I been promoting blogs from "APSense Members" some understand what l am doing. That is not a bad thing at all, we both win, yes l have my reasons for doing this. I enjoy "Results" l hope you also do. It's a simple concept l am going to share with all who have a desire to be good at this.
If we all do this, we will all benefit from this simple process. We all have the same goal in mind here, never forget this. We all have a desire for more hits, traffic, comments, backlinks to our sites. But are we getting them results, some are; most are "NOT". Why for the simple reason, it takes effort and working effectively in obtaining positive results.
Most of you follow the APSense Blog, l promote members articles on this blog that gets good circulation on the web. What if l was to provide you a way of getting additional ex-poser back to your site for "FREE", would l have your attention. "GOOD"
Steps For This To be Effective for YOU
-Use the Share Button. at the bottom of the article.
-Share this article to who you belong too.
-Add a comment.
-By adding a comment that is positive and related to the article, your getting free ex-poser
-Now you are creating a Viral Marketing Campaign
-In return, you get the same from all our Members
The Most Important Step
It's going to increase your traffic by taking full advantage of this process. A simple concept that Lonnie and I have created on Facebook as well as on the APSense Blog.
All you need to do when you share an article on Twitter is at the beginning of your tweet, add this to the front of your tweet "Networking Champs," that will get your story on the blog for free...
All the Best,
Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time
Joseph BotelhoFollow @jfbmarketing
You're Personal Energy Can Create an Abundance of Wealth https://t.co/rMnYIBfCIZ @jfbmarketing #advise #motication— Joseph Botelho (@jfbmarketing) February 11, 2016
This is some really good words you put out here.
I Totally agree on most of it, the rest I agree in. :o)
Well written of you.
Hi Sig,
Thank you the whole process here is for all of us to benefit from each others efforts...how we create back links...
i concur all the way.
thanks for the reply Sara Fan
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