharmaceutical companies and natural supplement companies have fine-tuned the science of HGH stimulation in the body utilizing a Growth Hormone releaser. That is, by natural means, the body can be stimulated to produce and release its own HGH, increasing levels to those of an enthusiastic, vital person.

One such supplement is GenF20™, a supplement from a quality manufacturer. Their product works by using a formula to trigger and stimulate the pituitary gland to produce and secrete more HGH itself. The HGH goes into your body just as nature intended, in other words, through the glandular system -- just as it did when you were in your 20s. You see, it is not possible to just make an HGH supplement that would enter the bloodstream by other means than injection because the HGH molecule is too large to pass through the walls of the digestive system, for instance. But with a "release" or stimulator product, your body does the HGH producing itself. Once stimulated by the supplement, HGH goes to work in the body delivering all the benefits detailed above. If there's a fountain of youth, this is it, say doctors who've reviewed the product.

Why not see it for yourself. 

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

APSense Has Totally Changed!

March 21, 2012

APSense Has Totally Changed!

The complete concept has not changed, what has changed is the format and how we get viewed and exposed on the internet. The APSense Team has revamped our total imagine, getting our message circulated is creating what we call a niche market. The market that we all need to tap into, why for the simple reason they have the same interest as we do.

Understanding our target market is a rewarding feature, creating an audience that has the same interest as we do, does a dream come true. We now have an audience that speaks the same language we speak. The have a need, desire and are willing to gather the information for them to make a purchase. Music to our ears is what that states.

APSense Social Media Business
site has created an effective target-ting market that will display your abilities in a whole new arena. Regardless of what you are promoting, the is a "Market" with that type of audience. Sharing your sizzle, is how you get their attention, learn this concept. Being unique, creative with a game plan that works, will enhance your odds for clicks and leads to your site.

Changes have come to how we market our products, offers and whatever it is we promote, is an absolute "ART". You have to understand the concept of how you get visitors to spend time on your site. They create the bounce ratio; they have an interest in what you are offering. They spend time on your site; they have a need for what you are promoting.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What is HyperGH 14x?

March 13,2012

What is HyperGH 14x?

Before we answer this question, ask yourself what you love about women. Well, there are many things to love about the female species. Some guys like a lady's posterior. Others love the breasts that only a woman can flaunt. And some of us like a little of both.

Now ask a woman what she likes about the male physique. You'll get various answers, ranging from a friendly smile to particular body parts. But the more you press a woman, the more you'll find a universal truth about women and what they love about the muscular body.

Women love a guy with muscles. Duh.

And this is one of the several reasons why the makers of HyperGH 14x created this dietary supplement HGH releaser, formulated specifically for muscle growth and development. Benefits include:
  • increased lean muscle mass
  • reduced body fat
  • more energy
  • greater results from similar workouts
  • faster recovery time

HyperGH 14x is designed for men of all ages, be they in their twenties or higher up on the yearly scale. Same product focused benefit. But the result is clear: a natural boost in the gym, for more muscles and increased sex appeal.

Not Another HGH Releaser

HyperGH 14x is designed specifically for muscle growth, with a natural boost of energy, faster recovery and increased muscle tone.

Growth hormone plays an essential role in muscle development and maintenance. In particular, the influence it has on exercise-induced growth hormone response (EIGR), in which high-intensity training stimulates a release of growth hormone, is of interest to men who want natural and sustainable growth of muscles.

An HGH releaser formulated for muscle growth is designed to stimulate larger natural pulse releases of growth hormone, for increased exercise capacity and better recovery. The result of this? More muscle.

Moreover, such a product should work with your circadian rhythm and your body's natural cycles. Research shows that growth hormone is released in pulses that typically spike before bed. Should you be interested in an HGH releaser for muscle development, it's advisable to pursue a product to be taken right when you get up and again before bed.

For the Young Gun

The young guys will like this: an HGH releaser is substantially safer than both synthetic HGH and those infamous anabolic steroids.

