Friday, September 14, 2012

Why GOLD, has caught the "ATTENTION" of Investors!

September 14, 2012

My son's 18th birthday tomorrow what will a buy him, l been watching this chart and so much like the direction it has, what an impact. Yes, Erik l did get your email, with the link to what you would like for your birthday. This chart will have an impact on your thinking and all who take advantage of the numbers, l will provide several factors and why this chart makes sense.


What has happened to "GOLD", since 2001, a steady and very confident return on your investment, it is now going to become even more attractive for us who understand the true value of a real currency for our next method of purchasing power. Global Economy has drastically changed, all we read is about the devalue of this currency or this one, regardless of what country. Governments are printing more money than ever, which will further devalue the paper it is written on, regardless of country. Temporary bandage, adding more interest to your unable debt you can not meet the requirements of payment.

The average investor will have a hard time making money with "GOLD", but what if it was affordable at a different pace, where you would benefit from all your investment moves. With the value of gold currently at $1,718.13 @ Canadian Dollar as of today. With only one way for it to go, and that is up with a predicted value of $10,000.00 within five years. You can read more about this prediction, by Nick Barisheff, worth reading if you seek this type of knowledge.

Anytime wars occur, we all know it becomes costly, with the cost factor of supporting a war, that is meaningless another topic. What is important from an investor's point of you, is the benefits of certain commodities "Gold, Silver, Platinum and other precious metals".

Review this company and all the benefits it will provide you with your investment and the direction it will take you at a pace that is affordable and rescission proof. Here is all the facts, stats, and the reasons why "GOLD" will be the most trusted form of payment for all transactions. You can not print money; it takes a long time to develop gold why it will have the value and slowly increase to unimaginable heights, one day at a time.

One Gram at a Time Watch this short video


All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Monday, September 10, 2012

Accelerating Your Financial Obligation For You're Children's Future Education

September 10, 2012

What we all have dreamed about as parents our kids going to College, University but continuing their education once they have finished high school. We have time we say to our self's, and then all of a sudden the years have passed by. We failed to provide or invest in future education, now how do you feel letting your child from continuing their studies.  Not really good, but this is reality, causes many emotional breaks downs and provides way too much stress.

Planning is an investment, takes time, effort and most of all dedications to what you believe in, having your child well educated as long as it is what they want. If they decide not what they wanted you to have some extra cash, not to happen, an excellent and enjoyable dream. All good dreams come to an end. how do we achieve this, with so many different vehicles of investment that promise you the rewards, way too confusing? Gold is the answer, why? Been around way too long, and the demand for GOLD, you see it on TV, hear it on the radio........etc....etc.......

Understanding this simple step, is a game changer, what is going to be like my (ROI) return on investment, master this, and you have rewards that will speak for them self. Educational funds, worked once, review the yield on them funds, compare it to a rate of inflation with OPEC helping us all out. Educational System is businesses, just consider the cost factor. They are a fortune 500 industry, well planned, well protected and most of all rescission proof.

Providing our kids with an opportunity for post schooling is going to be a Challenge, for the average family, children who will be unable to get the education they deserved and worked for. Something is defiantly wrong here with this concept, but how it all works, greed factor kicks in. We as parents are caught in a catch 22 situation, what if you invested wisely, but lost most of it or all of it the investment. Is it your fault, you made all the right moves, but yet, your left thinking of how l am going to send my loved one to continue their education.

This affordable method of providing for your child's education is within reach with this type of savings when you compare all the factors on how inflation, world crises will have an affected on your savings. Review this company and see if it is what you need! Only you can answer that question, is it time for you to think outside the box, just look at what you have to save and carefully review your return on investment (ROI).......

                               All you need to do is register a "Free Account" to have access to
all the information!

All the Best,
  Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Friday, September 7, 2012

Investing will always be a Gamble, But you have the ability to increase your success

September 7, 2012

Any time you invest there has to be a risk, it's a gamble with all the unexpected that could happen to your investment, one day here next day was gone. Happens to "GOLD and other commodities " also for the simple reason you invest in this product and then cash out, one big problem the "GOLD" is gone. You ask your bank manager, your investment broker, and neither one has a logical answer. Could this happen and how can we overcome this, and have our investment protected. Simple! The old saying l keep my money under my mattress safe and l sleep on it. We all have heard this statement the answer at the end of this article, logical solution.

What is happening in Europe and to some degree of what occurred in America, money problem? No problem we will just print more money. Countries in Europe especially Spain are breaking all of the (ECB) rules European Central Banking; they are lending money when the only authorized bank to lend the (ECB) and yet they are lending to their banking system. How, by printing more money is the only way l see it, further getting themselves into a complete mess.

