Thursday, March 17, 2016

How to Use This Information wisely with You're Success

March 17, 2016

Happy Saint Patrick's Day, first of all.

Providing solutions for your success when you apply the information you have read and reviewed on this blog by following and staying updated with new steps to enhance your abilities at an astounding rate. Regardless of the type of business you are associated with, whether it's eCommerce, MLM, or brick-and-mortar, this blog will provide solutions for your success. This blog will illustrate how you can generate greater results with your marketing approach.

The success of running a business has little to do with luck. This means that when we plan our luck, our efforts will yield results. We must implement a system each time we promote an article, an ad, or an offer. We must provide a return on investment (ROI) as a form of compensation. If not, it would be a waste of human energy.

The purpose of this article is to equip you with practical information that you can start implementing daily from today. There's no reason to feel guilty about applying the knowledge I've gathered. Success can yield a return on investment, not solely in monetary terms but also in the form of establishing enduring relationships that generate ongoing income. If you chase money, the experts in this field of correct mindset say that you will never accomplish this achievement.

Service is a lost commodity in any industry; once you master it and effusively understand how to apply these concepts to your daily activity, you will see the numbers increase. That's why it's crucial to adhere to your performance metrics. What they share will make you either rich or broke.

What we created is a blueprint for success, with the shortest possible route to getting there. You are not taking any incorrect paths. You are following the road to success by understanding how to sell the sizzle and have your audience, customers, and followers access it now.

So let's get started with our development:

Many gifted professional copywriters believe that the title or pitch of your marketing holds the highest significance. If your title fails to capture the attention of your customer's brand, it is unlikely that anyone will click on it. The first step you need to master when promoting your pitch is the title. You can learn more about how we achieved this. Read More.

Curiosity will generate an endless stream of audience members who are requesting more information about your promotion. Engaging with our new prospects is crucial as it provides us with a significant return on investment. We now have a player who we can influence with empathy. Read More

Using social media sites, you can generate a never-ending stream of prospects; my personal favourite is LinkedIn. It provides detailed profiles with filters for you to target your niche prospects in your market. Read More

Prospecting has always been a challenging task; it's crucial to approach your target market in a professional manner, establish credibility, and engage at a satisfactory level of success. Read More This is the essential component; master this, and then the future is in your hands. 

With the above links and information, you should be able to train your team on how to be accountable for results that will become natural.
All you need to have is this ability; very few do. 
Listen to the song; if nothing else, you might have benefited from this article.
 Master this: "Then the wow factor kicks in."

Developing New Leaders, 
An increase in production daily. 
Look forward to your comments and replies.

Happy Saint Patrick's Day,
Whether you're a pioneer or on the opposite side, enjoy it. 

All the Best,

Joseph Botelho

Thursday, March 10, 2016

How to Increasing You're Marketing Skills when writing Headlines

March 10, 2016
Marketing is an unpredictable environment, what worked yesterday may not work today; if we keep this in mind, we will adopt and implement current market trends in our niche industry.  Understanding our market is the most important aspect of becoming a very creative and innovator marketer.  We can write the most original articles, but if no one reads them, they are counterproductive and nowhere to be found in cyberspace.
Marketing is not only a skill but an “Art”; we need to multiply our audience, gain their attention and entice them to read further what we are offering. Once we have accomplished this step, we have an opportunity to make a first-class impression.  So let’s be fair the most import line on your ad, would be the headline of your article. What we all read first, the headline also know as the title of any article, book, etc. If it does not trigger our interest, more than as we click on the next item until we found one we like. Let’s review some ideas to writing real ingenious headlines for your ads, articles or eBooks.
-Telegraph the promise of a positive benefit.
-Emphasize the strongest benefits in conjunction with your niche market, as competent as possible.
-Outline two and sometimes three benefits on your title that will seduce readers.
-Stay away from fancy words; keep it simple and easy to understand.
-Review and make sure you have used proper spelling and grammar.
-The last one l like using is to make your headline stand alone.