Neither of these previous treatments, when taken outside of medicinal purposes - and let's be honest, steroids are usually taken for muscle growth - are sustainable over the long-term, nor are they safe when used to get big in the gym. Side effects of steroids, and to a lesser extent, synthetic HGH? Acne, bleeding, shrunken testicles, impotence, intense mood swings, hair loss, a risk of cancer.

An HGH releaser for muscle growth is a safe and natural option, with herbals and amino acids rather than synthetic drugs that can damage one's health, to say nothing about what steroids can do to one's looks. Shrunken testicles and permanent damage to your sperm? Doubtful the ladies would like that.

For the Baby Boomer

Are think muscles just for the young guys? Hardly. Joe Weider does pretty well for himself, and he's in his nineties. Jack Lalanne was pretty darn fit and with daily workouts til his last day in this life. His age? Ninety-six.

That said, these guys are and were serious bodybuilders right up til the end. Not all of us have that kind of devotion. But it's certainly possible to have enough muscle to get those sexy looks from the ladies that, admit it, we all love, when we doff the shirt come a warm summer day.

For that individual, an HGH releaser designed for muscle growth and development can encourage the natural growth hormone required for more energy, muscle tone, strength and bone density. Moreover, considering the average man loses ten percent of his growth hormone each decade after 40, natural growth hormone therapy is advisable.

With 10,000 Americans hitting the 60-year mark each day, seniors want to look young and live well, with better skin, less fat, more lean muscle tone and perhaps even a modicum of sex appeal.

To do this, choose a natural supplement, with ingredients that are proven to stimulate growth hormone and one that's safe for long-term use.

Enter the HGH releaser for muscle growth.

For You

If this speaks to you, and you're looking for a raw edge for more energy and muscle growth and retention, consider an HGH releaser designed for the gym.

Your criteria should be specific: you're looking for an HGH releaser with a high enough dose that you'll see results from your time in the weight room, yet well within safe levels.

As well, you'd do well to purchase a product that's manufactured in a cGMP-compliant facility to ensure the highest standards and purity of the ingredients used within. If it has an oral spray with Alpha-GPC, that's great, as studies show that Alpha-GPC can increase muscle contractions during a good workout and with growth hormone release to match.

Finally, look for an HGH releaser with live 24/7 customer support and a firm money-back guarantee. That's a sign that the company stands by the product enough to know not only that it works, but it also works very well.

In other words, for safe and sustainable muscle tone that will have the ladies looking at your chiseled physique, buy HyperGH 14x. Your edge in the gym.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Thursday, March 8, 2012

What Price Are YOU Willing to Pay to Ignore YOUR Passion?

March 8, 2012

What Price Are YOU Willing to Pay to Ignore YOUR Passion?

Is life too short to waste 40+ hours a week working at something you don’t like?

Then maybe it's time to “Fulfill Your Passion” … and start to earn a living doing what you love the most, no matter what it is!

Like most people, your parents probably told you to do two things growing up:
Get your education and settle into a well-paying job. It doesn't matter whether you like the job or not - like Nike says - "Just Do It"!

As a matter of fact I know a fellow that got a great paying job right after he finished high school, he worked for the same company until he retired he took an early retirement - the problem - hated every single day he was there, but the money was decent. Here is the real kicker, two years after he had retired he was in a "freak" accident that took his life.

I thought about that long and hard...........
I didn't want that to be my situation.

9 of 10 people you ask will admit that they feel unfulfilled by their work. Therefore, what price are you willing to pay to ignore your passion or have something you do that fulfills your time and energy.

Take some time to reflect and if you want to consider options that can satisfy your desires. You have life experiences that can be leveraged to generate income: YOU just may not be aware of them yet. There are strategies you can use to minimize any risks as you transition to becoming an entrepreneur.

YOU can live a life of abundance, one that you can achieve your dreams, desires and goals. YOU can be, do and have whatever you desire if you are just willing to take that step forward. Just believe you can!

