Why is a mindset so important for your success? Most people can not do it, so they never focus on what they want, but focus on what they do not want. Think of what I just shared with you, it is so much easier on dwelling on the problem than the solution.
We beat our self-esteem before we provide our abilities with the positive mindset, that will lead us to that, milk, and honey we all have heard of. We can have anything we want in life! The best-kept secret from the most successful people who have achieved success is a simple process, that is the most difficult one to actually accomplish. Makes no sense, it's simple but complicated.
Complicate, for this reason, we spend more energy, on why it will not work, then on why it will work. The mind, and how you think, will produce the exact results you dwell on. We dwell on the bills we need to pay each month, and all our other obligations we need to meet. So this certainly attracts more negative activity that we need to spend energy on. Really a waste of time, without positive results.
Henry Ford once shared a quote. "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, either way, you are right." what this means is, whatever you think in your mind, the results will occur. The mind is what prevents us all from achieving success. This is a proven fact, that has been studying over, and over again. We have planted the seed for our destination, either way, we are right. With what will happen!
Why I stated earlier, that this is such a simple, but complicated process. We all want success, we mean well, but the only thing holding us back from achieving these's results is the way we think. This should make sense to you. Close your eye's for a few minutes and thinks about what I just shared with you. Review in your inner mind, how you have reacted to your thinking, did it not control your end results?
So how do you get the correct mindset? Different for all of us, some listen to tapes, read books on this subject, but most just accept failure, because they lack the ability to think that success can "NOT" be achieved. They attract and focus on all the reasons they will not become successful. Sad but again, our mindset will lead us in this direction.
Here are three video's that can correct your mindset!
I do listen to them each day, how I listen, not important, I just make time for me to listen to then, and remind me of what I need to do. The one's that provide my mind with results are as followed. How and what you decide in the end is what matters, what works for me, may or may not work for you. But l think you will appreciate them.
Gary Vaynerchuk, from vine TV, provided me with some key phrases, that made me think. He illustrates what it takes to change your life, and the direction you want to achieve. Watch it Now!!
How Bad do You Want Success, is about the ability of how bad you really want to have success in your life, and what your willing to give up to obtain this type of success. Part One of How Bad You Want Success
How Bad do You Want Success, Part Two, this is real to the point, some of you who watch this, may understand what this message is all about? See what your mind thinks, it will achieve it. Simple but so complicated, you can do this. I have and so have so many others, enjoy your journey. Part Two of How Bad You Want Success
All the Best,
Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time
"Pay Yourself First Because the #Economy that Matters Most... is the One in Your Own #Home" https://t.co/wo7XWWjaFZ pic.twitter.com/VSVAtkJ6El— Joseph Botelho (@jfbmarketing) January 19, 2016