-If you can create an attractive title, which stimulates curiosity, it's an absolute bonus.
                                     Excellent Tool for rating your headline
The Stand Alone Test:
What a stand alone tests means is how much of response have you gotten or will get. Here is an example of this trial, “Write for More Information’ would this draw attention from your audience if they like what they had read so far. Leaves your reader with a moment of curiosity, in most situations they will provide the information you have requested so they can have that information. You're trying to sell the sizzle, to induce them to click on your link. 
Writing creative headlines is an art and science all in itself, and well worth spending some time learning and mastering.  The best headlines written are the ones you find on tabloids, such as “The National Enquirer” (l would strongly recommend and suggest you studying these ads in the tabloids.)
They have some of the best Headlines that gain your immediate curiosity and for unknown reasons you have done what they wanted you to do. Buy their useless material! Here are some examples of some original and productive headlines those tabloids like to use. “AMAZING DIET SECRETS OF HOLLYWOOD ACTRESS THAT CAUSES OVERWEIGHT LOSS.”  
You can see how this will work for you, and again you bought their magazine their mission was successful. The headline caught your attention.
With a stronger comprehension of how important a "Headline" you should review and change your headline or title until it has some of the fundamental ideas l have listed for you. 

How effective is my Headline for this article, check the score, and what part of my Title links with the three areas of emotions. Just copy and paste the title into the search browser.

           3 Areas to concentrate when creating a Clever and Effective Headline


All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Friday, March 4, 2016

How do we Protect Ourselves with Hyperinflation

March 4, 2016

First of all, we need to understand what the term Hyperinflation means? It is currently happening worldwide the country can not sustain or keep up with their deflated currency.  Everything we bought yesterday costs more today.

How and where do we invest our money in, certainly not with any bank, stocks are very unpredictable, the same with most mutual funds, or stock options, very confusing and expensive if we decided on the wrong road for our financial return. Could cost our retirement savings we had at one time. Here is the best performing asset in 2016.

I am no expert in this field, but I do listen to the ones that are experts in this area of expertise, Jim Rickards, Mike Maloney, and  Nick Barisheff to mention a few. What controls inflation, debt indeed plays an essential element. Take for example the American deficit at the end of 2015 was $18.1 Trillion dollars with a budget for the fiscal year of 2016 to be approximate $19.4 trillion, mind boggling. How will America and many other countries make their interest payment on their debt? Print more money which is only a bandage that increases additional inflation.

What backs up the U.S. buck, there is no commodity at all. Why Richard Nixon eliminated the gold standard, so he could have his freedom with the U.S. Buck used all over the world as the currency of choice. When Governments need more money, they just print it, who cares at the time, that is their solution. Then along came Mr Ronald Regan, the white shining armour man who had to compete with the cold war with Russia.

What did this competition prove other than increasing spending on their Military Forces, just created more debt? Ronald wanted to have the most up to date weapons, planes, ships, submarines to protect the world. We do appreciate his judgement, but only got us all into a painful period that took years to come back and haunt us all. It arrived several years ago; Mr Bush help the increases also with his reckless spending with a war that never proved any of the claims he had made.

Some of the Solutions for Hyperinflation

-Central Banks have to stop printing more money so they can keep up with the interest on the deficit.
-Government has to find a way to lower their expenditures 
-Increase taxes, with a better system of collecting taxes that are outstanding. 
-Federal Government has to raise the Reserve Requirements
-Federal Government has to implement stricter limitations, regulations with tougher disclosure for mortgage brokers and stock brokers

What are some of your thoughts with Hyperinflation, do you think it is happening at an alarming rate?

The biggest problem with Government Data released for public viewing is that its masquerade corrupted and manipulated by unreliable information.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The Art of Duplication with an E-Commerce or MLM Business

March 1, 2016

When I joined my last and current e-commerce company, I was labelled as (NFL) I am also not talking about the National Football League. What it stands for is (No Friends Left) for me to contact.