Abundance means more than having a lot of money. Money is an important tool to have, and it makes life easier to help fulfill your dreams and goals. I want to do everything possible to help you live a happy and abundant life. That’s why I'm hoping this short article offers you something to think about.

I would love to be able to deliver to you a powerful method that you can use immediately to begin creating greater success and help you towards living your life of passion.

Contact me at your leisure to find out more.

Well-written article by my good Canadian friend Cory Blackman, a senior writer over at APSense Social Business Media Site.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Monday, March 5, 2012

HGH is Not Steroids

HGH is Not Steroids

Human Growth Hormone is not steroids. Read that again. HGH and anabolic steroids are not the same things. Got it? Good, because there are so many misconceptions about both agents of human growth and development that most people simply lump them into the same category.

Heck, even the media doesn't know the difference. Most stories you read about performance enhancing drugs just hide the fact that the journalist who wrote the story doesn't have a clue about what steroids are, what HGH does and there's no gray area that separates the two in athletic competition. HGH is not steroids. Simple as that.

A Definition Please...

HGH is a synthetic version of growth hormone, a 191 amino acid protein-based peptide hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland and responsible for cell growth and regeneration. Growth hormone determines your height, bone density, skin condition and your body's ability to repair itself and look young.

Anabolic steroids are a drug that mimics the effects of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. Such drugs, including Halotestin and Durabolin, increase muscle size and strengthen bones. They're legal only with a doctor's prescription to treat medical conditions related to lack of testosterone. When taken for reasons other than this purpose, they're illegal.

Having said this, both HGH and steroids have anabolic properties, meaning they can 'build up' human tissue. And in some cases, they produce similar benefits. They also share similar side effects, and in the event you're looking for a safer alternative to HGH and steroids for a natural advantage in the gym, we'll review that too.

Where the Confusion Comes From

HGH and steroids are both legally available to treat medical conditions related to hormone deficiencies. Some endocrinologists prescribe HGH to treat growth hormone deficiency, in children and adults. When administered to a child, HGH can increase height, which makes it a popular treatment for children who demonstrate stunted growth.

HGH is also approved to treat cachexia – loss of body mass from AIDS.

Steroids are a legal way to handle deficiencies in testosterone. Such drugs can cause puberty to start early and can treat boys with a genetic disorder. As with HGH, they're legal only when prescribed by a doctor.

Both HGH and steroids are synthetic and have performance enhancing properties. They can both increase muscle volume and human performance though steroids more dramatically than HGH.

Their anabolic properties make both HGH and steroids an attractive option for individuals who want to enhance the human condition. In that light, HGH is most often abused for cosmetic reasons, particularly to look younger. And steroids are often misused between 10-100 times their recommended dosage to build muscle mass.

Handle With Care

While both treatments are synthetic, HGH is a synthetic form of growth hormone. Somatropin is a popular patented version of HGH.

Steroids, though designed to mimic testosterone, are simply drugs.

As you may have heard, both synthetic HGH and steroids come with a concerning list of side effects. Among other things, HGH, when taken with injections, can cause abnormal bone growth, nausea, joint stiffness, increased risk of diabetes, several forms of cancer and more.

But it's those steroids, and the many health hazards associated with them, that have received the most attention in media circles. This include:
  • damage to sperm
  • permanent impotence
  • shrunken testicles
  • gynecomastia (man breasts)
  • hair loss
  • acne

Steroids are also linked to increased blood pressure, the risk of heart attack and stroke. There is also compelling evidence that steroids can cause irritability, intense mood swings, and 'roid rage'. The death and double murder surrounding former WWE superstar Chris Benoit's early demise are an infamous case of such a phenomena.

Men looking to make gains in the weight room should avoid needles altogether, be it from HGH or steroids. Instead, they might consider another route.

A Safer Alternative: The HGH Releaser

An HGH releaser is a dietary supplement of herbals and amino acids designed to stimulate natural production of growth hormone.

