Great Expectations
This is a story l came across and decided to share with you all who read it. I thought it was rather funny and had something to offer us here at APSense, but only you can be the judge. I hope you enjoy it and it made you smile, all that really matters.
On the first day of school, a teacher was glancing over the roll when she noticed a number after each student name, such as 154, 136 or 142.
"Wow! Look at these IQ's," she said to herself. "What a terrific class." The teacher promptly determined to work harder with this class than with any other she ever had.
Throughout the year, she came up with innovative lessons that she thought would challenge the students because she didn't want them to get bored with work that was too easy.
Her plan worked! The class outperformed all the other classes that she taught in the usual way.
Then, during the last quarter of the year, she discovered what those numbers after the students name really were: their locker numbers.
The lesson here is very simple one, if you have the attitude from the start, you can pretty much accomplish anything you want to so never settle your goals or desire low if you think who you are and will become who you really think you are, it's all in your mindset. It all started because she thought that they were top achievers and she didn't want to disappoint them, she believed and convinced herself that she had to apply extra effort.............It is all how you see yourself, will determine what you can accomplish in life so never settle for anything less than you deserve.
All the Best,
Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time
Joseph BotelhoFollow @jfbmarketing "Pay Yourself First Because the #Economy that Matters Most... is the One in Your Own #Home"— Joseph Botelho (@jfbmarketing) January 19, 2016
What a great story! The lesson is a tried-and-true concept that has been taught for years-
"Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." Napoleon Hill's inspiring messages about the power of the mind and using thoughts in a positive manner ring true even today.
Yes it is, exactly what you just stated, you have chosen the correct words to absolutely describe this story...btw long time how have you been....
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