When I would start talking about my new business, my friends politely excused themselves from my presence. Honestly now, how could I blame them, they all had been so supportive of my other projects, whether as customers and some even took the gamble to become a member of my team.

I have been with this company now for over five-plus years, not one friend, not one relative did I encourage to join me. They do ask me if I am still doing that business I had talked about; my reply yes I am. Some even ask how is it working out so far, I tell them yes it's working out very well.

Understanding Networking Marketing is Imperative

Why is this so important, the moment we mention Networking Marketing, people immediately create the reasons why it will never work, or will you ever make any money with this scam.

Truth to the matter, people fail as stock brokers, writers, professional athletes along with many other professions they associate with or decide to make it their career.

It's just reality with the career that we chose for making a living with for the rest of our lives. There is no guarantee just because you graduated with the highest mark in your class you're not guaranteed success in that field of choice.

If you learn and study the very few who succeed, you're going to increase your odds against failure.  Your sponsor is the key element of your success; they need to be a coach, leader as well as provide you with the foundation for you to build a successful business.

Resources are training you with the business aspect, educating you on how to become a master of Duplication. Without any duplication this type of activity will never generate the income, you desired.

They need to take the time and show you how to approach your prospects, friends or relatives. Each one has a different approach; you can not sell a family member the same way you are selling a raw prospect.

The Secret with Duplication is working a hot market:

Questions for some what's a hot market mean? How do I create a hot market? Where do I find a hot market? These's are important questions that we need to be aware of if we are going to accomplish this project successfully.

The Hot market involves prospects who already know you and your reputation from past projects, a family member, close friend or business associate. They already trust who you are. Many will join for the simple reason they trust your judgement with what you are doing or have accomplished.

When I signed someone up, I would make it as comfortable as possible. Never asked him how many people they knew, I would always ask do you know two people who would also do what you are doing. Eliminating the thinking that I would need thousands of people for me becoming successful.

Now he is thinking in a logical frame of mind, yes I am pretty sure I know two people who would also benefit from this project. The principal component is all they need to do is introduce two new prospects to this journey for results to happen.

Providing this type of logic has benefits, you have simplified the recruiting process down to just two prospects. When I used this formula, we were closing in a ratio of 68 - 72 percent of new partners that joined our team.

What we did was repeat the same process with each new partner who joined us. Do you know two people who would also benefit from doing what you are doing?

We ae now always working a hot market, because the new prospects trusted the reputation of his sponsor. Keep in mind you never know who the new partner knows as a prospect. Never judge the level they come in at, it doesn't matter, when you work with them they will upgrade to the level that feels comfortable once they are ready.

A big mistake many Network Marketers do, they will push for the new prospect to join at the highest level, for their benefit and no one else's. Creating duplication is working smart, understanding how to use empathy at all levels will provide massive rewards.

Tips on How to work a Cold Market

Providing you with ways of generating streams of new prospects.

How To Engage with New Prospects from your cold market

Showing a blueprint step by step on how to approach your new prospects,

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Sunday, February 28, 2016

You Joined a MLM or an E-Commerce company and Your failing

February 27, 2016

Wow, this is not working out well before I signed; I was assured this was the primary way of generating an extra few dollars. With this outstanding opportunity, it met all of my requirements.

We all have faced this pitch, approach, and some of us even fell for it sadly but very real within this industry. We as humans are always looking for that magical dust that will provide as with the desires we have been seeking.

It is OK to have dreams, visions, goals and even secret desires that we never share with anyone. In reality, all we ever want is what we envision with our inner conscious mind.

But nothing ever generates a positive avenue that will lead us to the land of milk and honey. One that has a different meaning to the few who make it to this Promised Land.

How do we overcome obstacles and generate success?

We need to do our homework much better; we need a coach that can agree or disagree with your choice. Much cheaper if you have a second, third opinion on your direction.

When I say, we need a coach, the individual that officially sponsored you has to be a leader, one that can keep you focused, updated with the latest events that occur in this program.

We have to be able to achieve success at a very early stage of signing up, with any program. Will determine your future success with any Affiliated Marketing Company you join.