Unlike synthetic HGH, an HGH releaser contains no growth hormone. Instead, it's formulated to encourage the pituitary gland to release growth hormone naturally, for similar benefits of more intrusive HGH injections, but with milder results and without the reported side effects.

The HGH releaser has received substantial media attention in recent years as an anti-aging supplement. And yet, with the influence of growth hormone on muscle development, a natural growth hormone supplement may have applications for all men looking to build muscle naturally, but without the dangers of synthetic HGH and those nasty steroids.

An HGH releaser may help with muscle growth and offer more energy. But to benefit the most from such a product, it's advisable to choose an HGH releaser with the right dosage for muscle growth and energy, yet within safe and acceptable levels.

To that end, and if this interests you, look for an HGH releaser formulated specifically for muscle growth. Ideally, it should consist of an oral supplement and a spray with Alpha-GPC. The product should be taken twice a day, once in the morning and again at night, to maximize your circadian rhythm and anticipated, exercise-induced growth hormone release.

With this in mind, you might consider HyperGH 14x, which in addition to having the above prerequisites, comes with the enteric coating, which maximizes absorption and delivers the most ingredients to the small intestine where they're processed and used for the greatest benefit.

All the Best

Joseph F. Botelho Profile on LinkedIn

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How to Work Out Longer, Gain Better Results, using HyperGH 14x

February 29, 2012

Hit the Gym, Gentlemen, with HyperGH 14x

Quick question for you. What's the leading cause of death for American men? According to the Center for Disease Control, it's heart disease, which in 2006, accounted for just over a quarter of all deaths among men in the United States.

That might have been a few years ago, but new stats suggest that risk of heart disease hasn't faded much since then. You know those risks right? Obesity, smoking and stress, among others. And, of course, lack of exercise.

Suffice to say, it's important for men of all ages to use. Any thing's good, really, so long as we get at least 30 minutes per session, and preferably five or six times a week.

Of course, most men are more into the free weights routine than aerobics, and there's nothing wrong with that. So much time as you're getting some cardio in there, somewhere, men can get most of their exercise needs met with good old resistance training.

In this article, we'll discuss three of the core resistance exercises that are most beneficial to men, for health, longevity and less chance the grim reaper will come before you've achieved what you want in this life. We'll also review that men should indeed supplement for the gym with age. What supplement works best? Hint: it isn't steroids. Try HyperGH 14x. We'll get to that.

Work Those Core Muscles

Biceps are sexy, and girls may like big arms, but for health and the most benefits of weight training, your core comes first. Your core is your torso, meaning from below your neck to your upper legs. Save the arms for another day. No core, no gains. Very simple.

Core muscles give balance to the body. Done correctly, exercises that work your core not only provide an incredible stress release, they thicken your bones, develop physical strength and promote good balance, which in a man's later years, may reduce the chances he'll fall.

Considering that unintentional injuries are the third leading cause of death among men in the United States, core exercises should be the starting point of any resistance training exercise regimen. Do these exercises, and you're well on your way.


Arguably the single most beneficial exercise you can do, dead-lifts have the distinction of working every major body part. If you do one exercise all week, do dead-lifts.

Having said this, it's imperative to do deadlifts with proper form. A strenuous exercise that, if you do it wrong, can mess up your spine. Don't arch your back with deadlifts – position your back inwards, and your posterior out.

To do a dead-lift, place your palms on the bar, one hand with an overhand grip, the other under-handed. Your feet should be straight, roughly shoulder-width or slightly wider apart. Push down hard with your legs as you lift up the bar. Back in, butt out, slowly lift, then place back down. That's one.


Another great full body exercise, squats thicken the spine and work those core muscles that develop physical strength and balance. In the pecking order of most beneficial exercises, it's number two.

The caveat with squats is that, when done with the traditional method of a bar placed on the shoulders, you're putting weight on your spine. That's not always good, so form matters.