The main reason they can not write that much money to support countries who are also in the same financial shape, Portugal, Ireland and, of course, Greece. Bottom line, there are a lot of concerns about the world economic way, countries around the globe are in. Printing money is a bandage; all it is. The interest and all the other factors once kicked in will devalue the money printed. Happened in Mexico with their currency and several other countries, destroying their economy.

Gold in a "Safety Deposit Box" in a bank is not safe, simple reason if that institution closes for whatever reason it will take a very long time if ever to obtain what you had in your safety deposit box. Clever name for an item that is to be secured, a safety deposit box. So what gold, silver or diamonds you had in the safe box, it is gone forever. So how do we prevent this and how do we control our wealth, not any natural thing to do! Since the safe deposit box is not that safe.

We are no different than you, all I know is I have lost a lot of money in my life. One thing I always did found the solution or solutions to what just has happened to my wealth. I have been working the internet market for a very long time, actually studied computer science at Devry, for no real appear reason. Since I decided to work in the Automotive Industry as a night cashier well going to college to becoming a Trainer for (GMDA) General Motors Dealers Association of the great Toronto District. Worked at all levels, and understood the automotive industry to this day, my lively hood. Created an international market, based on the American Dollar, at the time, the currency for worldwide trading.

Guess what, one day our Prime Minister on National Television saying things to President Bush back in 2004 that changed the value of paper money. Do your research on this topic, how it affected not only my wealth but countless others who depended on what the value of the US Dollar Closed at. The Bank of America was the leader in this type of hedging funds for future speculation; you locked in. Propaganda played the role as it always has, the dollar dropped without warning overnight. The middle east wars controlled the topics and the spending of investing in a war.

The reality is there is no logical reason for gas to be what it is today a Liter or a Gallon, depending where you live, who controls that. The price fixing is outraged and out of control lead by greed (OPEC) controls our future, and if they had any desire to change our economy, they have the control. Lower your profits and let people be able to move our products around, watch our economy get back on track.

What controls our economic world of monetary issues. The above examples, since you have had an interest in this topic like l said way back at the top, l would share the simple solutions, l thought l also forgot about it.

                                        For the answers of how to protect your investment see
you inside, just have a look!!!
No obligation, just a wise investment solution!

Gold was not selected arbitrarily by governments to be the monetary standard. Gold had developed for many centuries on the free market as the best money; as the "Asset" providing the most stable and desirable monetary medium."  written by Murray N. Rothbard

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Now "YOU CAN," Afford to aquire Gold!

September 5, 2012

We have had the opportunity to read our last article on what the value of gold will be if you have not read it then read it before proceeding with this next article. The reason is you will miss all the relevant information that has been well researched and will make a differences in your financial decisions for your retirement plan.

Savings has been a drilled word in all of us, savings and how do you keep your net worth is a debatable subject that makes or will break you. Should have invested in this, or should of taking that route, God l knew about that company, why did l not look at it closer, all l am asking is take a close look!! But in the end; the action was never taking, so all you have are bad memories for most of us.

Hey, l am "NO" different than you, l have kids, who will continue their education, someone has to pay for that. Do you have them funds in place for your loved one? All we can do for our kids is provide them with what we never had in most case only.

All marketing Companies promise this and that, Karatbars International is a substantial investment company that has a concept that will provide rewards with a steady growth that can turn into a very lucrative investment for your future dreams and desires.

They offer different levels of comfort zones, become a customer and only buy grams of gold which are much more affordable for the average investor. Secondly, you can become part of the organization building a sound investment of gold and also earning revenue from different levels of marketing. Options are always a sound investment when you have so many different avenues of making your investment work for the best possible (ROI).

Not a get Rich limited company; it takes effort if you decide to work with the enterprise, or just sit back and enjoy the yields on your investment. Plan your future what is the best protection you can invest your hard earn money, gold is the simple answer. What is it worth today, what will it be worth tomorrow, in a month or a year. I have been watching this company since October 2011.

Hey, this section provides you with the soft sell, people love gifts, what do l get my son when he graduates, have a wedding to go to what do l buy them, you get the picture. Items that will enhance and create an individual wealth and always be appreciate; and remembered by them.

SHOP AROUND and THANK YOU, for taking the time
Investing in the perfect gift for your loved one!!

Makes a perfect Christmas gift
For Your Loved One, friend, co-worker, etc...
and delivered to your address!!

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Review on What is the Future value of Gold!

August 28, 2012

Review of What is the Future value of Gold!

I created and wrote this because l have an interest in sharing some information that l have been doing a lot of research into. No one can ever be accurate, regardless of how much effort and diligence's you apply to your research on your investment. Gold has always been a wise investment, since the "San Francisco Gold Rush" and well before that; it was the principal currency for may years and way of payment for services.