How many conferences calls webinars will you be introduced to and be able to lead your new sign-ups to follow your blueprint for success. Let us be honest, every company you ever joined is about duplication, without duplication, you will never succeed with Affiliated Marketing.

Now that we have some understanding of how these's type of programs work, we can better prepare our mindset, with a successful leader.

What You Should Expect From You're Sponsor?

The key element is how dedicated is he going to be with helping you achieving your success with this new business you are involved with.

How accessible is he when you call or email him? Does he call you right back, or reply to your emails within a short period, or perhaps he never gets back to you to address any concerns or question you may have?

Is he willing to help you do three-way calls, has he provide you with a marketing plan for you to engage with new prospects? How effective is he on the phone with your new prospects.

Is he an active listener, who takes the time to address any concerns, questions you or a member of your downline need to be clarified.

Questions to Ask about the MLM company you're thinking of joining?

-How long has the company been in business?
-Have they ever missed a pay period with their members?
-What is the companies financial situation, debt free?
-Who is the founder and CEO of the company and what is his business track record?
-Did he start off as an affiliate with another company, built a solid reputation for getting things done?

Review many of the frequently asked questions, conditions for MLM companies 

You should examine all of the frequently asked questions before signing up with any MLM or E-Commerce company, regardless of how enticing it is.

Doing your homework will save you time, effort, energy and yes money. Sometimes what someone is asking you to do is not in your best of interest.

Leave us some feedback on some of your experience you have had in this industry.
All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Thursday, February 25, 2016

"Being a Guest Blogger will Provide Future Potential too You're Site"

February 26, 2016

Many experts in this field will tell you if you ever wanted to create a very sweet blog that has a potential for becoming a superstar in cyberspace. Then guest blogging could provide several key solutions.

So What Is Guest Blogging?

When a blogger writes content for a blog that is not his/hers; they will get all of the credited for the publication along with a very skilled SEO Feature that very few understand, a click back to their blog or website. If your guest blogging within your brand on a very high ranked site, with thousands of daily visitors each day. Then it certainly will entice some of the visitors to check who you are as a writer, author, and perhaps view your site and what you have done. If your delivery good, solid, content that has a benefit to the reader.

Time is the only thing we can never buy, regardless of how well we are off. Just a fact. So we need to invest our time wisely, avoid mistakes at all costs. The odds of success will play into your hand when you have the crystal ball. 

How it All Works?

You need to start reading other blogs within your niche of writing, business or what it is you write and specialize. Once you read a great article, and the site has merit, potential for you as a writer. Then send the owner a message if he would be interested in guest blogging on your site, and you would do the same thing.

You will need to have this tool on your toolbar. Alexa's Ranking Download it, this is valuable information you need to check out. Do not fritter away your time. Study the numbers, but also, make exceptions, with your decision.

Numbers tell a story, but smarts over rank numbers at times, only you understand what you are trying to accomplish, why numbers at times can be miss leading.

Now it's ShowTime, Contacting the Site Owner!

This step is vital, how you come across will determine if he/she listens to your proposal. Simple as that, the key here is how to create better odds for us to enjoy the rewards of his/her blog.  I wrote this step yesterday; you can review the knowledge and skills of achieving this level, for any industry. Read More!

This step is the most important one in becoming a top notice guest blogger, where you become the hunted, not the hunter. It will take time. Why you will need to master each step, you will need to hustle with the right formula.

How Has it worked for Me?

This concept has provided me with many dividends of success; it provide me with opportunities I never actually dreamed about. One of the best guest bloggers I have also encountered a partner of mine we co-wrote the book "The Millionaire Habit," was Don Boyer, who's also involved in one of the businesses I do promote. Don and his wife Melinda are very successful writers, movie producers and have accomplished many outstanding achievements. Currently, on tour with GIN creating exceptional mindsets.

If you read this blog you will see many articles Mr. Don Boyer wrote for this blog. The information is priceless when used and applied daily.