We'll get to alternative squat exercises in a moment. But for guys who practice proper form, and don't push stupidly heavy weights, squats are excellent.

If you're one of these guys, place the bar behind your neck, resting on your shoulders. As with deadlifts, position your back in and your posterior outwards to alleviate pressure on your spine. Slowly lower your body, until your knees are at a 90-degree angle. Then push hard with your knees as you go back up.

Squats are an excellent exercise, but the key here is not to strain the spine. As an alternative, consider similar squat motion movements with a set of dumbbells. Or try sumo squats.

Bench Press

All right, gentlemen, you're at the pinnacle of resistance training. Tell a guy you work out and he's likely to ask you a simple question, "How much can you bench?"

In his day, Arnold Schwarzenegger could bench close to 400 pounds, which is crazy by any standards. As of 2011, the current record for an assisted bench press is over 1000 lbs. Ouch.

To do the bench press, lay flat on your back, with your feet on the floor. Place your hands just outside shoulder-width apart. Lift the bar off the frame, and slowly lower the weight to just above your belly button. Don't bounce it off your stomach. Push hard, and raise it back to the starting position.

With bench press, remember to use a spotter for heavier weights. Stay the course with bench. Do it often, for upper body strength and a great set of pecs.

Supplement with HyperGH 14x

Some guys do the steroids gig, and there's no question that those needles will have your biceps bulging bigger than a king-sized set of watermelons. But steroids will also leave you with acne, shrunken testicles, a risk of permanent impotence, stroke and heart attack, 'roid rage. Could go on for a while.

And though steroids are more of a younger man's game, it's not uncommon for senior men to supplement with synthetic Human Growth Hormone (HGH) which, when you consider the costs and risks involved, aren't much of a better option.

But growth hormone has a measurable influence on muscle growth, and exercise can stimulate exercise-induced growth hormone response, or EIGR, for less fat, more muscle tone and better results from similar efforts in the weight room.

And this means? Use a natural growth hormone supplement, like HyperGH 14x, which stimulates natural, as opposed to synthetic growth hormone, from your body, for muscles, anti-aging benefits, and ultimately, health and happiness.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Learn How to Expand Your Influence Using LinkedIn

February 23, 2012

I wanted to take some time out of my evening to share this treasured and helpful information that will help you grow and market your business, as well as build your list and see an immediate increase in your business or professional goals by harnessing the power of LinkedIn. Many companies are using social media to build their brand, drive traffic, and get exposure.

What matters is how much time you spend on these websites, and if you're on facebook its hard to see how business connections are made, because you have people sharing all sorts of information, from what they did yesterday at the park to what is their favorite food. Leading your way into LinkedIn you will avoid other distractions and see more interaction related to your brand and your unique business.

Many fortunes 500 companies have a profile on LinkedIn. So when you're using LinkedIn your connecting with people and individuals., with a business mindset who are focused on networking for results! You would bypass the gatekeepers and deal strictly with the key decision makers in your industry. Awesome news, and you won't even know what it would be like to be on LinkedIn and see the actual difference than being on Facebook, but you won't see that if you don't get into LinkedIn.

I see so much opportunity on LinkedIn, and that is why I want to share with you Linked Influence, and I want you to gain the most out of LinkedIn to grow your business and to maximize your potential with LinkedIn through Linked-influence. If your a serious influence looking for serious results, and want more sales, sell more products, build your subscribers list or get leads that are highly qualified people attending your web events, Linked-influence is the road map to your success and helps your navigate LinkedIn.

Experience Linked-influence see how you can transform your LinkedIn profile the way it should be to bring your brand more exposure! To make it even easier, I have included a video to explain what Linked-influence will do for your business. Discover a very powerful networking resource designed to put you at the top.

This article was written by one Fatima Veislari our members at APSense Social Business Media Site. I will be promoting more of our members from APSense, who's article catch my attention. Keep up the good work.

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All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

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