At the current moment, this investment is out of the reach for most of us to invest with a positive (ROI) return on your investment. There are ways of investing in Gold, with a lot less money and building a stable future that is also rescission proof against inflation and world financial crises in this ever changing economy.

Money is a necessity in our everyday life. He or she, who has little money, and those who have more want to secure and protect it, but how do we achieve this? Gold has always been used as a means of payment and a standard of wealth in over 194 countries.

The question you may have will probably include the following questions? How do l purchase gold, where do l buying and what do l need to know when exchanging paper currency into Gold.

The above are real questions and concerns for most of us to understand with any investment and what are the risks and what you can afford. What gold provides is a currency that is recession proof and easily converted, depending on the size, brokerage firm and several other factors. Now that we have a little understanding, and your still reading this article, let me now share what I am talking about. Watch this short video by Nick Barisheff  President and CEO of Bullion Management Group allow him to share with you why it will be one of the smartest investment you can make!

Watch This Video with Nick Barisheff on why he thinks Gold will have this value


All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Friday, August 17, 2012

Joint Ventures can provide many financial rewards

August 17, 2012

How can you benefit from joint ventures and make them work effectively for your marketing campaigns? There is an old saying if you can not beat them, you have to join them after all, two heads are better than one. If you have a desire for your marketing efforts to have a significant increase in market reach, break into your niche market and directly generate skyrocketing revenues in a short amount of time. More and more marketers on the internet are using these old adages are becoming more relevant.

You are about to learn one of the most powerful ways of becoming very successful in today's competitive business world of marketing. Joint Ventures is a term used when you team up with another person or groups of people doing the same thing you are doing. That is expanding your business influence and creating a more powerful way of marketing your business growth to a whole new audience you only dreamed of.

For you to become successful being part of a Joint Venture team you will need to understand how it all works and what is expected of you when you become part of a Joint Venture. Let's review the key areas that you will need to understand fully and see if a Joint Venture is tailored to your business expectation and growth pattern.

What is a Joint Venture first of all?

A Joint Venture is when you team up with another business partner and share knowledge, strategies, assets and of course profit, is a lame term for a Joint Venture.  When small companies join one another in a Joint Venture they now more options and abilities to compete with bigger and more reliable businesses in the same industry. In some cases large enterprises with join smaller groups for the particular reason to obtain information, the technology that otherwise would never happen regardless of how much money the large corporation had.

The next step is getting all the guidelines in place, so all members and parties understand the agreement and what is expected of each other.  The legal agreement of what assets tangible and intangible that each brings to the table should all be drafted and signed by each party for future protection if things fall out of place. This legal advice should only be handled by knowledge legal firm that understands Joint Venture Law.

The biggest opportunity that Joint Venture provide you and your business is how your business we increase. The market share by being exposed by different members showcasing and presenting your items for sale on their Special offer sheets, when someone logs in there is a series of splash pages that you will need to bypass before you can get to your account. Sometimes the mind becomes curious when an item shows up, and you have an interest in it, and you bought without even knowing you were going to buy anything. Offers being provided by affiliated markets from Click Bank, Click Brief just name a couple of them.

There are all types of Joint Ventures that you can join as a Free Member and perhaps down the road you may decide to upgrade your account and share more of the profits you will earn for being a contributor to that Join Venture.

 Just click on this link for your Free E-Book as a Gift for reading this article

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Welcome To Nutty Give A ways

August 15, 2012

We are always looking for short cuts in building our email list, with quality traffic that has an interest in what we are promoting and providing. Nutty GiveAways has come up with a good way of making this dream become a reality.

More than likely not the first article you have read providing you with this type of information in building a successful email list. What l would like to do is share with you some solid reasons, why this will have an effect on your list.

Ground floor opportunity was providing you with many benefits as an early bird to this Joint Venture of giving away gifts, e-books and many additional opportunities for you to succeed with this program and at the same time making some extra money.

This Event will Start on Friday, August 31, 2012. Please keep in mind that this offer will be available ONLY until August 31, 2012, and then the door will shut down.

Reason # One: Untapped income potential with your digital products
Reason # Two: Best products on the market at your finger tip.
Reason # Three: Hot selling products Free of Cost in here
Reason # Four: Temped visitors turn, subscribers and then customers.
Reason # Five: You make the relentless profit each day to live your dream life.

All the Best,

Joseph F. Botelho One Gram at a Time

Joseph Botelho

Welcome To One Gram at a Time

Thank you for taking the time to understanding the "One Gram at a Time Page," it has other meanings, other then the...

Posted by One Gram at a Time on Thursday, February 4, 2016

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