It's all great, but you will have to add a marketing plan in the beginning, yes l will provide you with a comprehensive formula on how to get found in cyberspace, we do need an audience to read, comment on what we do. Read More on How it is Done

Reasons Why This is affordable?

If you're still with me, then you're going to enjoy this journey. Everything we do, we had a reason for implementing it with our concept. We need to become to be the best storytellers that exist.

Learning how to sell with empathy getting your message without selling anything but providing a solution that has positive results. Your prospect was Googling this crucial phrases; you introduced his solutions. Think about it, remember what I said about having a crystal bowl.

The reason it is affordable, there is no fee, not selling you anything other than an opportunity to get an education for a price called your dedication if you can do this. Then you have a future in this industry.

Sad facts, only under 3 percent ever make this a full-time career. Not giving you a pipe dream why would I.  I would feel guilty taking your money knowing you would never do anything.

See my point, why I love the video you will watch, follow this blog. For all the right reasons, could care less if you do or do not. Will not have any effect other than on your success what we do each day research. Not in the babysitting service. 

Gary will show you how to storytelling at a different level, 
sorry, he uses many adverbs, not suitable for all.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

You're Best Kept Secret When Engaging With New Prospect

February 24, 2016

What is your best-kept secret for engaging new prospect at its earliest stage? How do you pitch a new prospect without coming across as poverty-stricken? How do you keep the interest level of your new opportunity at the highest echelon of communication? Some of the key questions l feel we all have when prospecting. 

One of the first self-help books that helped me on this subject matter was written by Dale Carnegie How to Win Friends and Influence People, an all-time best seller if you have never read this book buy it as soon as possible read it over and over until the information becomes ordinary with your abilities of communication. 

If you want awareness from your prospects then talk about them, review their profile on LinkedIn, empathize their interest levels, as no one else, has, gather as much information about them as possible before sending a request for friendship on FaceBook, or adding them as a contact to your Social Media Network.

When you send them a request, make it personable, mention an interest that they have or a hobby, something that will intrigue his interest. Getting his interest should be the only aspiration you have with any prospect you're trying to recruit to your Social Network. 

One of the biggest prospects that I recruited took me almost six weeks for him to join the company I was pitching him. I did all the right things, provided him with an emotional attachment, spoke about how impressed I was with his track record within our industry, went to a few of his Webinars; he invited me too. 

The key with me closing him was that I listen to what he was looking for. Once I understand who he was and what he was looking for, I turn my efforts around, and then he asked me the question I was hoping he would have one day? So how do I get involved with what you're doing? 

I was driving at the time when the call took place, so I asked him if he was in front of his computer, he said yes, then I just walked him through the signup process, not only did he sign up he upgraded all in the first step. He has led me to endless streams of Network Marketers that has built my business beyond my wildest dreams. 

He has spoken to my partner on many occasions asking him, how in god's name I ever closed him. My partner asked him, why did he close you? His answer the man was always busy, just give me a  few minutes of his time, that intrigued me, made me just want to work with him.  

Steps You Need to Understand Before Contacting a Future Prospect:

1) Review your prospects Profile on LinkedIn; this gives you the most accurate Profile if he keeps it up to date. What I always use.

2) Gather as much information about his interests, education, accomplishments, hobbies, what businesses his into along with his Social Media Habits. Read some of the articles he has written if any. Should help you with a strategy for getting his attention level and also intrigue him.

3) Use a platform to write out your pitch to him or her so that you will have proper spelling, grammar, I use Grammarly for all of my writing, tweets, it's easy to use. The free version is fine unless you want to upgrade, that is entirely up to you.

4) Should be easy because the most important step is you have listened, read everything he/she has said either via email, telephone conversation.

5) Take one last review of what you send him, if it all looks impressive click the send button.

Feel Free to Share your thoughts or what you have benefited from this article

You Have to Listen to Your Prospect

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Welcome To One Gram at a Time

Thank you for taking the time to understanding the "One Gram at a Time Page," it has other meanings, other then the...

Posted by One Gram at a Time on Thursday, February 4, 2016

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